How to make a foundation for gazebo

January 11. Foundation Views 1386. Comments to record How to make a foundation for a gazebo No

Almost every private territory is a huge freedom of action for the owners. Many people try to make a real work of art from a small plot. Of course, it is not always possible, but it must be remembered that it is not necessary to transform even the very gray area to anyone.

The most important thing in this business is to create a comfort. Thanks to this, every person will have a desire to return to the site again, if this is a cottage. If we are talking about a private dwelling, then comfort here is just necessary. Landscape designers are very often hired for these cases, which are easily designing all components of the site, and also discusses the necessary parts with the owners. This process can last for a very long time, however, the end result is often very good.

Surely the main object that should be on the plot is a gazebo. This building is often a place where residents and guests of the site do not mind relaxing, eat, and just work out with their affairs. In this material we will analyze all the main points associated with the creation of the foundation for the arbor.


Basic Details associated with the construction of the arbor

First of all, it all depends on what dimensions will have a future gazebo. Good news is that it is not necessary to build a full foundation for the gazebo. It is enough to use a simplified version that will be the best solution for a small object.

These may be the foundations of the following types:

  • columnar;
  • slab;
  • tape;
  • pile.

Despite the simplification, there is still a certain technology of creating a foundation, which depends really much.

If the gazebo is completely tiny, then maybe the foundation may be superfluous. It will be enough to use supports, which will turn out to be the main design. In the event that the gazebo will have impressive dimensions, then without a solid foundation it will not work out. For this, full-fledged construction work is carried out to which it is necessary to approach responsibly.

As for the terrain on which construction will be made, most often need to decide with the soils. Not every soil is suitable for full-fledged construction. Even for a small construction, it is recommended to choose either sandy or rocky soils. Often, problems are manifested when builders are dealing with clay soil. In this case, when changing the temperature regime, a variety of problems may occur, including the sedimentation and lift of the facility. In this case, it is impossible to exclude the appearance of cracks, as well as many other problems that directly affect the state of the arbor.


Main types of foundations for gazebo

Most often, during the construction of the arbors, the following types of foundations are used:

  • Columnar. This is the most common type of foundation when it comes to small structures. Also, the columnar base is the best solution if we have rocky or sandy soils. Experts themselves are noted in building business that it doesn't need much experience to create a column foundation, just follow technology, as well as not to allow serious mistakes. Most often, this type of foundation is based on the use of peculiar columns, which are the basis of the structure. Also in this case, metal pipes can be used, which are evenly located all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future building. In addition, this type of foundation is often tied with a wood bar.
  • Pile. In the event that the soil on which the construction of the arbor occurs, is distinguished by an increased viscosity (clay), then it is simply necessary to use piles. Moreover, the sizes of welders directly depend on the scale of construction. It is advisable to establish in advance that the soil has a high level of deformations in order not to be more serious problems later.
  • Slab. This type of foundation is universal, so it can be safely used on any soils. Fortunately, the technology of creating such a basis is quite simple. First of all, a drainage layer is created, which easily opposes all deformations. It is advisable to use this type of foundation when the groundwater level is too high.
  • Ribbon. This type of foundation is a truly solid construction that will serve for long years without resorting to repair activities. Many builders joke that the belt foundation often serves as long as the structure itself. Of course, you should not forget that much depends on the specifics of the soils on which the base is located. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that due to the relative complexity of the construction of a belt foundation, not all builders are taken for its construction.

Interestingly, the foundation from automotive tires can be used to build small objects. At first glance, such a building solution may seem ridiculous, but it is not worse than the above options. Many owners make a choice in favor of the foundation from the tires in the case when there is a sufficient amount of unnecessary tires. In any case, even if you purchase the necessary number of previously used tires, it will get cheaper than buying materials. Such savings certainly will not be erroneous. This solution has the following advantages:

  • Reduced loads. Obviously, rubber, which is the basis of automotive tires, is capable of deforming, due to which the load is somewhat somewhere evenly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure.
  • Saving. Returning to the cost of tires, it should be noted that most often the old tires can be paid for free on some enterprise or just at acquaintances.
  • High durability. The main material of the tires is virtually no external influence, therefore, for decades, the "Coverning Fundament" will remain in one state. If the weight of the tires is small, then you can also create such a base.


Tools and fixtures for creating a foundation

It should be borne in mind that the construction of the foundation even for a small gazebo is a bulk list of works for which numerous tools will definitely need. Much depends on the type of foundation and the scales of the work.

If we plan to build a column foundation, then we will need the following devices:

  • drill;
  • measuring instruments (corners, levels, rules, roulettes);
  • shovel;
  • manual borants;
  • wood formwork;
  • scrap;
  • brick;
  • film;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • concrete mixer;
  • metal pipes;
  • concrete blocks;
  • stone.

It should be taken in advance that all the necessary materials and tools are in stock, since otherwise you can face a lot of serious problems.

The main features of the process of creating a column foundation:

  • To begin with, it is worthwhile that special attention should be paid to the creation of a columnar foundation based on clay soil. Accordingly, in such cases, experts recommend using at least six pillars. Together with conventional concrete pillars, metal pipes can be used. If possible, the pillars are placed in the pipes, and then the metal elements take on the essential part of the loads.
  • Despite the fact that the foundation under the arbor is not the most responsible design, you should still pay attention to durability. And in this case it is important to equip high-quality waterproofing. Even if the level of groundwater is significantly raised, the foundation will be safe. In addition, thermal insulation does not prevent, but this is only if the gazebo will be a full-fledged family center at any time of the year.
  • In the case of a column foundation, it is necessary to create a base.
  • As for the steps between the tables, it most often is up to two meters. However, much depends directly from the specifics of the design of the future gazebos, so the step can decrease to 1.2 m. In the event that there are doubts about this issue, it is necessary to refer to the specialists. If metal pipes are used, the step can decrease depending on the loads.

The process of creating a column foundation

  1. At the very beginning there is the calculation of the contours of the future gazebos. It is best to work under the detailed plan, with which you can create full borders of construction. Based on this information, you can carry out all the necessary calculations. To create contours, you need to use a square, rope, as well as metal milestones.
  2. With the help of the first metal milestone, it is necessary to assign one corner of the arbor, and with the second one - the next angle. The remaining two angles are noted with the help of a square, but in such a way that they are parallel to the first corners. Such a binding should be the basis for further orientation in the building process.
  3. Now it's time to remove the unnecessary layer of soil. Most often, its thickness is up to 30 cm. But it should be remembered that when removing the soil layer, a flat surface should be ensured. Also, we should not forget that the above layer of soil includes a large number of organic substances, which, in turn, can negatively affect the basis.
  4. Further, milestones can be safely removed, and on their places there is a dig of a shurt. Their dimensions must be as follows: up to 70 cm in depth, up to 40 cm long, and up to 40 cm in width. Also, the shurtes can be located and not only in the corners, but the step between them should be about 1.5 m.
  5. To create a shock absorption pillow, you need to have a large amount of sand and fall asleep it into the shurta. The terminaloid layer is located on top, the dimensions of which should be 50x50 cm.
  6. Already on top of the rubberoid occurs the fill of the concrete pillow. After the fill it is necessary to wait about three days to continue the building process.
  7. The time of installation of concrete pillars has come. These elements are placed in an even unworthy concrete. All this is done neatly, and the pillars themselves must be located smoothly, without the slightest deviations.
  8. Already after the complete pouring of the concrete, all other works related to the installation of beams and the main construction process of the arbor can be carried out.


The remaining details of the process

Of course, you can easily choose any other type of foundation that will become the basis for the future gazebo, but you need to remember that with a bar foundation everything is much easier. Here you do not need to create a formwork, which takes a lot of time. Moreover, a few building materials go to the construction of a column base, and the pillars themselves can be made without any problems and in handicraft conditions.

Indeed, a foundation based on a tires can be a worthy replacement of a bar foundation. However, this is only if the tires are in stock. For the rest of the most serious differences between these grounds (in terms of durability strength), there is practically no.

Many owners are completely refused to create a foundation under the arbor. As we said, if the gazebo is small, then there is really no need for a full-fledged base. In the case of a large building structure, we must carefully analyze the situation. Accordingly, much depends on the existing soil, as well as the specifics of the future design. The arbor itself can have large dimensions, but quite modest weight. If you have decided to abandon a full foundation, you should limit the most basic of wood bars. It is also possible to use metal pipes (immersed in the ground) that will become part of the gazebo.

The best solution is to address specialists who professionally consider any existing project.

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