Growing cucumbers in barrel

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The cultivation of cucumbers can be produced by different methods, they include such an original way - growing cucumbers in the barrel. This method is far from new, he received his distribution many years ago. In relevance, he did not lose thanks to a good result and a large harvest.

The barrels in which we will plant cucumbers will take at all a lot of space on the plot, but the fruits with one will be like a three-meter bed. And the landing itself is a quick thing. This is a good way to plant vegetables for those who have small garden sites.

Landing in barrels is not only an economical option, but also an addition to your landscape design. And if there is also a barrel from outside, then you can create a just paradise area for recreation.

Preparation of the barrel to landing should be in early spring, when it only comes up.

How to choose a place for cucumbers in a barrel


The main criterion for choosing a place is the light. Any plant stretches to the light, and cucumbers are no exception. The rays of the Sun are, above all, the nutrition of plants, photosynthesis, it is he who plays a huge role in the growth and process of ripening plants. But the oversupply of the Sun is bad, so choose such a place where and the sun will leak, and trees, for example, will create a slight shading.

How to prepare a barrel for landing


So, the next stage is the preparation of the barrel. Fill it with the nutrient soil, put a few weeds, waste of past plants, grass, tops, etc. It would be good to easily support the earth by manure. Fill the tank to the very top, as you follow it and leave for about a week. The main thing is to make holes in a barrel before irrigated, water should not be stuffed. When all that we placed in a barrel will fall, you can lay the earth into it. Weeping it for 15 cm and leave to the May holidays. Of course, climatic conditions are different everywhere. If you live in the northern city, then you should wait until the May holidays.

Squeeze cucumbers in a barrel


So, it's time for landing. Sproved seeds plant or not - the case is purely individual. In one barrel, approximately 10 cucumber seeds will be placed. To withstand the distance between them at 15 cm.

Before planting, divert a little manganese in steep boiling water. This liquid will be spanging the soil as soon as the earth will cool, you can start the disembarkation. After that, again, barely paint the seeds with ordinary cool water.

Since in the spring, the weather is always varied, then sunny, then rain, we recommend to make a small structure or canopy to protect the cucumbers. If you do not want to mess with this activity, you can find the usual thick glass and cover from the bad weather barrel. In this case, you effectively create a greenhouse effect for seedlings.

You can go in a different way, take a plastic bottle, cut the bottom with her, and close the top part.

For graceless cucumbers, the slag method is chosen, the metal wire is sticking along the edges, it is necessary to bend it in advance in the arc shape, building several such postings can be covered with a film or other material. When frosts are running out, and the weather will decide a little, the shelter can be removed.

But you should not be too worried, even if there will be variable weather in the summer, it will endure it, because the fertilizers you put in advance in the barrel, with rotting heat, and this will cost your crop.

After some time, the Earth in our barrel with cucumbers will fall even more, the cucumber whiskers will reach up, and then the barrel will be reproached at all and become turned out. If the screens are completely young, only appeared, they are still light, and therefore will not be able to resist the wind. To make seedlings could not break, tie it around the barrel. As the culture maturity, cucumbers will begin to appear, and then they will just hang out from the barrel, the bandage in a circle will contribute to the rapid and convenient harvest.

How to water the cucumbers in the barrel


Regular watering is a guarantee of a good crop. While the culture will grow, it will have a lot of leaves, weaves, flowerfish, and then the cucumbers themselves. Waters need quite a lot. But, this does not mean that you can pour over measure, make sure that the soil is not overwhelmed.

Make watering not with ice water, it should be slightly warm, a good indicator is 20 degrees of heat.

When the first shoots begin to appear, watering should be moderate. When you see the appeared boutons, and then cucumbers, water more often the root of culture.

The time frame of irrigation is the morning mainly. At this time, the sun is still beginning to look out and does not hear strongly. You can also after enter. But during the sun categorically impossible. From this, cucumbers may develop burns.

Watering, produce watering, about 1 square meters. m. - 5 liters.

If the weather is standing overcast, you can not water, but nevertheless, look at the soil, do not allow driving.

Undercalinking plants


Many gardeners complain about the cucumbers' ass.. In fact, everything is much easier. In addition, there is an opinion that cucumbers are culture, loving manure. It really is so, because it gives a plant warmth. For all summer, feeding cucumbers can be made only 4 times, no more.

During preparation for feeding, you should always be focused on weather conditions. If the days are cold and rainy, then make feeding out root, i.e. by spraying. Conduct it evenly, so fertilizer learns better. And if, on the contrary, hot summer, then root. The first feeding can be made 2 weeks after landing. And the second - when inflorescences begin to appear. Threaten to make a third before collecting harvest. And the final - fourth - during its assembly. Thus, you increase the period of fruiting.

Than feeding cucumbers:

  1. Divide the manure in water at the rate of 1 to 10.
  2. Chicken litter Soak in water 2 weeks, to breed at the rate of 1 to 5. After it is pretty, divert this liquid with water - 1 cup on 1 bucket. Pour cucumbers them.
  3. Pour water into a larger capacity, we have a manure, foliage, tops, etc. Let's leave for 2 weeks so that it is stuck when it happens - you will feel the unpleasant smell. To apply, you need to breed a fertilizer with water in the proportion of 1 to 20. It is possible how to water and spray.
  4. Excellent fertilizer - ash. 1 cup of ashes need to be divorced in 10 liters of water. And to fertilize this solution.
  5. The extraordinary feeder is made as follows: the hay is lying to pour water in proportion 1 to 1, leave for 2 days. And then this infusion can be spraying. This is useful not only for the growth of culture, but also will help to cope with some diseases, for example, malievable dew.

Useful advice


There are several frequent errors that admit gardeners, they prevent favorable culture development. Consider them.

  1. If you are not planted by seeds, but seedlings, then you need to harden it first. 5-7 days before the landing, leave the sprouts to stand out on the street for a while daily. This procedure will help the speedy adaptation of the plant.
  2. Neat landing is very important if you damage the roots, then the plant will die.
  3. Dry fertilizers do not like cucumbers, and in general it is better not to get involved with chemicals.
  4. It is also desirable to cover the cucumbers, the greenhouse for them is the optimal place of stay, as they love heat.
  5. Before boarding, you need to make sure that the land is warm, it is impossible to plant in cold.
  6. Watering should be done with warm water.
  7. Watering the culture is not needed on a clear day, but at sunset or at sunrise.
  8. Slowing the cucumbers do not like and can fruit more slowly.

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