Foundation for fence with your own hands

November 30. Foundation Views 1769. Comments To write the foundation under the fence with your own hands No

As in the construction of the house, when the fence is erected, it is necessary to provide a foundation in advance that will make the design sustainable and reliable. As a rule, for the construction of fences, equip the foundations of ribbon or pile types. The first option is suitable for massive and heavy fences, the second - for lighter structures. We will tell about the peculiarities of building such foundations in this article.

Ribbon foundation under the fence

Characteristics of belt foundation

The ribbon base is laid at a small depth and is a solid strip from reinforced concrete, passing along the entire fence. If in the process of filling the base to comply with the correct technology of work, the foundation will last for many years. Among other things, the upper part of such a structure, towering over the Earth, can be bred by natural or artificial stone, giving a fear additional decorativeness. The reinforced concrete ribbon foundation is laid under brick or stone fences, as well as under the fencing of the profiled sheet or a massive wooden bar.

The advantages of a belt foundation include such characteristics:

  • high strength and reliability;
  • long service life, which is several decades;
  • the possibility of additional strengthening of the structure using metal rods or pipes;
  • a minor depth of climbing, thanks to which the cost of building the foundation is somewhat reduced.

Before making a ribbon foundation for a fence, check out the disadvantages of such structures:

  • for the construction of a ribbon base, a large number of building materials will be required;
  • due to the high material consumption, the cost of the foundation will be considerable.


The construction of a ribbon foundation with your own hands

The process of building a belt base for a fence consists of several stages:

  • the preparation of the trench in which concrete will be poured;
  • structures wooden formwork;
  • installation of reinforcement to enhance the strength of the structure;
  • fill mortar.

Let us describe each of these stages in detail:

  1. Before making the markup of the site, you need to determine the places where the fence will be located. Then all over the perimeter of the selected section in the ground, pegs are riding and stretch the rope between them. This rope will indicate the borders of the future foundation. The depth of the foundation under the fence should be at least 50 cm, and in width, the base must correspond to the width of the fence. In cases where the site has a slight tilt, all works on the construction of the foundation should begin with the lowest point of the area. After digging the trench, the bottom of it needs to be a little tample, cover the layer of large sand or rubble and tamper again.
  2. Before pouring the foundation under the fence, it is necessary to make a formwork from wooden boards. If the soil is heavy and incomprehensible, the formwork is laid along the walls of the trench, but if there is on the plot of bulk soil, the boards should also be paved at the bottom of the deepening. The formwork should rise above the ground by about 15 cm. The design elements should be made of each other, so that the formwork has not changed its position in the process of filling. In the process of creating a similar design, the bottom and wall of the trench should be closed by a plastic film. First, the film will allow without effort to remove the formwork after soaring concrete, and secondly, the waterproofing layer will not give moisture from the soil to fall into the solution until he is dried.
  3. The third stage of creating a ribbon foundation under the fence - laying of fittings. The optimal material for this work is the corrugated rod, but if there is no one, you can use the reinforcement grid, trimming pipes and other metal parts. Armature is designed to enhance the design and give it additional strength.
  4. The last step is the fill of the concrete solution. To improve the ribbon foundation, concrete brand M200 is best suited, but you can prepare the composition with your own hands, mixing 4 pieces of sand, 4 parts of the filler and 1 part of the cement. The filler can serve as crushed stone or small pebble stones. All the necessary components are connected between themselves and are mixed in the concrete mixer, after which the solution is poured inside the formwork. After filling, the concrete should be dissolved to release air bubbles from it.

A ribbon foundation freezes for 15 days, and at this time the design should be hydroizing any suitable underfloor material, which will prevent the sediment to the wet concrete. When the solution completely freezes, the formwork can be removed. The final strength foundation will acquire a month later, during this time with the construction of the fence will have to wait.


Pile foundation under the fence do it yourself

Features of the pile foundation

The pile foundation is designed for fences with a slight weight, and it is created by clogging into the ground piles made from various materials. In our case, metal pipes are used as such piles, which are from the inside poured concrete.

The advantages of the pile foundation include the following:

  • the design of the pile foundation is not too material consumption, so this base option will cost cheaper than the belt analogue;
  • build a pile foundation can be much faster than any other.

This type of foundation has some drawbacks. Its minuses include the need to create a horizontal monolithic bundle, as well as the fact that piles can not always be easily installed in the right place.


Stages of the construction of a pile foundation

  1. As in the case of a ribbon base, before installing the pile foundation, it is necessary to place a plot with pegs and twine.
  2. Then the piles for piles are made on the perimeter of this markup at an equal distance. These pits can be done with the help of a garden bora, which is better to use such a tool that will provide an opportunity to expand the bottom of the recess. The depth of the opening can vary within 90-140 cm, which depends on the type of fencing. The width of the pit must correspond to the pile diameter. The distance between individual supports should not be more than 3 m. In those places where the angles of the fence will be located, it is advisable to use pipes with thicker walls.
  3. The next stage of work is the installation of the foundation pillars under the fence. Initially, the deposits under the pile must be filled with sand and gravel, and after - the stramb of the stone pillow. The covered pipes from the inside should be filled with concrete solution and move them a little, so that the mixture is evenly distributed in the recess.
  4. To piles stood strictly vertically, in the process of work, their position must be constantly monitored using a construction level.

The solution will dry during the week, at this time hanging the fender canvas on the pillars cannot be. It is possible to finish the fence only after the complete pouring of the concrete. To protect the solution from moisture from entering, piles should be covered with a polyethylene film.

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Useful tips when arranged foundation:

  1. So that the foundation has been durable and reliable, concrete should choose a qualitative, not containing extraneous impurities, especially organic origin. An organic agent is rotated over time, and cavities that reduce the strength of the structure are formed in the frozen solution.
  2. If crushed stone is used as a filler for the solution, then it is better to give preference to fine-deficing material. The presence of large elements will also negatively affect the strength of the foundation.
  3. It is extremely recommended to use clamzite as a filler as a filler, since both of these material are strongly absorbed by moisture and are destroyed over time.
  4. If an insufficient amount of the mixture was prepared to fill the foundation under the fence, it is better not to pour the solution in one place at a time. It is advisable to make successive layers of concrete around the perimeter of the foundation - this will increase the strength of the structure.
  5. Before deciding on the type of foundation, you need to know the type of soil on the site, which will help to make specialists.
  6. To protect the base of the fence from moisture, it is advisable to make a break. It is laid along the whole fence and has a small tilt, which flows rainwater. You can make a breakfast at the stage of pouring concrete, and you can create it later.


Foundation for the fence. Video

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