Installation and installation of snowstanders do it yourself

December 2. Roof Views 662. Comments To write Installation and installation of snowstanders do it yourself No

Every year with the onset of winter, most of the owners of country houses apply maximum effort to fight snow. In conditions of the harsh climate, it is impossible to completely avoid the accumulation of snow on the roofs of houses. To minimize the convergence of large snow mass reservoirs from the roofs, it is necessary to take care of the installation of protective fences in advance.

Each host has the right to decide how to do it - to invite special services 2 times a month to clear the roof from the accumulated snow, or take care of it in advance and install snowstanders.

Types of snowfootholders for root protection

Do you know what the main purpose of snowstores? As the name suggests, it is a special device, which delays the snow and prevents its accumulation on the roofs of buildings.

Such systems are suitable for those regions of the country where the sediments fall out regularly. That is, in winter, snowstores will completely cope with their tasks if the snow will fall out not 24 hours a day and for several months. The snow is gradually accumulated on the roof, but in small quantities.

If we consider with the technical side of snowstores, then they happen:

  • made of pipes;
  • from durable material in the form of a lattice;
  • in the form of corners or plates;
  • snowfall in the form of hooks.

The first version of the protection of buildings from snowfall is a design that consists of several metal pipes of one or different diameters. They are fixed in the bracket and are attached to the crate. Naturally, the strength of such a fence can be said that it depends on the whole design, at what distance there are pipes located between the bracket. To strengthen the endurance of such a snowmobile, you need to install pipes on the bracket with a small step.

Olympus Digital Camera.

The lattice snowstores externally resemble a low fencing (as a fence), in the form of thin lattices bonded between themselves. Made such fences from the metal profile (frame or corners). Length and height can be different and depend on what kind of building they are installed. Such types of snowstores can be called universal, because the designs are not only well coped with the tasks assigned, but they can be installed on the roof of the tile (artificial or natural) and sheet material.


Plate or corner snowstores are installed on a metal base, euro-terrace, galvanized steel. Such elements of snowstands are made of one material (for overlapping the roof) - this is the advantage on one side, and on the other hand, the lack of a structure, because they are not able to delay a lot of snow. Therefore, owners of country houses should expect periodic convergence of "mini-avalante" from the roof and be ready for timely cleaning of the roofs of snow. Mounted such snowstores at the same time when the roof is played. It is also allowed to install individual elements on the roof of the building.


Hooks snowstores a lot of snow are not able to delay, but they are suitable for installation on a soft roof, for example, from bituminous tiles. Externally, there are small hooks that are installed in a checker order at different distances from each other.


There is another kind of snowpoints - log. Such protective fences on the roof were installed in the last century to delay the convergence of the snow mass with the roof of buildings. Now such a type of protection is found not often, only perhaps if you need to support a single style structure (building in the Alpine style). By the way, despite the forget of such fences from snow, log snowmates are highly efficient and distinguished by a high degree of reliability. But due to the problem of installation and high cost, are currently used not often.


What snowstores are suitable for soft roof

The soft roof of the building is the most problematic, because according to the construction standards, the angle to the maximum should not exceed 15 degrees. But if the roof is common, then the snow alignment comes down to a minimum. This does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the protective devices, on the contrary, it is necessary to approach their choice as responsibly as possible. Namely - snowstores should not be massive and heavy. The best suited corner snowstores that need to be mounted in a checker order.

On the benefits of snowfootholders for any type of roof, including for soft:

  • ensuring uniform natural melting of snow (under the influence of sunlight);
  • the elimination of the sharp convergence of the stancy of snow from the roof;
  • additional thermal insulation (albeit small, but it is present);
  • improving the appearance of the roof, plus the uniform distribution of the load on the roof (the snow is distributed evenly).

You can not remember about the flaws because they are missing. The only thing that needs to pay attention to the installation of snow-holders with their own hands is to choose from the protection of the roof overlapping material. If these requirements are withstanding, snowstocks will cope with the tasks.


How to make snowstores on the roof with your own hands

Make a snowman with your own hands will not be a lot of work. For most roofs (exception - soft roofing), suitable lattice designs.

Consider more detailed how to make snowstores on metal tile do it yourself.

For work it is necessary to prepare materials and tools:

  • metal corner;
  • medium diameter pipes;
  • opports suspended;
  • bulgarian, drill and welding machine;
  • roulette, construction level, line (roulette) and pencil.

Before making protection, it is necessary to know the roof area. It can be measured right on the spot, using a tape measure and then repel from these numbers to calculate the size of the structure.

Remember that all the work needs to be carried out in a room or on the street (depending on what time you started training), and then ready-made designs are mounted right on the spot.

Snowman must be assembled according to the drawings:


It will be a design consisting of a metal corner (from it you need to weld the frame for the lattice), and a pipe will serve as the main reinforcing element.

The procedure for assembling a snow-holder on the roof with your own hands:

  1. Bulgarian needs to make blanks.
  2. Corners grab to get a rectangular blank.
  3. Cooking the welding machine only the upper corners of the frame, because the entire design should be checked in terms of level. It must be perfectly imposed as horizontally and vertically.
  4. If everything turned out and the design is smooth, then further the framework can be brewed thoroughly, but to the resulting smooth rectangular frame to trigger perpendicular to the pipes so that variations are vertically.
  5. Next, it is necessary to make lattices, install fencing on suspended supports (sold in the store).

This is what the tubular snow-maudler, made with his own hands, looks:


How to make snowstorm-hooks

It is easier to make independent snow walls in the form of hooks.


  • strips of sheet steel;
  • fasteners;
  • pliers;
  • special scissors to cut metal.

Procedure for conducting work:

  1. On the sheet began to make an outline.
  2. Cut on the outlined contour of the workpiece.
  3. Bend each workpiece with a special tool so that on one side the straight strip remains, and on the other hand, it turned out a triangle.
  4. Work on the installation of snowstores with their own hands on the site, screwing up self-taking to the coating.

Important: This kind of snowstand is installed simultaneously during the work on the roof overlapping.

Homemade snowstand holder with her own hands:


How to independently install a snowstore-log

Boheli or logs are the best protection against snowfall. But in order to perform the installation of protection from the wood array, you need to install special support hooks on the roof. Another option is also possible: instead of massive logs to install metal pipes.

To cope independently with the installation of environmentally friendly natural material, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the information presented in the photo:


The advantages of installing pipes or logs are obvious:

  • this is the speed of installation, because metal pipes or logs are attached to the cornice at the height of the half meter;
  • in order not to damage the roof, it is necessary to put wooden bars under the snowstorm;
  • if we treat with special means of wooden protection, it will serve several decades.

How to independently install snow protection

You bought a ready-made snowmobile set or made yourself, check out the installation rules:

  1. If you are using a plate type of protection, then it must be screwed onto each section "scallop" metal tiles.
  2. If corner protection is used, you can screw the elements in a checker order: an even number, the next lower row is odd and so on.
  3. For roofs with attic windows, you also need to put protection on top. For fastening, use self-tapping screws made of stainless material with rubberized gasket. Thus you can avoid red flue and rust formation.
  4. Each drilled hole must be treated with sealant.
  5. Set any type of snow protection from below, smoothly moving up. An indent from the edge of the roof is a half-meter.
  6. Each type of protection has its own installation methods, if corner and point can be installed through one with a pitch of 0.5 m, then tubular only on one line.
  7. If a double rate of precipitation falls in your area, then snowstand can be installed in 2 and even 3 rows. Step between structures - 5 m.
  8. Tubular protection is fixed on screws to the bars of the crates, drilling the roof. Set around the perimeter of the roof of the building or in places where the bearing walls are located. Thus, the load from the roof is removed.


How to care for the roof

If you prepared in advance for the winter, snow protection devices installed, it does not exempt from the timely cleaning of the roofs from snow. If this is not done, the snow will accumulate, which can lead to the collapse of the snow formation. In addition, a lot of snow is the load on the structure, and in the thaw - the risk of leaks in weak places, in places of passage of the grooves.

Also because of the accumulated snow it is possible to block the water flow system. And this is a change in the temperature regime, which also leads to the formation of holes and leaks, rotting due to the disorders of the waterproofing coating.

Now you know how to independently make snowpots and how to prevent snow accumulation on the roof.

How to make snowstores with your own hands. Video:


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