Features of the house of a chopped log

March 29. Construction Views 2997 Comments to record the features of the house of a chopped log No

Recently, more and more often can be found at home from a chopped log. Perhaps it is caused by the desire of citizens to return to its origins, because such buildings were used by our ancestors, desire, despite the urbanization and technological progress, to live in natural conditions and, of course, the aesthetic attractiveness of the chopped house. Nevertheless, no doubt, a house from a chopped log will not leave anyone indifferent.

Dignity of houses from a chopped log

Houses from chopped logs have a number of advantages, namely:

  • ecology is such a house, as a rule, build from natural wood, for example, larch, pine, spruce and other wood breeds that pass exclusively manual processing. This, in turn, allows you to maintain all the natural properties of the material. In such a house, a pleasant atmosphere and aroma always reigns;


  • reliability and durability of such a building. The chopped log is highlighted by resistant to the negative effects of external factors: precipitation, temperature drops, humidity, mechanical damage, and due to special processing of wood - fire and harmful microorganisms.
  • natural air exchange inside the house due to the ability to "breathe" a tree;
  • heat-saving properties - only in a wooden house you can always feel comfortable at any time of the year. In winter it is warm, and in the summer - cool;


  • aesthetic attractiveness - houses from chopped logs are characterized by an excellent appearance, they look expensive and kindly;
  • lack of need for a finish of such a house, which saves additional funds;


  • efficiency. The construction of such a wooden house will cost much cheaper than from glued timber.

Choice and preparation of building material

Despite the fact that in the yard of the 21st century, the construction of houses from a chopped log occurs on the same technology as much hundredth years ago. A chopped log is used as a building material, which passes careful selection and preparation.

  • In particular, only high-quality logs, a certain diameter, length are selected for this. From this depends on the uniformity of laying and the durability of the structure itself.
  • In addition, logs should not have slots, gaps, any damage, infection with fungi and tree beetles, etc.
  • Selected logs are handled, which takes a lot of time and effort. In particular, each log is sideways from the bark or is coiled with no more than 0.5 cm of the protective layer with a planer or rigine.

Technology construction of houses with a chopped log

Fit and cutting logs

  • The construction technology of houses from a chopped log assumes laying logs to lags or transverse logs gradually by each other.
  • In order for each subsequent log legs close to the other, the oval (lunar) or triangular groove is needed in the lower.
  • The grooves can not always turn out to be smooth and for greater tightness into the resulting gaps insert moss or pass.
  • For the transverse connection of logs using an ax or chainsaws, the so-called cups are cut.
  • In the corners of the logs are also connected between them. Do it in different ways.

Depending on the method of compound, such the most common types of log cabins are distinguished:

  • in the bowl or in the region - one of the most popular methods in our time and the most durable log house, which involves the connection of the logs due to semicircular grooves cut into them with the corners for the edges of the cut. Such a log house does not require further trim;


  • in the paw or angle - with this method of the logs, flatly along the walls of the house, which allows in the future without any problems to strip it outside with any material.

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In addition, there is a mass of other ways to connect logs are not so popular, but no less effective.


  • For greater reliability and strength of the design of the chopped house, the logs are necessary between them, additionally connect vertical brazers.
  • They represent birch pegs with a diameter of 15-20 cm, which are inserted inside the logs in a pre-drilled hole.
  • Such brazen must be used every 1.5-2 meters.
  • Separately paste beaged in the door and window openings at home. This allows you to get rid of the future from the deformation of the logs as a result of their drying and internal stress.


Konopka at home with a chopped log

  • In the process of erection of such a wooden house, as mentioned earlier, it is very important to properly fit the logs.
  • However, if some inaccuracies were made, then in order to consequently, the construction is not blocked, it is recommended to be regularly caught.
  • To do this, in the slot between the logs, any thermal insulation material (pass, flanutin, ribbon hemp, moss, etc.) are inserted.

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The most suitable for these purposes is considered to be the Northern Moss, which is a living material, a natural antiseptic. It feeds on moisture, due to which it can grow, thereby scoring the smallest and inaccessible slots, make the walls even more sealed.

Impregnation and commissioning

  • After the completion of the wooden cut assembly, it is impregnated with special compositions in order to increase the fire resistance of such a building.
  • Commissioning at home from a chopped log can happen not earlier than the year after the construction is completed, including it is recommended to postpone all the finishing works, installation of windows and doors on the same period.



To visually see the process of assembling a wooden log cabin, you can view the following video:

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