Tools for cutting tiles at home. Recommendations for mounting tiles do it yourself

June 29. Interior decoration, Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 606. Comments To record Tools for cutting tiles at home. Recommendations for mounting tiles do it yourself No

Tile or ceramic tile - in demand facing material. This tile is made of clay, which is burned in the furnaces at high temperatures, the clay from above is covered with glaze. As a result of such preparation, the tile becomes not only very beautiful and durable, but also durable. But in order to cut it when laying, the availability of special tools will be required.

We learn which tools are suitable for cutting tiles and which methods are applied at home.

How to cut tiles at home

For laying outdoor tiles, repairmen use a special tool - electric tiles. This is the most popular tool, with which you can quickly and correctly cut the tile. The tiles are equipped with a water supply system that is fed directly to the cut line. The diamond circle passes on a robust tile, as the knife enters the soft oil. This is a professional tile cutting device that is used for repair work. It is not always convenient to spend additionally funds for its purchase, because the cost of the tile cutting is high enough.

For homework and cutting tiles, the manual tile is suitable, its cost is not as high as the price of a professional tool, so for repair work and laying tiles at home to facilitate the process of cutting the tile, it is quite suitable.

As for the technology of cutting tiles, it is impossible to cut fantasy tiles, there are certain rules: on the planned markup, the tile must be sent to the cutting edge, the movement from itself, slightly pressed on it. As a result of the actions, the tile is divided into 2 parts. Such a tool is suitable for styling the tile in the bathroom, in the kitchen, as well as for laying outdoor tiles.

What else can you cut the tile at home:

  • bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • lobzik (manual or electric);
  • glass cutter or stationery knife.

Consider more Nuances of working with each of the following tools:

  • bulgarian is a universal tool that will help to cope with many types of repair work. With this power tool, you can quickly cut the styling tile. To work, you will need to purchase an additional nozzle, because cutting is carried out by dry way, without water supply. In addition, you need to purchase several diamond disks designed for different thickness of the tile. Insecure tool, so newcomers need to get acquainted with safety equipment before starting work, be sure to work in protective glasses. Slicing technology is extremely simple: movement over. The tile must be rigidly fixed. It is very important to work in a protective mask and glasses, because the cutting of the tile of this tool has cons: it is a strong noise when working and a lot of dust. In addition, work is considered dangerous, so before proceeding to the cutting of the tile, it is advisable to practice on a non-zero tile. So you can understand the principle of cutting;

  • electric drill - work is performed almost the same as with the help of a grinder, only to properly and smoothly cut the tile, additional devices will be required. This is a special drill (tubular), nozzle-crown, also need the usual drill and nozzle-ballerina (the principle of operation, like a circular for figure cutting). For standard cutting, choose a universal drill with a special coating (winning). There are also cutting features: Before starting work, you need to schedule a line, which you need to cut the tile, only before you need to walk along it with a manual or electric jib to destroy enamel. After that, you can proceed to work on cutting tiles. Nuances: From time to time it will be necessary to wipe the drill with water so that it does not heat up and there was not much dust;

  • lobzik is a universal and convenient tower tool. With the help of a jigsaw, you can cut the tile as direct method and figure. The manual jigscription is not suitable for some types of floor tiles, because it is manually to cut a lot of tiles at a time - this is a time-consuming process. For durable and thick tiles, an electric jig is used, equipped with a diamond wire. In order to make a smooth section, it is necessary to work on a flat surface (put the tile on the table) so that the cut part of the facing material is a canopy. To make accurate cut, you must first mark the marker on the facial part of the tile. If you work with an electric jigsaw, the size is cleaner, without chip. Manually, you can also achieve such results, if you adapt and do not rush. Cuts Cutting Cafe Lobzik: Diamond wire can fool or break, so the tile must be bought with a reserve;

  • conventional ceramic tiles can be tried to cut a hand tool with a glass cutter. In the work, it is important to zeal and calm. In a hurry, cut the tile with this tool will not work. So that everything came out, work on a flat surface (table, stool). Put on the table the tile "face" to yourself, mark the markup (a pencil / marker, metal ruler) is suitable. Put on the tile of the outline line so that its edge accumulates clearly on the planned line. Spend several times on the edge of the line with pressure on the cutting edge. Cold on the line of the outbreak, gently separate the tile. A smooth section is easy to get if we put the tile prepared in such a way to the edge of the table and pick up. Similarly, you can cut the tile by the stationery knife, only an incision should be done along the planted line many times to get a small groove. Then it is easier to break the tile along the cut line. These tools are suitable only for cutting several tiles of standard sample. For cutting porcelain tiles, glass cutter and knife are not suitable.

Tile cutting technology

Standard tile cutting on professional tiles is extremely simple: prepared tile (with markup) must be put on the machine, holding the tile, moving under the cutting edge, movement from itself. Similarly, working with manual stovetur.

Stepped tile cutting technology with manual instruments:

  • we work in glass cutter (choose a tool equipped with a diamond tip or a special durable roller);
  • on the front side of the tile with a soft pencil, it is necessary to draw a line of the outbreak;
  • take advantage of the metal line to the intended line be smooth;
  • attach the line to the line, take the tool on the edge of the line (exactly the line of the mark), making an effort to the cutting tool. Crazy very much cutter is not worth it. It is enough to get a smooth and clear incision;
  • take a wooden hammer (or special, rubberized) to catch up on the ground. In the work you can use any wooden handle;
  • tile must be put on the table so that one part (the one you want to cut) was a canopy;
  • it remains only to put pressure on the free edge of the tile to gently decompose it into 2 parts. If the incision was smooth and deep, then the tile is easily folded without chips and cracks.

How to cut the tile with rounding? For lining of walls in the kitchen and the bathroom, you will need to cut the tile with rounding to put the tile near the plumbing or pipes. The usual way of cutting a tile does not fit here, it is necessary to take advantage of the stoveture.

But if there is no such electrical tool, you can perform the action tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • glass cutter or even pliers.

With electric tools: the grinder, the pubsie and the drill there are no questions. You only need to wear a special round nozzle to perform work. And if there are no such tools?

Tile cuts manually:

  1. A marker or pencil needs to be outline the cut line.
  2. According to the intended line, with the help of a sharp nail, it is necessary to read the contour to disrupt the glossy tile coating.
  3. Then take the nippers (only small), it is possible to cut the pliers to break the material. For these purposes, there are more durable tubes equipped with a carbide clamp.
  4. It is necessary to work from the edge of the product, gradually deepening. Do not hurry, because here you need an accurate "cut." Since it is impossible to achieve a perfectly smooth cut alone with nipples, it will have to polish the edge using coarse beam.

Cutting tiles at an angle

For cladding tiles of outer straight corners, a special tile cutting technique is used. The tile is cut at an angle of 45 degrees to from 2 similar to the chopped tiles, get a beautiful straight angle. Of course, you can not do this, because there are special plastic corners, but they are not always suitable and even look ugly.

Masters-professionals make such cutting at an angle as accurately as possible, with a beautiful smooth edge without damage to tiles and chips. Such results can be achieved only with the help of a special tool - professional tiles. Then it is not necessary to additionally clean the tile manually. But not everyone has the opportunity to seek help to professionals and more than one to buy one or two rooms, an expensive tool. For these purposes, you can use the grinder.

How to do it:

  1. An additional nozzle will be required - a well-sharpened diamond disk (specifically for cutting tiles).
  2. Tile must be put "on the edge" (strictly perpendicular to the side of the trimming) and then turn on the grinder to run the edge under the desired angle (45 degrees). Benefit must not face, but rear (where there are no glaze).
  3. What to do if the first time did not turn out the first time? If it is completely ugly, try again along the line of the slice of a diamond disk to make the edge more smooth and smooth.
  4. If you need to fill the work done slightly, a special nozzle for grinding is suitable.

Important! So that your power tool has revolutions adjustment function. Cutting tiles at an angle must be performed on minimal revs. Otherwise, the edge of the tile will burn or melt, but not polishing.

Experts advise, to make a slice from a smooth (beautiful edge) tiles, and all irregularities of the wrong side (from the cut), can always be crowned and, if necessary, poll.

Tile cutting instructions

What will be needed for cutting tiles with a grinder:

  • corner grinding or Bulgarian;
  • diamond circle with dimensions 125 by 2 by 5 per 22.2 mm, designed for 12200 revolutions per minute;
  • roulette and pencil;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • protection: Points with side defense and mittens.

How to cut the tile correctly:

  1. We perform on the tile markup with a ruler and pencil. If the roulette or a suitable line is not at hand, then we apply a second tile to the cut line, we make markup.
  2. Fix the diamond circle on the power tool, check the reliability of fixation.
  3. If there is no special tool on which you can fix the tile and cut, then all the work can be performed or on a stool / table on weight or directly on the floor. Just not to spoil the floor covering, you must put a metal sheet or rail on the floor / beacon.
  4. During operation, the tool must be kept hard for the handle and do not remove the protection / screen, because it is deadly dangerous.
  5. Pre-check the frequency of rotation of the circle and the instrument head, put on the protection so that the fragments do not get into the eyes.
  6. Tile must be cut carefully and slowly, to keep the grinder under a slight slope. Cutting the tile clearly along the line, and if it turned out an uneven edge, you can fill it a bit. It is not necessary to deepen much, the maximum is 1 mm, then you can do without dust. Because when cutting the tile, only clay is dust, and the glaze usually does not give so much dust.
  7. To split the tile on 2 pieces along the cut line, you will need to put under one edge of the tile, for example, screws.
  8. And now you need to press on both hands on the edges of the tile from the right and left side, attaching efforts. The tile is divided into 2 parts.

We watch the video how to cut tiles:

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