Lavender: landing, cultivation and care

June 30. Plot. Views 7653. 1 comment To Lavender's entry: landing, cultivation and care

In the process of developing a project design of the house territory, the question of choosing suitable plants will certainly arise. Standard selection criteria consist in the desired ease of landing and care of green plantings, but that while the site landscape was different, brightness and originality. All this is easy to implement when landing lavender, the main types and rules of cultivation of which are described below.

Types of lavender


To properly select the appropriate type of this flower for landing on your own site, first explore the existing species and their distinctive characteristics. With this approach, the lavender in the garden will be really an excellent solution. 1111_69

All existing varieties today are defined in the following groups:

  1. Ultrasound (English). Externally, this plant looks like long spikelets and inflorescences in the frame of narrow leaves. The size of the bushes reach 1 meter in diameter and height. It is this species that most often causes the interest of gardeners for landing lavender in the conditions of northern latitude due to its excellent winter hardiness. The flowering of many varieties of this species occurs from early June and until the end of July. Lavandula1.

    Important! If you prefer this type, note that the landing and care for Lavend English does not take a long time. It is noteworthy that it is not required for her autumn digging.


  2. Waste (French). Plants of this type will require more time and attention, since the individuals of the French species are quite capricious to growing conditions. Distinctive features are shorter inflorescences represented by a very wide gamut of shades, and wide leaves. In addition, consider when choosing a variety that not all the colors of this type are distinguished by a pleasant aroma. An excellent option will be such a lavender at home cultivation conditions. Flowers wide lavender in May. Lavandula_stoechas_otto_quast_emz_2.standalone.prod_affiliate.4.
  3. Gear. The varieties of this group are predominantly thermal-loving, so they are also suitable for planting in pots of the house or in the open areas of the southern strip. The gear lavender is characterized by silvery soft leaves and inflorescences of the blue color of several shades. 83208_C12C19A1.
  4. Hybrid (Dutch). Such bushes lavender differ quite large size - the height of some individuals reaches 2 meters. Since they are brought mainly from a narrowly lavender, the appearance of plants has the same distinctive features, but the inflorescences are larger. The frost resistance of the hybrid lavender is not very high, so winter transplantation will be required. The period of flowering is later - starts from July. 635WRE6UJEELB0FN60CNSRKEIFRFRSXO.

    Important! When choosing a type, be sure to consider the features of the attractiveness of plants - preview the photo of the lavender of the selected group in adulthood. Take into account the possibility of growing such individuals on your own sector, focusing on climatic conditions. vv_flower_lavender_1_h_orig

Shades of lavender


The color palette of the inflorescences of this shrub is quite wide, presented mainly by multiple shades of the following colors:

  • purple;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • white;
  • pink. original.

Popular varieties


Pay attention to the proposed list of varieties that are constant popularity:

  • Alba;
  • Arabian night;
  • Helmsdale;
  • Grosso; lava.
  • Rosea;
  • Munstead;
  • Hidcote Blue; 1348221704
  • Richard Gray;
  • Tiara;
  • Hidcote Giant;
  • Willow Vale; Norfolk Lavender.
  • Sawyers;
  • Rocky Road;
  • Royal Crown. 0_33EB3_5Fe0E0E3_ORIG.

Important! Given the fact that with the help of Lavender, you can not only diversify the design of the landscape zone, but also the interior of the living rooms, when buying seedlings or seeds, carefully distribute, what kind of lavender is home, and which varieties are acceptable to land on the open plot.


How to choose a landing place?


When choosing a landing site of lavender, consider the following requirements:

  • open territory with direct sunlight access;
  • absence near reservoirs;
  • if the relief of the whole local area is not gentle, give preference to the hill - in this case, the care of the lavender will be much easier. 11AB29.

What is the soil suitable for lavender?

With regard to the quality of the soil for landing lavender, there are quite certain requirements. 2

Check out carefully to choose the most suitable area for the full development of the plant:

  1. Dry.
  2. Sand-clay or gravel.
  3. Moderate fertility.
  4. Preferably with lime content.
  5. Well drained. 52AA1C.

    Important! If there is no possibility of landing and care on Earth, fully responding to all of the above conditions, first of all, eliminate those areas that distinguishes increased acidity and high groundwater location. To ensure good circulation of air and moisture, form artificial drainage on heavy soil. hOME15387-1

When to plant a lavender?

So that the seedlings quickly climb or when landing, seeds quickly appeared shoots, perform all work in May. klumba-Lavanda.

Rules landing


The entire planting process consists of several stages:

  1. Proper soil preparation.
  2. Preparation of seedlings or seeds.
  3. Placing seedlings on flower beds. la-Lavande-John-Galbo

    Important! Be sure to fulfill all the listed work to ensure the lush flowering of lavender and its resistance to the subsequent cold in the winter period. The volume will depend on what kind of reproduction method you have chosen. Most of the time it is precisely preparatory work, the landing itself is only a small tolik. 57450006_50359508_39211159_113

Preparation of soil

To prepare the soil correctly, follow these procedures:

  1. Correctly delimo the site under the landing of the lavender.
  2. Adhere to the following recommendations regarding the distance when digging the pits under the plants:
  3. From dugged earth, create a soil mixture in accordance with the proposed proportions:
    • sheet land - 3 parts;
    • humid or compost - 2 parts;
    • sand - 1 part;
    • mineral fertilizer, for example, Kemira-Universal - 20 grams per pit. luxfon.com_9543
  4. Drop the depth of each jam in the range of 30-50 cm.
  5. If you perform a landing on heavy soil, form a sand drainage on the bottom, rubble and broken bricks with a layer to 20 cm.

    Important! In this case, make the depth of the pit more than the standard requirements are prescribed. 584226094

  6. Before boarding, fill the pits on the 2/3 of the cooked mixture.

Preparation of saplings


If you purchased seedlings as a landing material, prepare them as follows:

  1. Place the bushes for 1-1.5 hours in the water.
  2. Cut the top of the plant.
  3. Remove excess roots, as well as lower branches. Lavandula Angustifolia Hidcotesuperior.

Preparation of seeds


To prepare seeds to landing, follow these procedures:

  1. Take the box.
  2. Fill it with sandy soil.
  3. Moisten the soil.
  4. Sew seeds.
  5. Leave germinate at a temperature of + 5C 1-1.5 months.
  6. After this period, transfer the box to a dry warm place.
  7. Wait until the lavender seeds give good shoots.
  8. Put them on the flower beds. c9F21C4F3D15901C5090A37997FF0A37997FF0698.

Lavender landing technology


Since the bushes of this plant are poorly transferred to a transplant, comply with some requirements to eliminate their death:

  1. Carefully place the prepared bushes in the pit.
  2. The depth of planting is 30 cm.
  3. If you transplant adult bushes, and not young individuals, save on the rhizome com of the previous soil.
  4. Fall off the soil mixture prepared when preparing the pit.
  5. Make mulching from compost. lavanda1.

How to care for lavender?


The complex of work on the care of lavender consists of the following procedures:

  • loose;
  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • pruning;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • preparation of shrubs to wintering. 2570741462_CAB6656BB2.

To perform each process correctly, follow the following recommendations:

  • Watering 100 times a week - this is enough, since Lavender does not like to oversupply moisture.
  • Autumn cut the bush, leaving 3-5 cm above the ground.

    Important! The desired distance determine independently, performing the procedure so as not to affect the widespread stems. lavanda_6.

  • When choosing a type of fertilizer, give preference to potassium preparations and eliminate nitrogen.

    Important! Lavender also does not always tolerate organic feeding. Therefore, if you still decide to use them - do it very carefully and in small doses. Lavender4-520x346.

  • For the winter, shelter the bushes with a sweetheart or cheese.
  • Regularly perform loosening after irrigation or natural precipitation, combining this work with a weeding.
  • Creating a mulch, place the materials so that the priority part of the Earth remains open. harrietville-Lavender-Garden


lavanda V Sadu.

Lavender landing on its own plot is a really practical solution. With it, you can solve many landscape design tasks. To make sure, check out the most popular solutions:

  • This plant is perfect for decorative borders. Lavender.
  • Since Lavender is an excellent insecticide, it will become the perfect natural protection of vegetables from pests.
  • Due to the diversity of shades of inflorescences, such shrubs fit into the landscape of flowerbed or garden. They highlight the central plants of the composition, creating a background.
  • Another original solution is a rosary decoration. These two flowers get along perfectly with each other, emphasizing the unusual attractiveness of each type.
  • Schultenhof_mettingen_bauerngarten_3


View the video to clearly make sure how attractively looks like a lavender reedy. In addition, this review outlines some interesting legends about Lavender and its application.


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One answer to lavender: landing, cultivation and care

  1. Helli.:

    Tired rewriters from one site in another. Inaccurate article.

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