How to mount vinyl siding

August 20th Walls and partitions, Building materials Views 1709 Comments to write How to fix the vinyl siding No

Vinyl sading - quite a popular material today for facades. Due to its universal quality, affordable price and ease of installation is widely accepted. The main objective of this material is to improve the aesthetic appeal of the building. Today in specialized points of sale can be found PVC panels, imitating wood. But in siding does not require Unlike natural wood to be painted and not subject to decay. In the process of finishing the lining layer under insulation can be installed, which will allow to achieve a comfortable indoor temperature. Consider the detailed feature of this material and the method of installation.

Advantages of vinyl siding

Among the variety of coating materials siding gives rise to considerable advantages. such issues are among the main benefits:

  • low weight, which makes it possible to carry out the finish of old buildings;
  • environmental security - the material is not harmful to health;
  • resistance to the influence of high and low temperature - finishing vinyl siding retain its qualities at temperature from +50 ° C to -50 ° C;
  • high aesthetic properties - saydingovye panel appearance resemble natural material;
  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • a wide selection of color solutions;
  • fire resistance - when opening with open fire, the material slowly melts, the combustion is not supported;
  • affordable cost;
  • the material does not conduct electrical energy.

Vinyl siding. Photo:

viniloviy Saiding 4.




Criterias of choice

In order for vinyl siding to have reliable operational qualities, it is necessary to consider a number of key requirements when choosing it:

  1. In the process of acquiring siding panels, it is initially necessary to assess their external state. The material must be evenly painted. It is allowed a slight difference in shades between the outer and the inner side, but the high-quality panels are identical color over the entire surface. The presence of dark or light spots indicate insufficient quality of the material, it is not worth purchasing such panels.
  2. Next, it is necessary to inspect the side cut. Siding must have the same thickness. In the reverse case, the load will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to the appearance of cracks in the finish.
  3. Panels are advised to purchase in cardboard package, because This will help avoid the deformation of the material during loading and transportation. If siding is sold in polyethylene packaging, it is necessary to check it on the subject of chips and cracks.
  4. Before you purchase vinyl siding block it is recommended to draw on a sheet of paper a house scheme on which you should specify the location and dimensions of doors, windows, protrusions, catch. Focusing on this picture, the seller will help calculate the required amount of siding and accessories.



Before we have vinyl siding, the house needs to be acquired also components:

  • starting profile - used for fastening the first panel;
  • finish profile - used to install the last siding fragment;
  • internal angle - applied in the process of docking panels on internal angles;
  • the outer angle is mounted on the outdoor corners of the building, then one side of the siding is placed in it;
  • J-profile - it can be used instead of the finishing profile, when installing finishes in the window and door openings, to correct the side edge of the panel, docking unequal angles;
  • H-profile - applied in cases when you need to connect two panels;
  • F-profile - his job is in the dock wall and soffit boards:
  • soffit panels - used for facing in the eaves.

Important! When the installation approaches the roof often arises the need for the sizes of the panel, as a result of which it remains without fastening. In this situation, if you do not take care of high-quality fixation, siding will hang under the influence of wind gusts. This can be avoided using the finishing profile. This element is nailed to the wall, after which the edge of the panel is started.


Order of installation of the crate

Installation of vinyl siding begins with the installation of a cerebral frame. But first need to decide on the material. To make the right choice Consider the operational properties of metal slats and wooden bars:

  1. Metal design is stronger and durable. This material is resistant to deformation under the influence of the insulating and soundproofing layer, is not amenable to corrosive processes. In addition, metal strips are easier to be installed on the surface with the presence of defects.
  2. At the same time, the wooden fence in modern construction is also in demand. In order for the design to serve as long as possible, the bars need to be predetermined by the compositions that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. In the opposite case, mushroom microorganisms may start in the frame, as a result of which the lattice is deformed after several years.

The framework is installed in the following order:

  1. During the work, you need to navigate the projection of the panels. If siding is vertical, the lamp is mounted in a horizontal direction. Accordingly, when working with horizontal panels, the framework must be installed vertically.
  2. The choice of fastening elements depends on the material from which the wall is made. Self-timers or nails are used for the wooden surface.
  3. When cladding concrete or brick walls, the frame is mounted through a dowel. The crate and the wall should separate the space at 15 cm.


Rules for laying insulating material

Before attaching vinyl siding, if desired, the house can be inspired. For this use foam or mineral wool. It is recommended to give preference to last material, as the minvat provides condensate from the wall. The work is performed as follows:

  1. The material is cut into pieces of the desired width, and then placed between the batten elements.
  2. Then, using the perforator drill and executed openings into which are inserted dowels.
  3. Since the entire heater is fixed.
  4. Next you need to install a vapor barrier film. A fragment of the required size is cut off from the roll, which in a horizontal position is applied at the bottom of the wall and is fixed in the connection places with the profile.
  5. Screws with wide hats should be used as fasteners. These parts will prevent the film disconnecting.
  6. Fastening the film should be started at the bottom and move in the upper direction. So each subsequent fragment of the material will be placed on the previous band. This order of location will give the opportunity to avoid cracks, and the insulation will be reliably protected from moisture penetration.
  7. Seams can be squeezed with a special tape, it will make isolation more reliable.
  8. After mounting the film to the frame, it is desirable to attach wooden planks, it will provide a space for ventilation between the waterproofing material and facing panels.


Slicing tips

Before chopping vinyl siding with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the safety technique:

  1. It is forbidden to perform work without special glasses and protective equipment.
  2. The most qualitative result will allow to get cutting through a circular saw.
  3. When working with scissors, cutting should be started on top.
  4. It is possible to cut the material with a knife. To do this, they first spend on the panel several times, then so that siding broke it to be bent.


Installation of vinyl siding: instruction

  1. The workflow starts with the starting strip mount, it is installed at the bottom of the finish. If necessary, install another band between the elements you need to observe a space of 10 mm.
  2. Next, profiles are attached to external and internal angles, the lower edge of which should be 5 mm below the starting part.
  3. The plank in the upper hole is fixed on the nail, this will avoid the displacement of the corners in the grooves. When driving, nails need to leave a gap.
  4. After installing accessories, you can start the panels. During the installation, the thermal expansion of the material should be taken into account. For this reason, siding should not be tightly placed in angular profiles, leaving space at 5-10 mm.
  5. The panel must be bent in the middle and place in the installation profiles.
  6. The bottom of the element must be connected to the starting profile. The top of the panel is fixed to the frame through nails.
  7. Similarly, the following panel is mounted, but it must be connected to the first.
  8. In this order, all finishes are formed. The size of the vinyl siding, if necessary, can be adjusted by cutting.
  9. In order for the facing to have a complete view, the lower part of the eaves is also in the trim. It is necessary to navigate the J-profile, and to the surface of the wall - the F-profile.
  10. At the same time, it is necessary to leave the gaps of 5 mm in which the panel soffit is placed.


Recommendations for installing vinyl siding

  1. The dimensions of this cladding material are changed under the influence of temperature differences. Therefore, in order to avoid strain deformation during the installation process, it is necessary to provide for tolerances. Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the instruction that is attached to Siding.
  2. The mounting of the panels is carried out only on the crate, it is not possible to install directly on the wall surface. In this case, the air under the layer of facing will not be able to circulate freely, which will result in the formation of mold and fungus.
  3. For the crate you can use wooden bars or metal parts. Choosing wood, you should pay attention to the level of humidity of the material, it should not exceed 15%.
  4. For the crate, only well-dried bars will be suitable. Before use, they need to be treated with special protective equipment.
  5. If you plan to use the insulation, as well as in cases where the decoration of brick, concrete and fuel-concrete walls is performed, the crate is recommended to mount from metal slats.
  6. Forming a creewater frame, the planks should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  7. You need to use screws or anti-corrosion nails as fasteners, because This will prolong the service life of the finish.
  8. These elements must be divered in a frame rack at least 30 mm.
  9. It is impossible to use uneven nails, it will prevent the expansion of the panels, which will cause the surface throwing.
  10. In the course of work it is necessary to provide temperature gaps. 1 meter of vinyl siding is increased in a size of 0.5 cm with an increase in temperature by 10 ° C.
  11. To prevent falling into the finish, the panels must be installed on the bang, overlapping them on each other by 20 mm.
  12. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe connection of the corner siding can not be sealing.
  13. When attaching any object to the outside of the finish, it is necessary to ensure that the mobility of the facing material has not been broken.


Features of care

One of the benefits of siding is the ease of care. The surface of the facing is cleaned of contaminants using conventional water, which can be directed through irrigation hose or use the brush. Delete stable contamination will help a special tool. It can be prepared by mixing phosphate trisodium and 4 liters of water.

Abrasive powders are also suitable for vinyl finish. In conditions of high humidity on the surface of the facing material, mold is often formed. It is possible to get rid of it using the following composition: trisodium phosphate and 1 l 5% sodium hydrochloride solution is added in 3 liters of water.


Polyvinyl chloride-based facing panels are used to design facades. This is a practical material, with which you can significantly transform the building, as well as insulating it. Siding has gained wide demand due to a number of advantages, one of which is the ease of installation. Installation technology is sufficiently available and does not require vocational training.

How to attach vinyl siding. Video:

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