Removal of trees: features and useful tips

January 24. Useful advice, Plot. Views 1686. 6 comments To records Removal of trees: Features and useful tips

To be the owner of the country site, real pleasure, but so that nothing bothered to enjoy the stay in the fresh air, you need to warn the problems in time. Today we propose to consider the removal of trees, since this topic is interested in many owners of private possessions. If you are not able to disassemble the old one or a tree in a timely manner, it will deliver at least discomfort. Today we will tell you what means to remove trees can be used and how to carry out an operation with the smallest risk.

How to remove stump

First of all, let's figure it out, why do you need to remove trees? Firstly, if we are talking about the old stump of a long-lasting tree, he simply takes free space. At this site it would be possible to place a table, build a gazebo or plant something useful and tasty. Secondly, very often the trees plant too close from home, they grow up and begin to destroy the foundation with their roots, exterior decoration scratch by branches, etc. Thirdly, if a hurricane wind happens, large branches can break away and break the roof or damage the car parked nearby. The riotiness of nature is fine, but on its own site it is better to create all the conditions for a safe and comfortable life. That is why trimming and removal of trees are inalienable events for any owner.


There are a lot of ways to combat excess green plantings or old stumps, but all dacms and professional gardeners converge in one - the easiest way to remove trees manually. At first glance, it seems that the task is very simple - cut the branches, trunk and dig root. However, in fact, the mass of the nuances appears, and if you do not know about them in advance, you can damage the chainsaw and unsuccessfully accumulate with irritation not one day.

Let's start with a simple instruction to remove the cut trees, from which the dry barrel and stump remained. To work, you will need the following tools:

  • shovel with sharpened edge for better destructive roots;
  • the shovel is easier to dry the wood;
  • axe;
  • saw manual or chainsaw;
  • rope;
  • thick workers gloves.

If it is possible to get a manual winch with a rope, it will greatly facilitate your work.


Sequence of work:

  1. Observe a tree or stump in a circle from all sides at a distance of 50-100 cm from the trunk (the thicker the trunk, the greater the radius, because the root system is more powerful).
  2. If not too thick roots come across, refresh them with an acute shovel or squeeze with hacksaw.
  3. If the root caught very thick and it is not amenable to open it deeper and chop minced branches to free it.
  4. The closer to the tree trunk you will cut the roots, the easier it will be the tree itself. For this, you still need help at least one person who will take hands for the trunk (the higher, the better) and slowly, but it will begin to tilt it.
  5. In the process of inclination, you must sabe the root moving, while the trunk does not collapse. It goes by itself to discuss in advance where to tilt the trunk so that it does not damage anyone.

It is worth noting that for trees with a diameter of more than 25 cm This method is not suitable, since such thick trees should be pulled by manually very difficult, even with several assistants, so it is better to call the team of professionals.

In the event that you can't have a root with the root, it remains only to cut it as low as possible, resulting in a pennies. To leave or harde it - your personal business, but over time, all who did not make the roots of the trees in time, come to the same decision - the elimination of stumps. In addition, it prevents freely moving around and spoils the landscape, a drowned stump sooner or later becomes a house for insect parasites, bacteria, can become a source of propagation of rot and viruses that can destroy useful plantations.

Chemical removal of roots

If the stump interferes, it can be cut down and fall asleep with soil. Over time, it rotates and give raw materials to form a fertile soil, but this process proceeds extremely slowly. Some daches solve this problem with chemicals and reduce the decomposition time of Stumps several times. Usually it is used for this ammonium, potassium or sodium salter.

What to do:

  1. Drill in the upper end part of the stump (cut) 10-14 holes (the deeper, the better).
  2. Fill into the hole in Selitra.
  3. Pour the saltter with water and close the holes of the corks.
  4. To speed up the process of decomposition of wood even more, you can ship a penalty to an unnecessary vehicle.


The result will be noticeable in six months, and the complete decomposition will occur for the year and a half depending on the size of the stump. When the wood rotates, burn it to the stump and its root system completely burned out. It is quite a long, but mandatory procedure that allows without a balance to remove a tree without much labor costs.

Ways to remove large trees

Large trees most often become the cause of emergency situations, whether it is a private plot, a quiet courtyard in the city or the side of the carriageway. Such large-scale trees threaten not only private property, but also a person's life, so preventive measures should be taken to avoid accidents. Of course, if a centenary handsome oak is growing on your site with a powerful barrel and a lush crown, it will cut it with a crime. In this case, we are talking about removing trees branches. If it is necessary to completely remove the large-scale tree, it is better to call the team of professionals, since the trunk height is greater than 10 m and a diameter of 30-40 cm. It will not be possible to safely eliminate on its own.


If you live in the city, we should have noticed that from time to time utilities spend a trimming of particularly large plants along the roads. If this had not happened, over time, the branks would be to interfere with the passage of transport, the wires would have opened and created dangerous situations. It often seems that the measures are too harsh, especially when the crowns of trees are removed, but in fact, many young and thin twigs begin to break through from the cut parts in the spring, and the updated tree continues to live.

There are several ways to remove old trees:

  1. In the direction of a natural tilt - if the tree has grown slightly under the tilt, and in this side there is enough free space, you can safely chew it. It is worth noting that the free space should exceed the sizes of the crown of the tree. This is the cheapest way, since it does not need to be involved in the special equipment.
  2. Removal with a delay - if there was no free space near the tree or the natural roll roll is not directed towards pure space, the trunk must be pulled in the desired direction forcibly. First make a special form subsided, after which the tree pulls the tree in the desired side with the help of the cable. At the same time, the error is allowed to 1 m. Before you have a tree, it is recommended to cut the largest branches (so you reduce the scope when falling).
  3. In parts (reset) - the removal of trees with parts is possible only with the help of special techniques: autocran or autotower. You will also need special climbing equipment and skills of such work at the height. Most likely, there are no such skills, so it is better to immediately entrust work to professional industrial climbers. This method is relevant for especially large and heavy trees. If the removal of an element of a wood climber is impossible (the trunk is too drummed or damaged), the work is carried out using the equipment. Under the tree, it is necessary to clear the small platform for throwing pieces of stem and large branches.
  4. In parts (descent) - there are situations where to drop large elements of the tree are unsafe (work in the busy city district, near the highway, houses), so they resort to the method with descent. Certain segments of the tree, subject to elimination, are tied with a rope, spill and gently descend to the ground using a crane. If the plant is damaged and risks to split into parts, it is thrown by a chain, after which the removal of the segments top-down begin. Only professionals should be dealt with removal of emergency trees, since experience and special skills are required.

Step-by-step instruction for removing a tree

The proximity to the House of Wood Giants does not always benefit, especially if the site is on clay soil. Such soil is inclined to change the volume, which is associated with an increase or decrease in the percentage of moisture. It happens quite slowly, not inevitable, and over time the tree can affect the sediment or the rise of the soil level. Such changes will entail the destruction of the foundation of the house, be it ribbon, slab or column. Such an ability to change the position of the soil to the extremely possesses deciduous breeds, so if there is a large oak, birch or other tree near the house near the house, you should take care of your safety.

Important moment: It should be understood that if the tree is very large, but still full of strength and fortresses, then it is simply stupidly slanting it. He may be more than 100-150 years old, so in fact this is a real natural monument. If it is "superfront" on your site, think about the hiring brigade for transplanting it to another place. The service is called "Change of Big Road".
Olympus Digital Camera.

Below we describe the procedure for removing a small tree, which is in dangerous proximity to the house and in the future can harm the walls and foundation:

  1. To make a controlled fall of the trunk, you need to create a pretension in the desired direction. To do this, use a delayed sling for fixing cargo. You can buy such in any auto shop. So the tree will not fall on the house and safely falls in the designated place. If the barrel is big, it is better to use two slings, stretching them on the sides so that it turns out a triangle with a vertex-barrel.
  2. The needle form plays a very important role. If you simply write the trunk, then the saw will be stuck, and the tree will not fall. So that everything went smoothly, make the first to drink strictly horizontally, without bringing it to the end on 1/5 thickness. The second washed must go at an angle to the first. Note that it is necessary to cut at a height of 165-180 cm (about human growth). So you will get a fairly powerful lever for subsequent cortex.
  3. Drinking at an angle allows you to set the desired direction of falling a tree.
  4. Remove the chopped part of the trunk.
  5. The tree at the same time will hold on to a rather thin residue of the trunk, and so that it does not fall ahead of time, it needs to be maintained using another sling or rope.
  6. Carefully start to focus the remaining thickness of the trunk, following the tree so that the tree is wounded in a predetermined direction (the holding sling must be reduced to gradually).
  7. 7
  8. If necessary, set the tension using Sling (need assistants). Draw a tree only if you are outside the zone of his fall!
  9. It remains to remove the root part. First push the roots. In the case of pine, they are mainly on the surface and can grow both in some one and in different directions. They usually grow in a southern direction, because there is more nutritious soil.
  10. Cut the roots at 50-100 cm from the trunk using an ax or a sharp shovel.
  11. Now you come in handy left high stump in human growth. Use it as a lever. If it does not turn out to overcome it on your own, apply the winch, block or car.
  12. Remove all branches from the cutting trunk. It, by the way, can be used to build useful things: stools, tables, shops. Thick branches can be chopped to busy and choose garden tracks.
  13. Thumbly branches can be burned, dump into the compost pit or attributed to the forest.

Removal of trees and stumps seems a simple task, but by unplanned actions may lead to a sad end. If you have to deal with the major representatives of the plant world, and you are not confident in their abilities, consult a specialist. And before deciding to cut down the tree, consider its transfer to a more suitable place.

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6 responses to the removal of trees: features and tips

  1. artikus256:

    why bother go here and then we order

  2. Lesovod:

    They do not go, go here, and then log - chump papadet.

  3. Nastya:

    Here in general famously felled trees 🙂 http: //xn--h1aaiojk4e.xn--p1ai/

  4. Nicholas.:

    A neighbor called dachnyyuyut.rf - they have a lot of what they do, including cut a tree. Its technique bases in different parts of Moscow. Spislili arrived, loaded - taken out of all turnkey made
    https: //xn--80ahqp0afz7a3a.xn--p1ai/raschistka-i-uborka/spil-derevev-i-korchevka-pnej/

  5. Andrey:

    In fact, not so simple. More precisely, just as you can, and you can only learn with practice. I would advise you to turn to professionals in the company, which is engaged in the removal of trees in difficult conditions, or an experienced private master. There are already many references have thrown, I will add those who worked for me - - I can recommend. This is true not cheap, but the tree does not fall on the house / fence / wire. And if you want to be sure your own hands, then go into the woods and took to drink 2-3 tree, away from people, so no one was hurt. And then you will understand everything. If you succeed, then it is possible and in their area.

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