We put the warm floor. Film floor under linoleum do it yourself

June 13. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 2733 Comments To write a warm floor. Film floor under linoleum do it yourself No

No matter how well there were insulated walls, you will not feel comfortable in your home if it blows cold below. The warm floor - the invention is really ingenious, as it allows you to fill with heat and apartment in a high-rise building, where the central heating batteries barely breathe, and its own home. It is possible to put a warm floor by using the information set forth in our article.

Warm floor. The main types and advantages

The floor area is much larger than the battery area, therefore the heat transfer is more. If we talk about the advantages of a warm floor, then they include:

  • high-quality and uniform air heating in the room;
  • little cost operation;
  • economic coolant consumption.

Warm floors are:

  • water. These are the same water radiators, but in more modern form. Use them in the apartment is extremely undesirable due to the possible breakthrough of pipes;
  • electric. The main advantage - housing and communal services to this type of heating has nothing to do. You can include them even in the summer in cool weather. The view is the most popular and divided into several subspecies.

Subspecies of electric warm floors

Electric warm floor can be:

  • film;
  • rod;
  • cable.

If the criterion take the method of heating, then there are still such subspecies:

  • electric convection floors;
  • infrared. This includes film and rods.



Types of electric floors

Consider a little more details each type of electric flooring.

Film warm floor

The film is called this gender because the heating element in it is the film, the truth is made in a special way. Film material has the following advantages:


  • special chatting of cement for film laying is not required;
  • installation is performed very quickly;
  • suitable for any floor covering, except for one exception: carpet is not recommended;
  • heats except the floor, all in the room. When it is disconnected from the power supply, the heat transfer comes from previously heated items.


There are 2 options for film floor:


  • bimetallic heaters. This floor gives a high temperature. Bimetallic heater is a surface of two layers: aluminum alloy and copper alloy including different inclusions;
  • film carbon. On sale come ready rolls of such a film. It contains elements of copper, carbon and lavsanovy in 2 layers.


Rod electric floor or floor from mats

The basis of the floor from mats is the carbon rods flexible. For their laying, they first arrange a cement screed with a thin layer or use special glue. As a result, it should be something like the thermoMoms. It is chosen by many due to the fact that:

  • floor temperature is automatically adjustable. As soon as the temperature of the rods increases, the power drops immediately - up to 1.5 times;
  • it is perfect for all types of clean floor;
  • slightly ionizes the air that has a beneficial effect on health;
  • the parallel connection of the heating elements allows the floor to be in working condition, even if one of the rods came out;
  • it is safe and durable.


Warm floor cable

In this warm floor system, the heater is a special cable. His serpentine is placed on a small thickness of a cement tie. Distributed along the floor area evenly, and the zones where the furniture will be, bypass, otherwise it will dry out under the influence of heat. His features:

  • the laying is suitable in a small apartment;
  • for heating a large private house - it is expensive pleasure;
  • it is more expensive than water floors and electric other types;
  • an unpleasant moment is the presence of electromagnetic waves useful for a person, albeit in small doses.


Warm floor mounting under linoleum

So, you inspired the idea of \u200b\u200ba warm floor device. Linoleum is chosen as a fixed coverage.

We get necessary

To mount a warm floor, first stock all that will be required during the work:

  • we buy a roll of film warm floor, arising before this calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, where it is planned to arrange a warm floor. The height is practically not changed, because the thickness of the floor is only 0.3 cm;
  • to warm up not the ceiling by neighbors from below, and your floor, we purchase an insulation material having a foil layer that reflects the heat and sends it up. It is important that the material does not conduct electricity. This requirements are responsible perforated isolon, which allows to preserve up to 40% of heat;
  • the wires and clips of copper, tape and tape lacious, construction fiberglass grid;
  • to regulate and measure the temperature, the regulator (digital or thermo) and sensors will be required;
  • protective material heat-conducting: moisture resistant plywood, foamed polyurethane, etc.

Start laying a warm floor

  • we start with dismantling outdoor coverage;
  • we clean the surface that has opened after removing the finishing floor from dirt, dust, irregularities. The maximum permissible irregularity is 1 m square - 0.3 cm;
  • we place the heat-reflecting insulation. Replace it with a rolled cork coating. Before laying, we make cutting insulation. It will be stripes whose length is equal to the length of the room. When laying, watches, so that the metallized element is above. Stripes of thermal insulation connect with each other, using scotch;
  • the film heater is placed on the insulation. Holes on one and other material must coincide. At the same time, if your furniture does not have at the level of the floor of the gap for ventilation, then in the places of its placement the film does not fit. Part of it can overcome. According to the graphite layer, it is not desirable to cut the film, and if it still succeeded, we protect this place with a tape or scotch. From the walls retreating centimeters of 10. When laying the film, avoid the lining of the strips on each other. The length of the whole band should not exceed 15 m. Heater and film connect with painting tape;
  • install the thermostat. When choosing a place of installation, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is able to serve an area of \u200b\u200bmaximum 15 m. The wiring is connected in parallel with respect to the film. To attach copper wires, to the edge of the film's edge, copper clamps. When they are assisted, fix the wires from the right and left corners of the film. Current ends are insulating. So that the tightness was reliable, we use silicone sealant;
  • confirm the thermostat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe socket, connecting the wiring to it;
  • the thermostat includes and check how the warm floor works. If all its zones have heard for a few minutes, then we did everything right;
  • cut slicer and thermostat connections with wiring testing;
  • paul must ground. To do this, glue foil tape for diagonal and film length. One end of the Scotch join the wire.


Protection for fixed floor from linoleum

Linoleum is easily damaged, therefore, it is a weak protection for the film. Options for additional protection under linoleum:

  • pVC foamed;
  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • cork substrate, etc.

Finishing stage

Actually, infrared warm floor is ready, it remains to lay a linoleum. When styling it:

  • nails do not use;
  • if the coating provides for laying two cloths, then fix them with the help of 2-sided tape;
  • when the slot appears in the place of docking, we eliminate it by using a special butt glue;
  • excess glue immediately delete.

What can I do

There are circumstances under which the installation of a warm floor cannot be performed. It:

  • high humidity;
  • room temperature below 0 degrees C;
  • use of nails for its attachment;
  • the presence of a near the fireplace or furnace;
  • no grounding when the film is connected;
  • exceeding the maximum power of heating elements, and this is 150 W per 1 m square. Square floor.

It will help to make a warm floor film with your own hands, Viewing this video:

So that you are at least a little oriented when choosing warm film floors, consider the products of several manufacturers:

Warm floors Heat Plus

Heat Plus floors from the SEGGI CENTURY Korean Corporation differ in the following features:

  • the width of the conductor strips is wider than in other similar products, which means that the floor heats up more evenly;
  • the film is durable and durable thanks to a slightly greater than that of other manufacturers, thickness;
  • Heat Plus floors have wellness features.

Rexva Xica Film.

The film is produced in South Korea by Rexva. Very popular and has the following characteristics:

  • very thin - 0.3 mm, since the manufacturer managed to obtain a minimum air layer between carbon conductive stripes;
  • universal and mobile;
  • Mounted in a few hours;
  • the coating warms up at least in 5 minutes;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • saves up to 20% of electricity.


Warm floor Sun-Floor Floor from South Korea is:

  • thermal film with a thickness of 0.4 cm;
  • material including carbon and silver paste, as well as copper and polyester film.


  • consumes from 50 to 80 watts per 1 kV. m;
  • on the surface, the temperature reaches 60 degrees C.

Warm floor sodge. Laying

instr Unimat Main.indd.

Increased humidity in the room is not an obstacle for mounting the rod warm floor. Make a warm floor of the rod is not difficult, but the consultation of the specialist will be very by the way. The process of its installation is similar to the flooring of a film type:

  • a smooth black surface is coated with heat-reflecting material;
  • install the thermal sensor. The closer the distance from the sensor to the floor, the more accurately its testimony;
  • we are labeled the thermomat. Fix it with a dowel or scotch;
  • we carry out the installation of the thermostat;
  • connect the rod floor to the power source and check its operation. Better if it does a professional;
  • if the tests passed normally, it is not a thick, millimeter 3, a concrete reinforced tie. Just this operation is absent when installing the warm floor of the electric film. After pouring the screed, the linoleum is stacked. The substrate in such an case will be superfluous.

A good option is a rod warm floor of Unimat (Yihnat) from Caleo Rus LLC.

Infrared radiation from this floor is simply miraculous: except that the apartment will be warm, it:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • removes the smells of food and its waste, paints;
  • stimulates the growth of plants;
  • enhances the shelf life of products.


In detail about the installation of the rod warm floor, here:






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