Peat Toilets for Dacha - Choice and Service

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Where is the best to relax from urban noise and fuss? Of course in the country! Many are ready to stay there forever, but the absence of such a civilization is a weighty argument to go back to the city. In this article, you will learn everything about the peat toilet for giving - the real salvation of many "accumathers".

What you need to know about the dry ladies for giving?

Thanks to this device, we are deprived of all those inconveniences that had to tolerate our grandparents. What would they say if they found out that waste can be recycled by converting liquid into a solid state? And surprise would be a lot.

Applause deserves a number of advantages of such a toilet:

  • compact, size and weight allow it to be easily transported;
  • 95% eliminates the unpleasant odor;
  • prevents insect breeding, which under normal conditions and the "aroma" manitis;
  • an environmentally friendly unit, a peat is used as a consumable material, no other chemical additives are applied.


As a rule, such a toilet put in a separate room - a small extension to the house. It does not entail any additional inconvenience. If there is a well or pond in the country, about pollution by wastewater and do not think. Plus, you are absolutely free (it sounds like in advertising) get excellent fertilizer for your garden and garden, but about it a little later.

Peat Toilet - Tips for the choice and maintenance

Before going to the store, it is worth arming the necessary knowledge, otherwise they will not understand how to find yourself at home already with a ready-made purchase. What to pay attention to when choosing a peat look? On functionality, of course, which lies on the list of characteristics.

Producer Country - Who to trust?

The eternal question is to give preference to domestic producers or overseas? I would like to support compatriots, but how to be if they are significantly inferior in quality? But according to pricing politics, this is the most optimal option. Domestic peat toilets "Compact Elite" and "Lux M" are widely known, they are difficult to call expensive models. They are compact, reliable, practical.


Regarding foreign manufacturers, this kind of aggregates can please Sweden and Finland. If you like everything is environmentally friendly, then pay attention to the Finnish peat toilet. At least, this company makes emphasis. Indeed, putting it in her dacha, you will not harm neither nor the preservation site. Many models are very practical in service: you do not have to raise a container with a compost and endure in the garden. In it, the cover is mounted, so all the contents will be withdrawn from the usual shovel. Low value parameter Finnish device can not boast.


Electric peat toilets are widely represented. Naturally, they are also distinguished by a high price. This is not surprising, because in their designs there are still an electrical dispenser and an additional device for sublimation of waste. All this allows you to significantly accelerate the process of turning ficals into compost. The catalyst is a high temperature in the middle of the container. At the exit, we see another advantage - the absolute cleaning of the toilet can be done no more than once a year.

How to care?

The dry lad is already designed so that you have little trouble with him. Two compartments separate liquid and not very waste. In the first case, they fall through a drainage tube to outward, which is easy to ensure in the country. If it is impossible for such an option, an additional container is set. Most often, the owners simply bury the pipe to the ground.

For ficials there is another department, a peat is added there through a special hole, which, without any chemical additive, turns waste into compost. Do not forget about ventilation: the toilet is equipped with such a tube, but if the room is closed and not ventilated, there will be no sense from it. One bag of peat, as a rule, is enough for the season if there are 2-3 people at the cottage.

To understand whether a peat toilet is needed on the cottage, the reviews will not hurt reviews. They will especially help those who cannot decide on the manufacturer or model. Although the principle of operation is the same with the aggregates, but in terms of additional amenities (knobs, covers) they all differ.


Gardener at a notic

We all know about the benefits of humus. They fertilize the soil, despite the unpleasant odor and other inconveniences. With peat compost all this will be avoided. It will suit the fertilizer of both garden trees and plants in the garden. For this, it is not necessary to adhere to some prescriptions, "raw materials" appeared - immediately in the garden, under the bush of currant or apple tree.


Let's return to the same humor: an unpleasant smell attracts annoying insects. Sometimes their buzz becomes simply unbearable. Peat compost will not attract flies and their other fellow. As a result, such a process of fertilizer of their land will also bring pleasure. After some time, the soil will give thanks to generous harvest for a kind of "vitamins". If you decide or are going to buy a peat toilet to the cottage, then do not postpone the hop in a long box.

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