An electrician in the apartment - the installation, layout and features

December 8. Interior decoration Views 3468 Comments recording Electricity in the apartment - the installation, layout and features No

Consider the features of the installation of wiring in an apartment with his hands. Where do you start?

Background The installation and milestones

When you check in a new building need to think about replacing the electrics in the apartment. The implementation of this operation is due to two reasons:

  • developers do not pay enough attention to quality installation of electrical wiring, reducing cost in this way cost of 1 sq. M. Of housing;
  • better to be safe and install a new wiring, rather than some time later to find out that it can not withstand loads of modern household appliances. Particularly disappointing is that in the rooms expensive repairs made.

Conventionally, such work as an electrician to change the apartment is divided into the following main stages:

  • drafting Wiring;
  • arrangement of the switchboard;
  • determination of the necessary amounts of cable outlets and switches and other electrical accessories;
  • marking wall surface;
  • shtroblenie walls;
  • cabling;
  • connection wires;
  • checking of power.


Creating schemes and choice of materials for laying of wiring

The design of electricians in the apartment provides for the compilation of the arrangement of the distribution shield, switches, sockets, household and lighting equipment in each room. Special attention should be paid to the placement of the camshaft. Usually it is on the wall near the entrance to the residential premises.

If the developers placed an electric shield with accounting devices outside the apartment, then another shield for the distribution of electricity should be installed inside it. To connect the two camshafts, a copper wire has a cross section of 6 kV. mm.


Perhaps the greatest value for laying wiring in the apartment has the right choice of electrical cable. It is better to use copper wire:

  • it does not break like aluminum;
  • its laying occurs easier.

It is recommended to purchase a three-core brand Wire of the VVG:

  • for sockets with a cross section of 2.5 square meters. mm.;
  • for lighting devices - 1.5 square meters. mm.

The next step is to determine the exact number of switches and sockets. This is necessary for the normal functioning of modern household appliances. Calculation of electricians in the apartment is based on such a rule: by 6 square meters. The room area should be set at least one outlet.

This rule does not apply to the bathroom and kitchen. In these rooms, the number of outlets is determined depending on the number of household appliances. Similarly, the number of switches for lighting devices is calculated.

Marking and installation work

Based on the drawing of electricians in the apartment produced marking works. The electrician gasket in the apartment provides:

  • creating on the walls of marks for new sockets and switches. Their installation is carried out at the level of 30-50 cm from the floor;
  • horizontal and vertical cable location. This will prevent the cable damage in case of creating holes for dowel-nails.

Installation of electricians in the apartment can be performed by three main ways:

  • open (used several dozen years ago);
  • hidden (cable laying occurs in the wall);
  • combined (electrical wiring laid into the channels and attach to the wall).

Now the most common is the hidden layout of electricians in the apartment. Its styling is carried out depending on the type of house in which the apartment is located. If it is panel, then there is a possibility that special channels have already been created for the cable. In this case:

  • placed in channels electrical wire;
  • installation of switches and sockets in original places.

Brick walls provide two options for laying electricians in the apartment with your own hands:

  • in the layer of plaster;
  • in the shifts (shallow grooves in the wall).

The first option includes such steps:

  • preparation of concrete solution;
  • fastening the electrical cable to the wall;
  • walking walls with hide wiring.


To create a cable shift, you will need a perforator (or Bulgarian). Arrangement of stroke assumes:

  • holding lines on the wall;
  • the presence of a clearance from the ceiling at 12-15 cm;
  • depth of the strobe up to 2 cm;
  • using special crowns for holes for openings for sockets and switches.


If there is no nozzles, then the holes are drilled in a circle. The middle of the circle is knocked out by ordinary chisel.


Installation of peales in the created holes and fastening the wiring in it is performed using alabaster. Moreover, their installation involves the presence of a stock, if the walls will be finished with putty. Upon completion of the walls of the walls, all the submersions must be flush with the surface.


In the course of laying a new electrician in the apartment, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct installation of junction boxes. They should not be hidden under the layer of finishing material. It is from inspection of a box that begins troubleshooting associated with the lack of voltage in the network. Their main purpose is to connect all the ends of the wires that are laid in various rooms. Installation of junction boxes are made in the corners of the rooms at approximately 25-30 cm from the ceiling. The wires in them are connected using special plastic terminal blocks and wrapped with a tape.

The following video is dedicated to the installation of wiring installation.

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