Making garden area for relaxing. Key recommendations

March 14 Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3277 Comments recording Making a garden area for relaxing. Key recommendations No

Life in the country or their own country house is connected with the work on the ground, but as they say: "Not by bread alone ..." Cottage - it is also a place where you want to rest: whether in a secluded cozy corner with a book, or a group of friends with barbecue, games, songs live near the fire. A children's suburban life - is the ability to run till you drop, make noise as you like, in general, be able to do what they do not have in a city apartment. How to make a garden area, to her it was possible to have a rest family members with different requests, discussed below.  

Types of rest areas at the location

In the garden for relaxation can distinguish different areas such as:

  • input or stalls;
  • private garden or patio;
  • an outdoor area;
  • isolated area.

How to please

To all members of the family feel comfortable, you need to understand that in the same place, a rest well and stay happy with everything, there is another uncomfortable, the third space is not enough. Therefore, you should know that there are several types of rest areas:

  • for kids;
  • for grandparents;
  • the zone where you can get together, and also guests to invite.

Well, if there is a place to arrange separate corners for family members of interest, but even if even the area is limited, with a recreation area, you need to take everything.

Playground for children

If we are talking about rest, first of all I want to be well for children, so in the recreation area on the plot you need approximately such things like:

  • swing;
  • if it allows the area, then the hill;
  • sandbox;
  • horizontal bar;
  • house, some intricate fabulous architecture.

Responsibly need to approach the selection of plants:

  1. Beautiful roses, but there are spikes there, the same can be said about the bushes of the gooseberry, so they should not be on the site, which is equipped for children, nor nearby.
  2. Before adding the playground with flowers, ask their properties, because many of them, even those with which we seem to be known for a long time turn out to be poisonous or allergenic. These include:
  • hellebore;
  • digitalis;
  • lily of the valley;
  • delphinium,;
  • iris yellow;
  • and even handsome hyacinth, catchment and root.

Depending on what your kids are fond of, pick up the style of the site. He might be :

  • fabulous;
  • correspond to the plot of your favorite cartoon;
  • and perhaps children will want to make a layout of a pirate ship or rocket for intergalactic travel.

It is necessary to consider and cover the playground. There are options:

  • green soft lawn;
  • sand or explosion from the crushed stone;
  • if the means allow, the coating is made in the form of a mosaic of foamed materials: plastic and rubberized;
  • assible and solid materials, such as asphalt, concrete, but children often fall and better so that it is softer.

Having arrange a vacation platform for children, listen to such advice:

  1. Nobody, as children, can not fantasize, so listen to them, then they with great pleasure will spend time in their zone instead of pulling the beds in the garden.
  2. It is also important that: the playground should be all the time in the field of vision of adults. Good viewing from the windows of the house and from the open area if adults are located there is obligatory.


Natural therapy for grandmother and not only

Older people with pleasure devote their time to work on garden and flower beds, in the garden, trying to provide grandchildren and children with environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits. At the same time, they often forget about the rest, and if in the garden is to allocate a secluded shady in the garden, it is unlikely that a grandmother or grandfather stands to the temptation to sit there and look at the cottage from another point of view: how to place a rest, and not for tireless work in the morning until the evening. Such a seating area in the garden has its own characteristics:

  • it is necessary to install a good wide bench, so that it can be and to turn it into the sofa, not only sit, but also lie on it, straightening the back;
  • very relevant with the arrangement area of \u200b\u200bthe gazebo. She will protect it from the Sun, and the rain will hide;
  • read a book or play chess is more convenient not on the bench, but at the table, so do not forget about it too.

If your site has a cozy place located between the summer kitchen, for example, and some kind of economic building, then here you can also arrange a recreation area - such an inner courtyard, which is also called a beautiful melodious word - patio. Internal courtyard can be issued:

  • fountainic;
  • a small pond;
  • a flower bed;
  • put shrubs there;
  • swim on the walls of kashpo with beautiful decorative plants;
  • make paving from clinker tiles;
  • at the site can be installed pergola, according to which grapes or decorative flowering plants are beautiful;
  • put summer furniture;
  • hang carpet;
  • shoot the pillows on a sofa or lay.

For the patio it will be good:

  • furniture made of artificial rattan wicker. Well will fit into the design and forged furniture;
  • material for furniture frame must have anticorrosive properties. As a rule, it is aluminum or stainless steel;
  • sofa pillows are dressed in waterproof or skin covers;
  • the surface of the table can be glass.


Playground for all

The platform where the whole family rests and where guests are taken, may be the following types:

  1. Open.
  2. Closed.

Open platform of rest

Typically, the whole family is going together on holidays or just a warm summer evening. The platform for such a rest will be the most comfortable as possible if there will be:

  • canopy, because the weather can change at any time and not to run away into the house at the first drops of rain;
  • the table is more, if possible;
  • benches around the table. At the same time, they can be stationary or portable;
  • of course, a brazier or barbecue, and maybe the fireplace is street. The main thing is to take into account when installing the wind rose, so that the sparks are not flew away;
  • sports structures on free space, such as basketball rings, volleyball mesh, tennis or billiard table, table hockey. This is designed for modern gardens;
  • the coating is better solid: a beautiful decorative tile, asphalt, a dump truck, but in the sports zone the best solution is a lawn;
  • decorates the common platform of beautiful flower bed or mixborror;
  • in large floral pots, exotic plants are placed around the perimeter, for example: monster, palm tree or diffenbachy;
  • here you can arrange a small lake with water vegetation and the fountain in the middle;
  • it looks beautifully a garden path, leading to the center of the platform, surrounded by a floral curb, with benches. This design is typical for regular gardens.

The open area of \u200b\u200brecreation can be done right at the entrance to the garden. Already opening the gate to the site, each incoming understands that he got there, where all the conditions are available for a pleasant pastime. Components such a platform are:

  • lighting. The sun should not shine when you sit on your favorite bench. The same requirement is advanced to artificial lighting;
  • engineering systems, such as storm sewage, watering system and drainage.

Remember: Fire safety rules when equipped with a recreation area in the garden are mandatory for compliance. Lighting Mount in those zones where you will relax, cook, move.

Closed platform or open room

For such a site, it is characteristic that it represents a room, because it is separated from the rest of the garden space. Its mandatory attributes are:

  1. Canopy.
  2. Tile or wooden floor.
  3. Furniture.
  4. Improvised walls that create:
  • High plants in the tubs;
  • suspended on a portable metal structure, pieces of decorative fabric;
  • mat.


Playground under a tree

A good version of the insulated platform is a device under an old tree or a group of trees with a thick crown - a real "oasis" for relaxation. Additionally, isolate this place can be a live curtain of curly and carrying lack of sun, plants:

  • wild hop;
  • certain types of Clematis;
  • hopicoli.

Here you can install furniture:

  • sun loungers for cottages;
  • benches;
  • table.


Selecting furniture, such as sun loungers, follow:

  • better wood - lasts longer;
  • enjoy the convenience - it has to be equally comfortable for both sitting and for lying;
  • i obliged easily folded;
  • harmoniously fit into the design.


About the gazebo to give wants to tell apart. There are two types:

  • stationary, standing on the foundation of thorough;
  • collapsible.

Collapsible gazebos and their benefits


  • at the end of the summer season is collected and entered into the house;
  • Spring set in the garden, with its place of dislocation is changed at will;
  • assembled and installed simply;
  • the foundation is not required;
  • you can buy ready-made gazebo or make its own from scrap materials;
  • available for sale a variety of designs, allowing to adjust the outdoor gazebo.

Collapsible gazebos are of the following types:

  • the most popular - with a frame made of tubular profiles and the top of durable damp-proof material;
  • wooden uprights and a base of the welded metal profile. The base is mounted on a flat surface and the rack attached thereto.

Collapsible gazebo made of plastic

Gazebo made of plastic has its advantages:

  • they will not rot;
  • they do not need to paint;
  • easily repaired;
  • not deformed;
  • fireproof;
  • it has a lot of color options;
  • quick to install;
  • it has a large variety of forms;
  • are over 50 years old and more - at least, so the manufacturers claim;
  • you can leave for the winter, and in spring just wash.

When choosing a gazebo pay attention to the type of plastic that is used for its production and use:

  • PVC - the cheapest, but not very durable. If you put a gazebo in the sun, it will begin to produce toxins;
  • polypropylene (PP) - is more expensive, transmits light. The strength is not enough. It is better if it is used in combination with a removable metal frame;
  • polycarbonate - strong enough to easily keep the shape and light transmissive material. The most expensive of the three.


Metal gazebos

Special elegance and refinement of different forged metal gazebo. These lacy structure:

  • it fits perfectly into the landscape;
  • durable;
  • thanks to the plasticity of the material, it is possible to realize any idea in their manufacture;
  • perfectly blended with vines, planted at the walls.


Wooden gazebo stationary


The most environmentally friendly material for arbors is a tree. Most often, it is used to build it. Now it is not necessary to do everything with your own hands, because you can buy a ready-made wooden arbor. True, the foundation, though easy, still to do. Choosing a gazebo in the supermarket, pay attention to:

  • price;
  • the size;
  • configuration;
  • material.

Excellent woven wooden arbors of the Elitleto series releases a Russian manufacturer with the same name. They refer to the discharge of elite. The collection contains models:

  • hexagon;
  • rectangular;
  • with the roof of soft tiles of flowers: red, golden, green, brown;
  • with decorative ornaments woven from natural or polyamide threads;
  • with a set of furniture with protective covers, including a convenient hammock for cottages;


  • with mosquito nets.

Of course, a wooden gazebo, even if you bought a prefabricated version, it should not be disassembled for the winter, as it will reduce its service life.


If you really want to realize your own dream and build a gazebo with your own hands, then with the technology of its manufacture, you will read, looking at the video:



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