How to build a gazebo

April 10. Construction Views 1514. Comments to record how to build a gazebo from a tree No

It is difficult to present a cottage on which there was no big and cozy wooden arbor. Without this structure, a full-fledged rest is almost impossible, as well as eating in the fresh air. Fortunately, the creation of a wooden arbor is not a difficult process. In this case, some patience will be required, as well as attentiveness and sequence in actions. Also does not prevent creativity, with which you can turn a couple of dozen boards into a beautiful building for giving.

The main advantages of creating a wooden arbor

Before starting to build a gazebo of a tree, you need to think about all the advantages and cons of the structure. Fortunately, there are no negative sides in this case, if there is a place for a wooden structure on the territory of the country area.

The advantages include a small complexity of the process, durability, environmental friendliness, as well as general simplicity and small financial costs.

Despite this, this process must be approached as seriously and think about some important things that will depend on the durability and the overall state of the arbor. First of all, we are talking about creating a basis or foundation for the structure, as well as the choice of wood and the method of its processing.


Beginning of the process of creating a gazebo

Before construction work, you need to clear the platform on which all actions will be held. Also, the territory needs to be aligned. Before choosing a plan for creating a gazebo, you need to understand that the wooden structure should be combined with other objects of the country area. This concept includes not only the external component of the arbor, but also its dimensions.

The most universal option is a gazebo with a closed roof. It can be used not only in the summer, but in winter, if it is really necessary. The remaining options for arbors, which can often be found in the country areas, are structures with precipitated and ultraviolet roofs. Obviously, they can only be used on warm days.

To create a gazebo, the following materials will be needed:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • piles;
  • crushed stone;
  • boards;
  • armature;
  • brick;
  • metal corners;
  • wood bars;
  • fasteners;
  • material for roof overlap.


Some tools will also be required:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • wrench;
  • electric choke;
  • circular Saw;
  • screwdriver.

Creating a foundation for a wooden arbor

To ensure the durability of the arbor, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a column foundation. It is used to erect small structures.

At the very beginning you need to arm a rope and designate with it the limits of the future gazebo. Next, you need to remove about 50 cm of the upper layer of the Earth. Now this recess must be filled with 10 cm sand, by 10 cm rubble, as well as 30 cm with a mixture of sand, rubble and concrete. From above, it will also be necessary to place a layer of rubberoid. After that, you need to wait some time until the concrete gains maximum strength.

With the help of bricks, you will need to build several columns. They should be uniformly and throughout the perimeter of the site. With their help wood, which will be used as a gazebo floor, will not succumb to rotting.

Creation of floor gazebo

Most often, wood bars are used to create sex, whose cross section is 10x10 cm. In this case, much depends on the size of the structure. If the gazebo will have too large dimensions - it is better to look at the bars with a large cross section.

Before laying wood, it is necessary to treat the material with special coatings, which will prevent rotting, as well as the gradual destruction of the tree. It is best to use a copper cunery, applying it to the bars with several layers.


Construction framework wooden arbor

Creating a frame - the most difficult stage of construction work. In this process, we will also need wooden bars, as well as boards. The base is created precisely from boards that are knocked down with nails. As bearing supports you need to use bars of the same cross section.

If the gazebo has 4 equal side, then for mounting the roof, it will be necessary to create various nodes connected using bolts or large nails. If the gazebo is rectangular, it can be done so that the roof is based on partitions placed between the parties to the structure.


Creating a trim for the walls

Unlike past actions, in the process of covering the walls of the future arbor, you can apply your fantasy. Often, small planks are used as a sheath, which are attached in two layers. It is necessary not to forget that the gazebo will be used for recreation, so the windows must be large, and there is a breakdown between the trim, through which the sun's rays will be made.

The trim can also be decorated with decorative carvings. In some cases, patterns can save even the most unattractive externally gazebo.

The process of mounting the roof

Most often, the arbor is choosing the same as roofing material as on the main residential building. This creates an incredibly successful combination. If there is any other material, you need to make sure that it will be perfect under construction, because the form and size of the arbor depends a lot, including the effectiveness of the roof used.

Under the roof, it is advisable to place OSB plates. This is especially important when using classic tiles.

Final Actions

After all the above actions, you can cover the wood elements of the gazebo of paint or to process all varnish.

After everything dries, you can have a variety of things inside the arbor, including chairs, tables and mangals.

The best solution will be inside the wood structures of electricity. This will allow you to place a music center under a canopy, and even TV. In order not to have arisen with electricity, the wiring must be laid on the corrugated hose.

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