Peonies: Landing Growing and Care

June 22. Plot. Views 4512. Comments To write peonies: landing growing and care No

The process of decorating the local area is a rather complicated stage of building a private area. In addition, it will certainly be necessary to create a literate design of the landscape design, after its implementation requires regular care for all green plantings, to maintain stable attractiveness.


Many owners of private houses are not ready to give most of their personal free time with land work, but at the same time the desire to make their own plot is beautiful and original. In this case, the landing of peonies is the perfect solution in which you do not have to apply a lot of effort to provide a bright, saturated with a variety of shades and lush scenery. Familiarize yourself attentively with the information about the rules of landing and care of peonies, to make sure it yourself.

Varieties of peonies

peonies in the garden

All species diversity of peonies, whose photos are viewed in this article or any garden directory, are defined in several basic groups. The main criterion is the type of inflorescences. There are the following types:

  1. Japanese. pAEONIA-65
  2. Simple. 34
  3. Semi-double. 05905652
  4. Anemone. ad0721
  5. Terry. 3163229_b527a4e94f30t

    Important! Note that in each group there are several intermediary options, which combine features of two or more types of peonies. In addition, breeders artificially derived hybrid varieties, an interesting combination of colors and shape of the inflorescence which is sure to catch the eye.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                paeonia-17

What varieties to choose?


When selecting varieties sure to pay attention to the timing of flowering. According to this principle, classify the following varieties:

  • very early;
  • early;
  • medium early;
  • medium;
  • srednepozdnie;
  • later;
  • very late. pion_18

    Important! Follow the selection of peony flowers in such a way as to appeal and the brightness of the area to ensure maximum long period.


The color scheme also provides a great variety, the most in demand:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • purple;
  • milky yellow;
  • coral;
  • red;
  • pink. peon_Lollipop

Popular varieties

To the cultivation of peonies was pleasant and not difficult, give preference to one of the following grades. In this case, you will easily be able to make their local area is not just a beautiful and picturesque landscape.


List of varieties:

  • Sara Bernhardt;
  • Joseph Christie;
  • Lady Kate;
  • Frances Mains;
  • Ramone Lins; 5-34
  • Antej;
  • Pink Parfait;
  • MRS. Wilder Buncroft;
  • Illinie Warrior;
  • Pink Jazz; 513
  • Red Charm;
  • Requiem;
  • Red Grace;
  • May Down; yellow_heaven
  • Coral Charm;
  • Garden Treasure;
  • Hot Chocolate;
  • Nancy;
  • News of Altai; ena_7047
  • America;
  • Cytherea;
  • Pearl scattering;
  • Rhapsody. 10

    Important! Carefully consider the composition before planting scheme selected varieties to bloom when pions was obtained pictorial saturated harmonious transitions shades art landscape painting.


Where to plant peonies?


When choosing a site, be sure to keep in mind some specific requirements to the site pions:

  1. Sunny area.
  2. The absence of windswept.
  3. You can not plant close to home.
  4. Inadmissible growing peonies in the lowlands.


Important! If you desire to plant these flowers in close proximity to the house, be sure to make a space from the basement up to 1.5 meters. This approach eliminates the occurrence of obstacles for the development of the roots and eliminate excessive detrimental thermal effects on the flowers from the walls. A great option - planting peonies framed by trees and shrubs with a slow pace of development.                            


What type of soil is suitable for growing peonies?

For growing peonies suitable for almost any soil with relatively high fertility level. But if possible, give preference to loam in which these flowers are more comfortable.


When planting perform the work?

Unlike many other species of plants, planting peonies undesirable spring. In this case, their development is quite slow and the higher the risk of death of seedlings.

A suitable period for planting works: 2nd half of August to the beginning of October.

How to plant peonies?


Planting different pions clear sequence of actions:

  1. Preparation of the soil.
  2. Treatment of the root system and shoots.
  3. Procedure directly planting.
  4. the surface of the soil tillage.


How to prepare the ground?

Read carefully the rules of the site preparation to do the job properly:

  1. Surround the area for planting. pion
  2. Mark the landing place of each of the bush so that the distance between the individual specimens was 0.7-1 meter.


    Important! Compliance with this rule will not only ensure the full development of the pion, but also prevent the emergence of the fungus.

    Paeonia_tenuifolia_Pioni, _tillipioni_Dillpion_C_DSC03045

  3. Dig pit dimensions 0.8 * 0.8 m, depth of 0.6m. Peony-holle
  4. If the soil is heavy apply by drainage to 20 cm of broken bricks, sand and gravel.
  5. Add in the recess for planting fertilizer, mixed with earth excavated pit 2/3. Garden-piony1

    Important! Perform the preparation of the holes in advance, 3-4 weeks before the alleged landing so that the soil sink, and the nutrients of fertilizers managed to absorb soil. bD8CB8398E2897499CAE490AD4E6FFFF25F86A155476129.

What to feed peonies?


When landing, use 2 types of fertilizers:

  • additive to the soil itself;
  • the solution for the root system.


Prepare mixes in accurately compliant with the following recipes:

  1. Soil fertilizer. Method 1:
    • 1 bucket of compost;
    • 0.3 kg of bone flour;
    • 0.3 kg of wood ash. Paeonialactiflora04.
  2. Soil fertilizer. Method 2:
    • 1 bucket humus;
    • 0.3 kg of superphosphate;
    • 0.3 kg of potassiummagnesia. 98934957_75270452_4402301_0_7C65B_FA1EC2B9_XXL
  3. Fertilizer for the root system:
    • 10 liters of water;
    • 2 Tablets heteroacexin;
    • 50 g of copper sulfate;
    • clay, the amount of which varies with one rule: the resulting mass must be pasta-like. piony-1

How to prepare the roots of peonies to landing?

  1. Choose to divide individuals whose age is 4-6 years.
  2. Water them under the jet of water.
  3. Place the shredded plants for a day in a shady space so that the processes are slightly introduced.


    Important! Such an approach will facilitate their division and prevent breakage in preparation.


  4. The neck of the root gently clear from damaged proges and rot.
  5. The remaining roots do trust in such a way that their length does not exceed 10-15 cm.
  6. After separation of the roots, the root system of each individual bush is dipped into a prepared solution to the above recipe.
  7. Wait until the root proceeds get off. sAJENCI-1.

Rules landing

  1. Each seedling is located in the pits in such a way that the bottom kidneys will go through the earth into 3-5 cm. 5-90
  2. Put all the wells in the remaining soil.
  3. Carefully confuse not to damage the shoots. Posadka_piona_1
  4. Pour each bush.
  5. Turn the surface to peat, the layer thickness of 5 cm.


    Important! Browse the video in which the process of planting peonies is clearly shown to perform this work in full compliance with the rules.

How to care for flowers?


Peony care rules are not particularly difficult, this process consists of standard procedures. Perform them in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • Each spring make a dolomite flour in the proportion of 0.4kg / m2 of the territory under the peonies, if the soil is distinguished by increased acidity.
  • Watering spend moderately, not often, but consumed with each procedure 2-3 buckets for each shrub. posadka-2

    Important! Most of all, peonies require additional moistening during the renal layout, at the end of summer, and during the formation of buds.

  • After each watering or rain, the land looser to a depth of 10-15 cm, while removing the weeds that appeared.


    Important! Perform this job carefully not to damage the stems and the roots of flowers.


  • In the fall, cut all the stems to the soil level, after which it is covered by the remaining part of the plant ash in a proportion of 3 handstone on each bush.


Important! View the video about how to make the autumn trimming of peonies to find out all the subtleties of this procedure in advance.

  • If independently decided to reproduce the peonies by dividing the roots, do this procedure in early September.


  • After the peonies grow sufficiently, set the backups for them.
  • In adults, remove part of the buds on the stems, leaving only 1-2 central inflorescences.


    Important! Such an easy procedure will ensure the lush color and large size of the remaining buds.


  • Delete the shut-down buds in a timely manner.
  • Before the onset of winter cold, dig roots and hide them for storage or form a layer of sawdust throughout the landing area of \u200b\u200bpeonies.



After completing all the landing work correctly, and implementing a simple timely care of peonies, you will certainly achieve an excellent result. We note one important fact: subject to all rules, a flower garden from peonies will ensure the attractiveness of your site up to 20 years without the need to update or complete reorganization. Therefore, be particularly attentive when choosing suitable varieties, since how correctly you will be the composition, the beauty of the landscape of the railway territory depends for a long time.

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