Rejuvenation of fruit trees with your own hands

June 13. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2345. Comments to record rejuvenation of fruit trees with their own hands No

Sooner or later, any tree, like a person, with age loses its former vitality and energy. This negatively affects not only its ability to fruiting, but also on the quality of the fruit themselves. How to get rid of this problem? Cut down the root tree and plant a new one in his place? No.


Young trees only after a couple of years will be able to please a good harvest, and the old with a solid barrel and an excellent root system can produce a crop from year to year due to their rejuvenation. How do it make it with your own hands later.


Why do trees need rejuvenation?

In old trees, wood has a property with time to change its structure, becoming more dense. This leads to the fact that the juice that feeds this fruit plant cannot freely rise up. It is delayed in the lower part of the tree, and the upper branches are gradually dried, bare inner part of the crown. In return, the so-called water stems are formed in the bottom of the trunk, which represents vertically growing branches with large leaves and long interstices. Such a phenomenon should be a signal to the need to rejuvenate the tree by trimming the crown of the tree or its part. Water stems are not worth cutting.


When and how do the rejuvenation of trees?

  • It is best to rejuvenate fruit trees to engage in early spring immediately after the end of frosts until the juice began its movement and the kidneys did not have time to swell. Thus, a given procedure will take less painfully for the tree, the wounds from the sleeve will faster and, by the end of autumn, it will be possible to see its result.
  • You can also trim branches and autumn, after the end of fruiting. The only thing that in this case will have to wait somewhat longer.


  • To carry out the procedure for rejuvenation of fruit trees, it is necessary to use only high-quality, good and well-sharpened tools. Only then the cut will be neat and smooth. In consequence, it is carefully embarrassed by a mixture or woody wax for the apparent healing.

  • The procedure for rejuvenating fruit trees can disrupt the normal life of the plant, so it should not be abused. Experts recommend it not often - just once every two or three years. Trees that have been prunned in order to rejuvenate need to surround increased attention and care. For example, in the fall they fertilize with humus, and in the spring and at the beginning of the summer, feeding the null-grade.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Basic rules trimming fruit trees

In the process of trimming fruit trees, it is necessary to comply with certain rules that will help to achieve the desired results, namely:

  • primarily cut patients and dried branches;
  • next, remove branches and knots that grow vertically;
  • if there are branches that rub each other or are in close proximity, then one of them must be removed.


Basic methods for rejuvenation of fruit trees

In the process of rejuvenation of fruit trees, pruning is carried out in two ways: in two stages or in one reception.

Trim in two stages

The most popular way that is capable not only to rejuvenate the crown of the tree, but also not to lose the harvest.

  • At the first stage, cut part of the skeletal branches located on the south side, and the rest are simply shortened.
  • Over the next three or four years, the new young half of the crown occurs.
  • After this period, the second stage comes, which consists in pruning a part of the skeletal branches from the North side in the same way as it has been done at the first stage.


Removing one reception

This method is considered the most radical compared to the above described. Therefore, it is not so often used and mainly for old trees, having initially certain damages, diseases of the cortex and wood.

  • Rejuvenation occurs by completely removing the crown of the tree.
  • The height dug depends on the condition of the cortex. What it is denser, the lower it is worth cutting.
  • You can also focus on already existing small young shoots. Of these, the strongest are selected that are suitable for the formation of the future crown.
  • The remaining is cut together with the old crown of the tree, retreating about 2-3 cm up from their level of growth.
  • After complete trimming of the crown, almost immediately should begin the abundant growth of new shoots, of which in the middle of the summer they choose the strongest, which will become a skeleton of the crown, and the rest also remove again.

Sometimes there are situations where young shoots grow not in the other direction, then they must be redirected in the right direction. For this use special garters or backups. It is important that the shoots themselves before it should be strengthened, because by action albeit small loads, they can be easily damaged or worse to break.

Thus, in the process of rejuvenation, the crown of the fruit tree is not difficult. Everyone can do on its summer cottage independently, without the help of specialists. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the main aspects of such a procedure, as well as to take into account the peculiarities of the growth and development of a tree.

Visually see the process of trimming the crown of the fruit tree in order to rejuvenate it in video:

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