Fertilizers for strawberries: species, norms and features

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Strawberry - all the favorite delicious and fragrant berries, which has not only unique food qualities, but also medicinal properties. The chemical composition of this fruit includes a significant amount of vitamins, fiber, pectins, carotene, iron and many other beneficial substances. Berries have a tangible therapeutic effect in many diseases. But in order to get a high-quality harvest, you need to take care of feeding, as this culture is rather demanding on the cultivation conditions. Strawberries during the growing season actively absorbs nutritional elements from the upper ground layer. Therefore, the soil must be regularly enriched with the necessary substances. Consider more detailed all the features of the fertilizer process.

Recommendations for care, strawberry feeding

  1. You can make fertilizers for this culture from the second year of its life. Until this period, strawberry growth will provide substances that the soil has been enriched in the planting process.
  2. In addition, the excessive flow of trace elements can harm the young plant, contributing to the occurrence of diseases.
  3. During the strawberry period, it feels as follows. First, from 25 g of urea, a similar amount of potash salt, 40 g of superphosphate and buckets. Houring should be prepared. In the hole, this mixture is first placed, which is then abundantly watering with water. 1 M. 2 You need about 10 liters of water.
  4. The fertilizer of the culture of the second year is proceeding at the beginning of spring - after snow comes down, and the soil will warm slightly. Before fertilizing the strawberries in the spring area you need to clear and remove the dead bushes. Next, the soil is mulched by humus or sawdust.
  5. Each plant must be filtered. To do this, there should be 2 cups of cow manure and 1 spoon of ammonium sulfate. The resulting mixture is poured under the bushes. This composition can be used for three-year plants, but the soil must be predetermined and fall asleep ashes. 1 M. 2 The soil will need 2 glasses of ash. For this purpose, the infusion of nettle is suitable. Making feeding refers to the mandatory requirements for the cultivation of strawberries.
  6. On the third year of the life of the culture, the same composition is used as when landing. The difference consists only in the amount of urea, instead of 25 g, it is necessary to use 10 g of substance.
  7. In the period from the second to the fourth years, chicken litter can be used as a fertilizer. To prepare a mixture of 1/3, it is necessary to fill in a litter and add water. The resulting composition should stand within 36 hours. After it is bred with a liquid in the ratio of 1: 4 and bring between rows, watering plenty of water. For processing 1 m 2 1 kg of this fertilizer is required.
  8. From the third year, strawberries need mineral fertilizers.
  9. Make feeders are recommended three times a year. The first time you need to do during the dumping of the site before the winter period. Fertilizers at the same time are placed directly into the ground.
  10. The second time the introduction is carried out after the collection of fruits, and the third - in the average numbers of September.


Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

These fertilizers are divided into several types:

  • comprehensive;
  • potash;
  • phosphoric;
  • nitrogen.

Each view in turn is divided into groups. Consider more detailed features, efficiency and measures to make each of them.

Complex fertilizers

Among the fertilizers of the complex type are distinguished:

  • nitropos;
  • nitroammofoska;
  • diammophos;
  • ammophos.

Nitropos is produced in the form of granules. The indication for the use of this fertilizer is a high concentration in phosphorus soil and low potassium level. When dissolved in water forms a precipitate. For processing 1 m 2 It will take 80 g of this product.

Nitroammofoska is characterized by a high sulfur content - 2%. Used mainly in the summer after the flowering of culture. The decider bucket requires a 1.5 match box. One of the conditions for the application of such fertilizer is abundant watering strawberry immediately after feeding.

Diampoos contains calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Available in granular state, due to this nutrient elements are evenly distributed in the structure of the soil.

Ammophos contains phosphorus and nitrogen. Suitable for any type of soil. Fertilizer of this species provides strawberries with the necessary substances and increases the ability of culture to resist the effects of diseases.


Potash fertilizers for strawberries

Potash fertilizers are divided into two groups depending on the presence of chlorine. This component is an aggressive substance, which can be negatively affected by culture. For this reason, fertilizer, which includes chlorine, is introduced into the soil in the autumn period. During the winter, the hazardous substance will be removed and the spring culture does not suffer from it. With regular use of chlorine-containing means in the ground, it should be pre-made lime. In the reverse case, the level of soil acidity will increase.

Fertilizers on a potash basis are necessary for the development of strawberries. Potassium increases the sugar content in the fruits of culture, has an impact on their safety, improves taste properties. The disadvantage of this element can be determined by the appearance of the plant. Leaves such strawberries have a brown color around the edges. Standard strawberry in spring must contain this element.


Phosphoric substances


  • water-soluble;
  • insoluble.

Funds related to the first category are more versatile. They are suitable for alkaline and sour soil. Painty-soluble types are used exclusively in acidic soils. Phosphoric fertilizers include:

  • superphosphate simple;
  • superphosphate double;
  • phosphoritic flour;
  • precipitate;
  • vivianitis;
  • bone flour;
  • marten Slag.

Nitrogen fertilizers for strawberries

These substances are based on synthetic ammonia. Thanks to the mobility of nitrogen compounds entering them has a significant positive impact on the strawberries. It is produced in the form of a crystalline powder of white or yellow color, readily soluble in water. Fertilizers of this type are poorly absorbed by the ground, so usually they are used in the spring and summer.

These substances are a source of food for soil microorganisms. During the first week after the introduction of the ground 70% of fertilizer consume fungi and bacteria. Nitrogen components are divided into:

  • nitrate;
  • amide;
  • ammonium nitrate species.

In the process of their application, be aware that excessive levels of minerals can harm strawberry and even lead to crop failure. Therefore, you must comply with all established norms of making these substances. Strawberry easier to transfer their disadvantage than excess.


Organic Fertilizer Type

Wood ash is an alkaline fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus. This material is recommended to apply in acidic soils, since it reduces the acidity level. Flow rate is 1 cup of 1 m 2. A distinctive feature of the ash is a lasting effect. After making it to be valid for 2-4 years. This fertilizer can be used in the form of infusion and has such features use:

  • 1 cup ash filled bucket of water;
  • before applying the resulting solution was stirred to ash distributed uniformly;
  • then poured the soil.

In the composition of the substance is absent nitrogen, because it disappears in the combustion process. However, to make this component together with the nitrogen fertilizer it is not recommended because it will cause release of ammonia. In a lot of this element is dangerous to strawberries.


Fertilizing strawberries can be performed with dairy products. a significant amount of amino acids found in milk. As used fertilizing serum, as slightly acidic soil is the most favorable environment for the growth and fruiting. Fermented components interact well with ash, humus and manure. The milk will help to get rid of pests. If this product is sprayed with a strawberry, it will not be subjected to the attack of mites and aphids.

A good fertilizer is based on the infusion of nettle. To cook it you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a container, which placed the bushes of the plant and filled with water.
  2. you need to put weight on nettles.
  3. Stir the infusion twice a day.
  4. Before the introduction, the solution is bred by water, observing the ratio of 1:20.
  5. Keltva contains nitrogen and potassium in a form that is easily absorbed by strawberries.


A positive effect on the development of culture is provided by fertilizer based on bread. It is preparing enough simple:

  1. The bread needs to be knocked out, put into water and pushed to fermentation. It will take this process from 6 to 10 days.
  2. To the resulting mixture, it is necessary to add water at the rate of 1:10.

The positive effect of this tool is due to the action of yeast fungus, which acidifies the soil and provides strawberries with the necessary elements. Regular use of such feeding allows you to get large berries. Bread will help provide a good harvest if used as a fertilizer for strawberries in spring.

The humus is obtained as a result of the expansion of manure, leaves or herbs. It can be combined with mineral components, forming a comprehensive fertilizer. The soil enriched with humus creates a nutrient medium for the development of strawberries. This fertilizer is applied at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m 2. It can be used during the landing period with further plant care. The duration of the action is 12 months. You can prepare a fertilizer in several ways:

  1. According to one of them, manure must be tamped into the stack, fall asleep with a layer of peat or land and cover polyethylene-based film.
  2. Also in order to obtain the humus can be shifted by weeding plants. Fertilizer will be ready after 7 months.

It should be noted that it is not necessary to apply the manure in the fresh form to enrich the soil. It contains a variety of seeds of weed plants, which will start gentle by a short time. You can apply the combined method:

  1. A layer of manure height in 2 m is falling asleep by the twentiethisantimeter layer of leaves, herbs or peat.
  2. In order for the biological material is not silent, it should be poured by dung alive.
  3. Such humus will be ready for use after 5 months. To obtain a sheet humor, moisturized leaves are used, which are placed in a wet medium without access of oxygen. For this purpose, compost bags are suitable, where the leaves should be tied up, tie well and wait for their decomposition.


A rich organic nitrogen source is chicken litter. The phosphorus content in this biological material is 3 times higher than the concentration of this element in other types of manure. When using chicken litter, the ripening of berries is accelerated, yield increases, the culture becomes resistance to fungal diseases. Before fertilizing strawberries using this biological material, it is necessary to prepare feeding:

  1. The litter falls asleep into the container and poured with water.
  2. Two weeks he will be ready for use.
  3. Pre-litter need to be diluted with water (1:20). On the strawberry bush, 0.5 liters of this means will be required.

It is necessary to feed the culture 2-3 times throughout the year. You can make a litter in dry. In the spring or autumn fertilizer is scattered over the site. It is preferable to do this in the autumn period so that the nutrient elements are evenly distributed in the soil. To prepare the compost, you need to catch a litter in a layer of 20 cm thick, to coat it with a thirty-bentimeter layer of straw, sawdust or peat. To accelerate the ripening process, a bunch is covered with a film.



Strawberry is characterized by the worst to the cultivation environment. However, a competent approach to the enrichment of the soil useful elements will give the opportunity to grow a quality harvest. It is important to comply with the recommended norms of applied fertilizers, since excessive flow of nutrients can not only offer benefits, but also to harm the plant.

Features of the fertilizer process are presented on video:

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