Apple tree. Landing, growing and care

June 12. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3119. 1 comment To apple tree record. Landing, growing and care

The apple tree is considered one of the most common trees in the gardens, the widespread landing is explained by the value of fruits and the ability to quickly adapt to climatic conditions. A lot of photographs of the apple tree in the horticultural editions attract the attention of lovers dachensors. Due to the long-term storage of winter varieties and many ways of blanks, a person uses apples yearly.

Of the fresh fruits make drying, jam, jams, jam, compotes, they are also consumed in the uroin and pickled form. In order for the tree successfully stuck in the plot, it is worth knowing how to plant an apple tree.



Officially, there are 36 varieties of apple tree, photos of which can be found on the Internet. There is also a division depending on the ripening period of fruits:

  • summer, to which include Georstek Moscow, grinding, papulation and the Sunchard. The first two varieties are considered winter-hardy, with a good periodical yield. The remaining trees give fruit regularly in large quantities. Apples ripen in mid-August, but stored for a short time, about two weeks;
  • early-stock is Melba and Mednica, they are kept at the end of August - at the beginning of September. Fruits differ in a rounded form, by weight reached 115. Ripened apples 1-1.5 months are stored;
  • autumn varieties ripen by mid-September, they include young naturalist, Safran Saratovsky. These apples give a regular sufficient harvest, the fruits have a weight of 100-120 gr. Storage is possible from two to four months;
  • the early grades include the Antonovka ordinary and cinnamy new, the fruits of which ripen at the end of September - at the beginning of October, respectively. Apples have a sour-sweet taste, stored at least three months;
  • the average apple tree is kept by the end of September, famous representatives are Seliger, Lobo, Welcy. The fruits of some varieties can be stored until April, they are distinguished by juice and sour-sweet taste;
  • latest Representatives - Orlik, Spartan, Bogatyr, Renet Chernenko. Fruits take off in September-October and lie some representatives until May. A distinctive feature of these varieties is considered a compression and aroma of the crop.

The main task of any gardener is first to choose to choose the apple trees, suitable for the surrounding conditions. It is worth focusing on the advice of neighbors and amateur gardeners, and you can inform the professional literature in advance. Popular and popular varieties are now considered: Simirenko, Antonovka, Golden and Champion. They can be found in the market or in the store, they are distinguished by a pleasant taste and utility.

How to choose a tree


Before buying an apple tree, it is necessary to determine its main purpose, if only in nutritional purposes, then focus on taste preferences. Those who wish to be touched by fruits throughout the year and at the same time make additionally the workpiece should land on two trees of summer, autumn and winter varieties.

It is important to draw attention to the shape and dimensions of the adult plant, as a rule, the lower part of the stem and the roots are doubled. Apple tree seedlings can have naked roots or go immediately in pots, if the gardener does not know a specific landing time, it is worth a preference to the second option.

The proposed trees on the market can be annual or two-year-old, in the second case, the crop will appear much earlier. Some varieties begin to be fron in 3-4 years after the landing, while others are happy with the crop only after 6-7 years. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize this indicator in advance.

Planting Sazentez

Olympus Digital Camera.

The landing is carried out in the fall (late September - mid-October) or early spring (at the end of April). If the seedlings are bought later than October 20, they only cheer them, and in the spring they are landing.

Criteria selection of terrain

The location for future trees is chosen by several parameters, depending on:

  • soil;
  • nearby buildings;
  • climate.

The optimal soil for the apple tree is the loams, in them a sufficient amount of air. In the presence of clay soil, it has to add sand, peat and compost. If the terrain is sandy, then clay inclusions, peat, humid and compost are introduced into it. Only with sufficient quantities of all components of the plants will be properly developed and give a good harvest.

Apple trees are not planted in lowlands, because the probable frosts will adversely affect the formation of the harvest. It is also not worth growing trees with a small grounding of groundwater, since the excess moisture contributes to premature rotting of fruits. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing places where solar heat is combined with light wind. When planting an apple tree pay attention to nearby buildings and other trees. This is related to access to the light and the development of the root system, it should not be intertwined with plants in the neighborhood.

Preparation of place

Pubs under the trees are preparing in advance, it is believed that they are better to dig up a month before landing. It is necessary for a natural soil shrinkage. Poys are rotated with a diameter of about 1 meter with a depth of 70 cm, while separating the fertile and lower layers. The dimensions of the site depend on the selected variety of the apple tree:

  • sylopal require 5x5 m;
  • trees with a middle crown enough 4x4 m;
  • semi-carillary leave 4x3 m;
  • for dwarfs prepare 3x2 m.

To saturate the soil with oxygen, the pits are loose at a depth of 25-30 cm. Next lace up a small layer of walnut shell, top with a little fall asleep with fertile soil. Then, organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil, 1 cup of superphosphate, 10 tbsp. Woodwood ash, 4 tbsp. Spoons of potassium sulfate and 3 buckets of the dung humus. The remaining half of the pits fall asleep with the fertile layer of the soil, as a result, it will turn out a rise in 15-20 cm high. The wooden patch is inserted into the center of the finished pit, which will subsequently support the young tree.

Planting process


The purchased seedling is installed near the cola so that the root separation site from the stem is above the ground level by 5 cm. It is important to straighten all the roots around the perimeter and fall asleep them with fertile soil, the new layer is neatly, but thoroughly tamper. To support the seedloves you need to tip the eight to the peg. Next, watering is carried out, about 5 buckets of water goes on one tree. It is poured until it stops good to pass in the soil, repeatedly watering is required in a week. It remains to make mulching by a huming or peat layer to 5 cm.

After planting young trees, the space between them can be snowing with vegetable crops, such as radishes, cabbage, bean or low-spirited tomatoes. Care of these plants contributes to the active development of the apple tree. It is not recommended to dry out aiser with sunflower or corn - they deplete soil and close access light to seedlings.

The emergence of disease

Everyone knows what it is better to prevent the disease, rather than treat it. Therefore, it is worth a sufficient amount of mineral fertilizers and nutrients, regularly spray trees. There is a division of apple tree diseases depending on the causative agent:

  • bacterial, whose manifestation is noticed in early July. Then the leaves begin to black, young growths dry up - the affected plant dies in a couple of years. As a struggle, measures are taken to protect the apple trees from sucking and ricking pests, because they are the carriers of bacteria. After the process of trimming a single instance, it is important to thoroughly rinse the inventory, only after that proceed to the processing of another tree;
  • fungal, to which include a pass, milderous dew, cytospose and fruit rot.

The past is striking flowers, flowerwomen, leaves and fruits. You can distinguish this disease by the resulting gray-black spots on the apples, the leaves are covered with stains, brown colors and fall. Special solutions in two stages are used as a struggle.

Puffy dew amazes a tree before the appearance of fruits, the fungus leaves, shoots, kidneys and inflorescences. They appear on them a dirty white flare, afterwards it becomes brown with black dots. As a struggle, the affected leaves are burned, and wood is treated before and after flowering by chemicals.

Fruit rot is known for his destructive effect. Brown spots appear on the apples, the pulp becomes inedible, brown. To prevent rot, they also spend spraying before and after the flowering of the tree.

Cystavodorosis leads to a complete dying of the plant, the manifestations are visible on the cortex - ulcers are formed, first drying individual branches. Such a disease may begin due to lack of nutrition, strong frost, excess moisture or drought. As a preventive measure, three-time spraying with drugs are used: on swollen leaf kidneys, before and after the flowering of the apple tree. Already appeared spots in the spring are purified and treated with a suitable solution. The affected branches are spilled and burned.

Care for apple trees

The necessary events differ depending on the season.

Spring - It's time for trimming and spraying

blooming-Apple-Tree_ (Malus) 3

At the beginning of the spring (March-April) carry out, it is necessary to limit the growth of wood in favor of increasing the number of flower kidney. To do this, remove last year's branches, attention is paid to treasures with old floral kidneys, then they will be replaced by young. Such manipulations make it possible to reduce the frequency of fruiting and improve the quality of the harvest. If you know how to trim the apple tree correctly, it is possible to avoid many diseases in the future. Even a small removal of three-year-old branches will give a positive effect, because it leads to a lightening of a tree. It is necessary to be guided by one rule - the weaker the increase, the more intense there should be trimming.

In April-May, two spraying is carried out, the first time - when the kidneys is dissolved, the second process passes when the buds are extended. In both cases, solutions are used against pests and diseases, the well-known means are calculated copper.

It is important in the spring period to carry out a feeding, for this, a combination of urea is used (0.5 tbsp. / M2 or nitrate (1.5 tbsp / m2) with ash (2 cups / m2). Also a popular way to saturate the soil by trace elements is considered The introduction of boric acid and copper sulfate. For this, the solution is prepared in the proportion of 0.5 g / m2 and 2 g / m2, respectively.

Summer - Protection against pests and heat

Young trees in the summer need mainly in watering and root feeders, also conduct treatment against pests causing diseases. It is important to provide a plant by all nutrients and oxygen. To do this, it is worth regularly carrying soil loosening, the lomik is made by a depth of about 40 cm, at a distance of 0.5 m from the strain. Watering is carried out in the evening to exclude burns, the process is carried out in a week 1-2 times, pouring 30 liters under one apple tree.

Events in the autumn period


Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, domit, superphosphate, compost and lime are used from fertilizers. They are closed around the perimeter of the crown or around the circumference near the tree. Also drip the soil outside the crown, while weeds are made or any greens. It is important to whiten the trunks of an apple tree - it serves as protection against diseases. In the presence of wounds on wood, they are treated with iron sudic.

It is important to adhere to all recommendations of specialists to obtain healthy plants and a good harvest. And in the event of problems, immediately apply effective techniques to protect the apple tree from pests or illness.



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One answer to the apple tree. Landing, growing and care

  1. Kate:

    Thanks for the useful article! Apples always loved, so when I had my own home, first of all I planted an apple tree. Saplings bought Hog.Ru in the store . I have nothing to compare with what, since I bought seedlings for the first time, but in general, pleased. Missed very well. I advise everyone.

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