Growing Viol Seeds

April 10. Useful advice, Plot. Views 1981. Comments To recording Cultivation of seeds Viol No

The duration and abundance of viola flowering, along with an extraordinary color of the flower, is of interest to an increasing number of people when designing a loggia, landscaping of the local area. You can grow and propagate these amazing flowers in several ways, among which the greatest preference is given to the cultivation of a viola seeds.

Description of Viola

Viola is a herbaceous plant of one-, two-, or many years of nature. Due to the supplies of the Viola to the class of violet, the plant is quite often called Vitterok's violet. At the same time, the original coloring of the flower, reminiscent of the cheerful little baby, gave rise to another name of Viola - Pansies.

# 3 Exp Trailing Pansy Red Wing Prc51 1212-32T1

Depending on the variety, the height of the violate is 15-30 cm, and the flowers reach a diameter of 5-10 cm. Every year, all new varieties of viola are appearing annually, affecting their grace and non-trivial color. Among the distinctive features of one or another variety of plants include the tonality of petals, shape and size of the coastal, as well as the duration of flowering. The wide distribution was obtained both varieties with a completely monophonic color of petals and containing small intersions of another shade. However, tricolor viols are also not less popular.


Special attention deserves hybrid varieties of a viola under the labeling F1, which are isolated by a large size of flowers reaching in diameter 10 cm, as well as preserving decorative properties from early spring up to deep autumn. The recent achievement of the non-stopping selection work is an ampel viola, characterized by abundant flowering and a ball shape of the bush. Thanks to such characteristics, the Viola ampelnaya is ideal for decorating balconies by planting into suspended porridge or for decorating alpine slides, flower.

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The only minus of the viola obtained by interspecific crossing remains its cost. However, to collect overvised seeds in hybrid viol for re-growing plants with the same characteristics - an irrational spending time, since the varietal signs in the next generation are not saved. But wild grades (for example, a tricolor, horned viola), which have a medium-sized flower and blooming from the end of spring to the beginning of the autumn, are perfectly multiplied by self-sow.

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Despite the high cost of seeds, all the same hybrid Viol varieties are used in the greatest demand. Depending on when it is necessary to obtain flowering, landing purchased or collected by independently seeds is carried out at various times with a seaside or unreasonable method.

Planting seeds to seedlings

Get a flowering plant in the year of planting seeds is quite real, if you sow them into drawers or a greenhouse, and then plant ready-made plants seedlings in the designated place. For the cultivation of a viola, seeds are proceeded at the end of January or early February.


Preparation of capacity

The container with the Earth must begin to prepare a week before the upcoming landing as follows:

  • the capacity is pretty rinse with a weak manganese solution for disinfection;
  • at the bottom of the container, we smell a layer of shallow pebbles, which will prevent the soil zaking;
  • on top of the pebble, we fall asleep independently prepared soil consisting of sand, humidiation and land in the ratio of 1: 2: 2, although you can buy a finished land with the designation of the "violet".

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The earth needs to withstand over the day in the cold to kill all sorts of microbes.

Sowing seeds

Since Viola seeds are very small, then to control the distance between seeds, it is better to resort to the next trick:

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  • slightly seal in the landbox;
  • on top of the Earth, we embarked the layer of snow and recall it so that it covers the whole earth;
  • evenly distribute seeds on the planting capacity;
  • we sprinkle the earth to a height of 0.5 cm and slightly moisturize with a pulverizer;
  • capacities are covered with cellophane or glass in order to avoid drying the Earth;
  • we remove the container until the first germs appear in a dark cool place, where the air temperature does not exceed 17-19 ° C.


The first shoots are glorified after 1-2 weeks. After the magnitude of the sprouts reaches 1 cm, it is necessary to start passing them to fresh air, gradually shifting the glass and every day increasing the time of hardening. Fully glass is removed after the appearance of 2-3 leaves in the spikes.

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Instead of the Earth's boxes, the seeds of the viola germinate perfectly in peat tablets containing the necessary supply of nutrients, as well as well holding heat and prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture, which positively affects the survival of seedlings.

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Planting seeds in peat pills is happening:

  • tablets soaked in water and wait until they swolve;
  • lay out 2-3 seed on tablet;
  • we sprue a slight layer of soil;
  • we establish tablets on the pallet, cover it with a cellophone, creating a greenhouse effect, and we remove into a cool dark place before the formation of sprouts.


Seedlings must be periodically fertilized by minerals. At the same time, watering sprouts is carried out strictly under the root. The feeders are carried out monthly before planting plants in the ground, starting from 3 weeks of roskov. At the same time, the appearance of 2 sheets in the plant indicates the need to transplant or thinning seedlings.

Picking seedlings

Despite fragile sprouts, future plants must be disassembled in time, preventing the stretching of the stems.

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Picking plants is carried out 2-3 days after complete removal from cellophane or glass box. Sprouts either transplanted into another container or simply thinned without transplantation.

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The main thing is that the distance between the plants amounted to 5-6 cm and did not interfere with the normal development of seedlings.

Landing in the primer

Plant landing at a permanent place occurs in mid-May, when the night frosts and the top layer of the Earth warms up.

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When disembarking seedlings, the following works are manufactured:

  • under each bush, dig a hole to a depth of 5-7 cm;
  • the distance between the wells should be at least 10-20 cm, since the Viola grow pretty quickly;
  • we put on the bottom of the holes of several pebbles pebbles and omit the plant along with the land of land;
  • not tamping, fall asleep the earth and abundantly water the plant under the root.

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In order for the plant better, I present it for several days, building a small canopy or just sticking next to the bowl of the branches of the trees.

After a week, shadow valves can be removed.

Planting seeds in open ground

To obtain a two-, or perennial viola ampelnaya, the cultivation of seeds begins in July by landing seeds directly into the soil. At the same time, the plant will delight blossom only the next year.

Flowers from Viol

Choosing a place

The optimal option for growing the viola is considered a sublinous, as well as moderately moistened soil. The violet prefers sunny plots with a small midday shading, pleased with bright and large flowers. Violets, most of the time in the shade, are distinguished by pale coloring petals and a small flower diameter. However, the duration of the flowering of a viola growing in the shade is 2 times longer than that of a viola placed in an open sunny area.


Preparation of soil

Since the plant does not tolerate water stagnation, then in the place chosen for planting a place, it is necessary to build a drainage system, putting a few pieces of broken bricks or pebbles on the bottom of each well. On top of the stones, it is necessary to pour and dissolve the layer of sand with a thickness of 2-3 cm, after which it is possible to fall asleep the well prepared in advance with soil, which includes a mixture of garden land and humus in proportion of 1: 1.


If the seed landing occurs a few days after the preparation of the site, then the soil will have to jumble again.

Summination of seeds

The process of seeding seeds into the soil is as follows:

  • making grooves at a distance of 10 cm from each other and evenly place the seeds on them;
  • we spite 0.5 cm of the Earth;
  • moisturizing the soil, trying not to wash the seeds;
  • i fall asleep the grooves with a small layer of sawdust to keep the moisture of the soil.

After 7-14 days, the first sprouts will appear, which must be adopted from too bright sun with a dark film or installed next to the tribes of trees.

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2 weeks after the appearance of shoots, the film is cleaned. At the end of August either early September, the seedlings, with the appearance of 3 leaves, dive to a permanent place.


Despite the possibility of loss of some bushes of the Viola due to the strong freezing of soil harsh in winter, the pomp and the duration of flowering in plants planted immediately into the soil somewhat higher than that of a virus obtained by a seaside. However, the abundance of flowering in many respects depends on the conditions of care for a permanent place of Viola.

Viola care features

Many novice gardeners or simply lovers of beautiful plants are quite often interested in the question not only how to grow Viol from seeds, but also how to make bloom as abundant.

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Despite the unpretentiousness of the Viola, it still requires a certain care, which is:

  • in daily, but moderate watering, especially on sunny days;
  • in the periodic feeding of plants with mineral fertilizers (1 time in 3 weeks);
  • in timely removal of weeds that impede the normal growth of the viola and the supply of nutrients from the soil;
  • in soil looser;
  • in insulation for the winter, straw, sweetheart, dry branches, which will preserve the root system of the plant during the winter frost;
  • in the second year, after the disembarkation, it is necessary to carry out a trimming, leaving the stalks of the soil with a height of only about 5 cm, too scorched bushes and lost their decorative qualities.


In addition, the removal of dry flowers throughout the season will contribute to long and abundant viola blossom.

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Thus, the cultivation of pansies from seeds is a rather laborious work, requiring not only impressive spending time, but also patience in the process of planting, growing and care for such fragile colors. However, the applied efforts will delight the owner during the flowering period, lies in a luxurious carpet of colors of a wide variety of shades.

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