Trellis for grapes: how to make your own hands

February 27th Plot Views 3003 Comments recording Tapestry for grapes: how to make your own hands No

For the full care of the grapes, along with irrigation, pruning, fertilization is also necessary to create support for the proper growth of the plant. Since the grapes does not form fruiting and normal growth it needs the support structure. The first 2 years after planting used for this purpose stakes. In the third year there is a need to install a trellis. It is a structure that performs the function of support for the grapes. The most convenient is a vertical trellis.

design Features

Trellis for grapes has a sufficiently high value for the full development of culture:

  1. This design promotes even distribution of the shoots and leaves of the plant. As a result, the grapes gets sufficient sunlight, which is essential for its growth.
  2. It activates the process of photosynthesis, which provides the plant with all the nutrients.
  3. This grape acquires the ability to resist pests and adapt to climatic features.
  4. It improves air circulation, which reduces the likelihood of plant diseases.
  5. Also, in the presence of such a chopper, it is easier to handle the land between the rows of the vineyard, watering and collect the harvest.

There are several types of trellis. These are constructions as gazebos, arches, balconies. But two types are the most common, consider them in more detail.

Vintage for grapes:



Swordiezer single-glossy

This design has one plane, used to grow small and decorative grape varieties, as well as for young bushes. Such a support is suitable for small vineyards. Advantages of this type of tape are:

  • ease of its installation;
  • simple composition of the design;
  • affordable cost;
  • in addition, the process of sheltering culture for the winter will not cause difficulties.

But this support is not devoid of flaws:

  • the bushes of grapes on it are too thick, which creates an obstacle to the flow of sunlight. The resulting leaves are unable to synthesize in sufficient quantities organic substances;
  • this is negatively reflected in the quality of the harvest and the ability of culture to withstand diseases.


Two-plane trellis for grapes

Such a support is a design consisting of two planes. Provides the maximum growth of grape bushes, is used when growing grapes on a large scale, because it provides an opportunity to increase the load on the bush. Because of this fruiting is enhanced, the plant receives enough of the sun's rays, berry maturation occurs much faster.

But the installation of such a design requires significant financial investments. In addition, the peculiarity of such a tag makes the procedure for shelting grapes for the winter is quite problematic. For this reason, this type of support is used mainly in the southern regions.


Method of installation of single beds

Before making a sleeper for grapes, it is necessary to determine the type of design, materials and operational characteristics. We will look at the process of the construction of single-layer choppers from wood and metal.

For installation it is necessary to prepare:

  • pipe metal diameter 5 cm;
  • pillars or bars with a length of 2 to 2.5 m;
  • wire from aluminum material;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • roulette;
  • shovel.

Step-by-step actions to the construction of the Toplar look like:

  1. The installation process begins with the selection space. It should be borne in mind that the grapes - a perennial crop. Therefore, to grow in the place of its planting other plants will not be able for a long time.
  2. In the next step should be to prepare the poles. The preparation procedure involves mounting on poles cross beams. For this armature or corners may be used. By metal pillar beams are welded by means of welding, and wooden bars need to prepare in advance the opening.
  3. You will need to install a few bars. Therefore recommended pre-column mark. The first mark is performed at a distance of 60 cm, that is at ground level.
  4. Further poles dig in the soil. In this observed distance of 2-3 m therebetween.
  5. The pillars are joined by a pipe, which will prevent their tilt to the side.
  6. Between pillars stretched wire. The lower it is in the range of 50 cm from the ground level. A similar distance must be observed between the other rows of wire.


Making of decorative monoplanar trellis

To work required:

  • wooden slats;
  • hammer, nails;
  • saw - hacksaw.

The manufacturing process is performed in such a sequence of operations:

  1. Four strips are connected in the form of a rectangular frame.
  2. Next, the remaining elements are mounted diagonally, resulting in a lattice.
  3. Before instillation into the soil to be treated trellis antifungal. And if these lattices hold together - get arbor, arch or overhang.


Installing the two-plane trellis

If you need to install a reinforced structure, it is necessary to build a two-plane trellis. Consider the process of its manufacture with their own hands.

Materials and tools:

  • asbestos or metal pipe length of 2.5 m in an amount of 4 units;
  • chalk;
  • cement;
  • 30 m aluminum wire;
  • gravel;
  • roulette.

These materials are designed for the mounting of a support block. Number of units determines the owner of the vineyard, at its discretion.

Step by step action on making tapestries look like this:

  1. In early work necessary to draw a rectangle whose length is equal to 3 m, and the width - 80 cm.
  2. In the corners of the rectangle you need to dig a hole with a diameter of approximately 30 cm.
  3. After that the pipe is installed in each pit.
  4. Further, the pipe should be diluted to the sides so that the space between their upper ends is 120 cm.
  5. Then backfilled pits half filled with rubble and cement composition.
  6. You should wait for the time that the solution is completely frozen.
  7. Thereafter, the wire is stretched between the pipes.
  8. To mount was more durable, you can use metal hooks.



  1. The height of the trellis for grapes with their hands for the standard of the vineyard must not be less than 2 m from the ground. If this kind of decorative supports - arbor or canopy, in this case it is necessary to observe the distance from 2.5 m to 3.2 m.
  2. The level of penetration into the ground bars or tubes must not be less than 60 cm.
  3. Trellis should be located from north to south direction. Due to such arrangement solar lighting will come on different sides of the plant throughout the day.
  4. To prolong the life of the tapestry she had to provide some care. Wooden parts should be treated with antifungal drugs, and metal - corrosion agents. This is especially important for processing wood material, because these measures significantly extend the life of the pillars of wood.

Preparations for the treatment of wood are divided into two categories: oily and water-soluble. The first group includes shale, anthracene and Creosote coal oils, and green soap. Agents are water-soluble copper sulfate, fluoride and sodium fluorosilicate. Wood moisture content prepared for processing should range from 20% to 30%. In order to strengthen during the installation of pipes can apply additional crossbar. This will help to avoid further deformation changes and sagging structure.

  1. Poles for manufacturing trellises preferred use of metal or asbestos. The use of wooden poles is also permissible. But this material is different durability. Grapes - is a culture that can bear fruit for decades. A wooden bars will serve only 5-7 years. Then the process will be subject to decay and may sag.
  2. In order to maximize the period of support services on a wooden beam, it is necessary to select only solid wood. For example, oak, chestnut, ash, acacia. Do not use birch, linden, alder, maple.
  3. To form the horizontal beams should be applied wire of copper or aluminum.
  4. It is not recommended to use the rope as it is fragile and short-lived material, which will have to stretch every year.

To minimize costs applicable to mounting a particular reception process that involves the installation of pipes of smaller size to larger pipes:

  • first installed in the soil pipe having a larger diameter;
  • further they are placed in the tube with a smaller diameter;
  • wire located at a distance of 50 cm from the ground in a staggered manner;
  • between the wires leave a space of 10 mm in order not to grind vine;
  • series should be arranged so that there is no overlap of one of a number of others.



The presence of the trellis is a prerequisite for the full development of the grapes and produce a good crop. Constructions are divided into several types, each of which is provided for a certain amount of cultivated grapes. But each kind of different technological settings are available, so set yourself trellis even a layman can on the site.

Trellis for grapes. Video:

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