How to choose a hammock for giving?

March 15. Useful advice, Plot. Views 3401 Comments To record How to choose a hammock for giving? No

As the Americans say: "By acquiring a hammock, it is possible to significantly save on visits to the psychotherapist." And it is really true, because it can relax, relax, relieve stress and get a positive energy charge, sitting in a cozy and peaceful place in nature.


Today we will look at what is hammocks and how to choose this product.

Modern hammocks differ among themselves according to the following signs:

  • to size;


  • the type of material used;


  • fixation method;


  • designs;


  • by magnitude of permissible weight.

The simplest type of hammock for giving is considered a suspended hammock. In order to suspend it, several trees or a different support will be required. However, it is recommended to establish stationary supports on the homeland or with a frequent use of its use.

If you only spend the weekend at the cottage, the ideal version will be a hammock with a frame. Such a fairly simple design is very convenient to collect and disassemble, as well as transporting a car in the trunk.

An alternative to the usual type of hammock is a hammock chair. Sitting in it is also comfortable, but it is more practical. For children, manufacturers offer hammocks swing and children's small products that occupy a minimum place.

How to choose a hammock watch video:

Types of hammocks:

Hammock suspended (hammock mesh)

Olympus Digital Camera.

Such a hammock is sometimes called classic. Today you can also find products that are equipped with a removable waterproof bottom and mosquito net. In this case, they are often created from synthetic materials, and not from palm fibers. You can arrange it anywhere by installing a special support. If there is no desire to bother, then just find two suitable wood.

Hammock with carcass




This design is actively gaining popularity for the reason that it does not require the installation of an additional support.

A hammock having a frame that can be:

  • stationary;
  • team.

The team type is most practical because it can be easily transported to another place. Its frame is made of light thin metal, which is great for short-term departures outside the city.

As for the stationary design, it can be located anywhere, but you will not take to the beach.

Thanks to the enormous fancy of designers and increased demand for this product, manufacturers began to offer exclusive hammocks on the frame, which have increased comfort, strength, built-in canopy and sometimes are made of exotic trees.


The price of such a product is sometimes compared with the cost of works of art, however, if you have the opportunity, you can completely surprise friends and pamper yourself a unique highlight in the interior.


cartagena 3.

This kind of hammock is ideal for reading books or mental activities. At the same time, it may have the appearance of not only the "sun bed", but also allows you to sit comfortably. Some constructions of the suspended chair-hammock are equipped with pillows, a mattress and a canopy.

Hammock swing


A distinctive feature of this hammock is the presence of one point of fixation. It may have a frame, and also be done without it. In some embodiments, manufacturers offer such a hammock in the form of a chair.

Hammock tent

image. hmk14

This kind of hammock consists of the following parts:

  • accessories for fixation;
  • the tent;
  • mosquito net with zip;
  • of products made of synthetic fabric.

Hammock sewn in such a way that it is possible to lay the foundation reinforcement between the layers of fabric. Today 3 types of products produced: large, medium, small, are different each other by fastening, the shape and dimensions of the awning.

The choice of the hammock to give

Since hammocks are of different species, initially need to pay attention to their following characteristics:

1. The material from which he is performed by a hammock


It is believed that hammock mesh is less convenient compared to fabric. However, be sure to consider the features of the climate, since it is the material that will be in contact with your skin.

For example, hammocks made of natural tissue are capable of taking the body shape, stretch, are more pleasant to the touch and have a smooth surface. Mesh - made from round and flat cord. At the same time, the first option is more economical, and the second is preferable because it does not cut and does not rub the skin.

2. Shape and size hammock


This parameter is selected based on individual preferences. The most common type is sleeping hammocks, while if you are a fan of privacy, then you will fit the product width of 140 cm.

3. Functionality and safe


Choosing a hammock, give preference to more spacious products: with a small angle of inclination you should not fall out of it. At the same time, it must withstand the weight of up to 200 kg, have a durable weaving of transverse slats and a good tissue density.

4. Additional attributes


Always clarify the seller's availability of the entire configuration. A well-proven manufacturer can provide a mosquito net, plaid or soft pillows as a bonus.

Where and how to hang a hammock



  • place a hammock next to a canopy and over a clean place;
  • consider the winds of the wind and the course of the Sun;
  • use exceptionally reliable and solid support;
  • it is advisable to arrange it in the shade of trees;
  • consider the fact that during operation a hammock can stretch, therefore the distance between the support should exceed the length of the product to 30 cm;
  • if you fix the hammock to the tree trunk, then it must be from 200 mm in diameter;
  • if you use pillars, you do not keep them into the ground at least 100 cm and concrete;
  • the optimal fastening height reaches 150-170 cm from the surface of the Earth;
  • be sure to pride the adjustment of the sling.

How to choose a hammock for giving video:

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