How to get rid of the koroed

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If you have ever had to meet Zhuka-Koroad, then you should know that it is very small and inconspicuous. But even such humble dimensions did not prevent him from earning the title of one of the most dangerous pests of trees and wooden structures. If a coroede was started in the house or garden, it is necessary to urgently take everything possible to fight it, otherwise there will be no trace in this article in this article ... In this article we will consider all the well-known methods of dealing with the koroned.

Characteristic insect

Coroeda, or typography, as scientists call it, can be compared with the Forest Colorad Beetle - a pair of individuals can quickly multiply, and the offspring will destroy everything in its path. And although, the main feed plant of the beetle - spruce, in its absence it does not break the pine, fir, cedar and larch. But if there are no such trees on your site, do not hurry to rejoice, since there are several varieties of cores with various gastronomic preferences.

Classification of Coroes:

  1. LOOBED - Beetles with a slightly rounded rear body. Mountains mainly in pines and very rarely - in the seals. There are also big and small lobeda. Great settles in the bottom of the pine tree barrel, where the bark is thicker, and small - upstairs.
  2. Coroede is real - it is possible to find out in a kind of deepening in the back of the shell on the back.
  3. Sawmaker - Beetle, the form of the body of which remotely resembles the chisel (the rear part is cut off). Prefer Ilm breeds and oaks. Promote the development of vascular Mikosa in the oaks and spread the debate of the Dutch disease.

Coroede's beetle passes three stages of development: it turns into a doll from the larva, and then in an adult person (imago). The easiest way to destroy the recently pending larvae, but it should be remembered that some kinds of beetles are developing no year, and two years, staying in the depths of the tree. They can withstand frost to -30s, so it is often even after the cold winter, new individuals appear, and the cycle begins again. However, if an extremely hot summer was issued, then the larvae may die - critical temperatures for them + 40c.


It is not surprising that the coroede is mainly in countries with temperate climate: Japan, Georgia, Russia, Korea, Ukraine. But recently, due to the strong deforestation of forests and climatic changes, the area of \u200b\u200bpropagation of pest beetles has greatly expanded. For example, it was discovered in North America not so long ago.

Features of behavior

Almost all his life, the cores are carried out inside the tree, having arranged real "cities-labyrinths" there made of strokes and minks. It is flying out only when the period comes either the tree has already become unsuitable for life. When the beetle gets to a new tree, it immediately takes to break the channels, seeking closer to the center, where the wood is softer and juicy. There the beetle places the mink and puts the eggs.

koroed (1)

An interesting fact: each variety of Zhuk-Koroed has its own "drawing" of the moves. If you study this topic in detail, it is possible to determine exactly which breed settled in the tree and choose the right tool to combat it.

Break through more and more strokes inside the tree, the beetles will deal with the disputes of mushrooms, which also contribute to the destruction of wood. As a result, the plant is deprived of the ability to fully eat and die. The most interesting and unpleasant thing is that it is practically impossible to determine the presence of the Zhuka-Koroeda - the tree can be "dead", but it will seem completely healthy outside.

But it is strange to think that nature could create an obviously harmful and dangerous creature, and this thought is to some extent true. In fact, bugger bugs, like many similar insects, are forest sanitary panels. They settled in weakened by caterpillars or fire trees, contributing to the earliest replacement by their new heads. But with favorable conditions of reproduction, the absence of natural enemies or excessive cutting of severe large trees, the core can not be left anything else, how to flush into young plants, unable to fight pests. And then it takes a more serious turn, because the beetles become not particular and spoil the garden cultures.

Coroede in the garden

If you have noticed that oval holes and so-called tree flour appeared on the garden trees, it means that there are all the reasons to assume that the koroedians settled. Coniferous trees have a natural protection mechanism - they pour sprinkled steps with a resin. The bone rocks of the trees are protected in a similar way, and the beetle can be revealed by gaming on the trunks.


Naturally, the disease is easier to warn, than to treat, so all owners of the gardens are recommended to regularly process plant areas.

Tools from a core for pretreatment of trees and seedlings:

  • "Lepyocide";
  • "BitonSibacillin";
  • "Bovterin".
  • "Vectra 3D";
  • "Aktara";
  • "Calypso";
  • "Confan".

Adult plants must be sprayed after flowering when the croroic begins the period of the rod, and repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. It is important to treat the tree completely, including the barrel, branches and all the leaves. Due to the high toxicity of the drugs, use personal protective equipment - respirator, gloves, glasses, etc.


Antiformonic means are very popular, which are injected into the wood with a syringe. For this purpose, a hole is made in the trunk of the perforator, the drug is poured into it and close the hole with a garden harr. The procedure should also be carried out repeatedly - at least 2-3 times with a period of several days.

You can help the tree to deal with pests yourself, making feeding and regularly loose the soil around the trunks. Remember that by nature a core is inclined to settle on weakened plants. If the tree has suffered badly from the beetle, it is necessary to cut it and burn - while you will treat it, the core will move to the neighboring.

Pheromon traps for the garden are relevant only for large sections from 10 hectares. In this case, the pheromones are handled by a small sector, and when the cores are flying there, they simply destroy it. Sacrifice trees in a small garden in this case is irrational.

Coroede in the house

Coroes in the garden may seem not such a serious problem, but it is worth introducing that they can "spread" to the wooden house, and immediately becomes no joke. If you relax in your country house and in the middle of the night, hear a slight rustling, then in most cases it is a source is a croroede. Of course, it can be mouse, but check it is very easy.


First of all, inspect all the walls and the attic on the subject of small holes. They can be in the most unexpected places - even on the wallpaper behind the cabinet or on the floor under the carpet. If the little holes "framing" woody dust, which means in the house settled the coroede.

Insects can penetrate the house or from an infected garden or inside poorly treated wood materials, including furniture. In just 4-6 years, the koroed can completely destroy a small wooden house, which will then be easier to carry than to repair. In the case of "home-made" korads, the pre-processing of wood plays a colossal role. The most popular compositions are "Woody Necking", "Antisheshline", "Empire20", "Antihuk", etc. Each impregnation for wood is assigned its category from 1 to 4, on which the degree of impact on the material being processed, ranging from preventive, ending with this war.

If you found holes on the surface of the wall or floor, you should immediately check how deeply a cored has time to penetrate. To do this, stick the tree with a sharp object (long selence). If the beetle still did not have time to sprinkle a vast labyrinth, the easiest way to cut the damaged plot and burn it on the bore.

For a long practice, many ways were invented, how to get rid of the Kororad in the house:

  • treatment of trees and wooden surfaces with protective means;
  • protective impregnations for wood;
  • tree coating by several layers of machinery, diesel fuel, kerosene and other "grandfathers" methods;
  • the introduction of drugs inside the material using a syringe;
  • the use of insecticides in combination with aerosol treatment;
  • exposure to heat or cold;
  • even the use of pyrotechnic agents - special sulfur or insecticidal checkers;
  • use of fumigators in the form of spirals, electrical devices;
  • the use of electromagnetic wave emitters, etc.

This is not a complete list of methods aimed at combating the bug of the Koroned, but, unfortunately, most of them do not give tangible results. Beetles may die, but in the next season, wood is wiping new "residents", and everyone will have to begin again. Sometimes a combination of several methods helps, but every case is individual, and no one can name the faithful recipe.


The facts are such that the impregnation, the syringe and fumigation insecticides helps extremely rarely or does not give the result. There are several reasons for this, but all of them are obvious if you figure out the lifestyle of the Coroed. Since the beetle tries to penetrate as closely in a layer of wood, then he may not even feel the external processing. The impregnations are valid only if they are regular and repeatedly applied. The syringe allows you to pour the drug deeper, but due to the complexity and duration of the moves of the poison often does not achieve the goal.

It should be remembered that even the most toxic insecticides are active only a few months (maximum 3), after which the Zhuks are not threatened again. Their action is directed to adult individuals, and in this case it is wiser to destroy the larvae and the pupa. If you look at all these factors objectively, it becomes clear that it is almost impossible to reach 100% of the successful result. But do not grasp the same house in which Koroeda settled! There are several more or less effective methods of combating pests.

Temperature effect

We have already mentioned the above that the coroede can be calmly winter at temperatures up to -30s, but it is simply not possible to create so cold atmosphere in the house. The only option is to use liquid nitrogen, but after such a processing, the wood itself will become completely unsuitable.


That is the opposite way - high temperature impact. If warm the tree to the temperature + 65s or higher and maintain it for 30 minutes, the bug core will be completely destroyed, including larvae, young and adult individuals. Mechanics are very simple - at such a temperature, protein destruction occurs, and insects are mostly pure protein. But again - warm the whole home to such a temperature is unrealistic, so it is advisable to use it for processing furniture or boards.

To do this, use closed drying temperature chambers in which the object is evenly warming up from all sides. Thermal guns are not suitable as an alternative, since the heating occurs unevenly, and the temperature does not go deep.

Formon traps

Pheromon traps are also a pretty effective way to get rid of cores. The essence is to lure all adult individuals in one place, then destroy. But, as mentioned earlier, this technique is relevant only for large forest arrays, and it would be very difficult to use it in her house.

But first, we note the two most important drawbacks:

  1. Pheromones attract only imago, and larvae and pupae, with which it is necessary to fight first, remain indifferent to them.
  2. Not only individuals from your territory can be found on Pheromones, but also from the nearest forest, thereby exacerbating the situation.

It looks like this simple pheromon trap - a plastic funnel directed into a glass:


Beetles flush on the smell, fall into the glass and cannot get out, after which they can be easily destroyed.

Thus, the pheromones can only be applied at their own risk. This method is definitely working, but does not help get rid of pests forever.

Fumigation against Coroeda

Fumigation today is the most efficient means. As a rule, phosphine performs in the role of the main actant. It is able to penetrate the deepe of wood, even it is hidden by finishing material (wallpaper, plasterboard, etc.). In the process of fumigation at home, the gas is completely filling with a porous wood structure, destroying pests at all stages of development. After completion, it is necessary to withstand a certain period of exposure, after which it is to carry out degarison.

Phosphine itself is chemically unstable and quickly disintegrate. But, which is very important, it does not destroy, but fully disintegrates at the molecular level, that is, absolutely harmless to health and the environment. The cost of such treatment depends on the square of the house and the degree of infection, however, this is perhaps the only way to highlight the cored without harm for the designs.

koroed (2)

We told how to get rid of the Coroeda, and we hope that one of the above ways will help you withdraw or prevent the appearance of this pest on its site.

Beetle Coroed: Photo

zhuk-Drevotochec1 koroed1 borba-S-Koroedom-3 22

SHEMA-RAZMNOZHENIJA-Zhuka-Koroeda p4178670.

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