Make garden tracks from stone with your own hands

July 5. Plot. Views 930. Comments To records make garden tracks from stone with their own hands No

The question associated with the garden tracks, most owners are sharp. The problem is that today there is a huge amount of materials and scenarios for which you can create a beautiful and practical track. Often, due to such a variety, difficulties appear, and ultimately, the owners make a choice in favor of not the best options.

It is important to remember that now there are many new products on the market, which, unfortunately, have not yet established itself, and in this case the probability of buying not the highest quality products is extremely large.

No less important in the creation of garden tracks is the site itself. Moreover, in this case, it is worth paying attention to the dimensions of the territory, the specifics of the soil and for many other aspects. If you correctly assess the situation, then you can without any particular difficulties to get an excellent track even on the basis of not the highest quality and durable materials.

Many experts persistently advise you to make a choice in favor of stone tracks. It is worth recognizing that today there is simply a tremendous amount of such products, and everything, as in other cases, rests on the price issue. And this applies to both natural, and artificial stones.

In this material, we will consider in detail the question related to the creation of paths from stone, and also analyze some specific process details. Ultimately, the man will be able to create a garden path without much experience in this craft.


Features of the creation of gardens of stone

As you know, there are many questions that need to be analyzed on the garden and summer cottages. It is built at home and arrangement of places for growing plant crops, and ,, no less important, creating tracks. Accordingly, if the construction of the house can be trusted by specialists, as it is an extremely responsible project, the creation of garden tracks can be carried out and personally. It is worth noting in advance that for this business does not need to have too much experience, it is enough to follow technology, as well as to minimize the existing environment.

It is important to note the fact that much depends on the material on the basis of which the garden track will be created. If we are talking about some concrete slabs, or wood surfaces, then there is a considerable chance that at one point the process will be not the easiest. These are the most difficulties arising in the process of creating tracks, often the hosts ignore, and ultimately it turns out a walkway, which will seem like the best side for a while.

I would also like to say that the total size of the future track also has a considerable meaning. If you need to create a whole platform, the situation sharply becomes difficult or even if it comes to newcomers in such matters, impracticable. Within the framework of garden and country sites, everything is often limited to the creation of narrow paths that require extremely few building resources.

As for the stone that will be used to create garden tracks, it is worth it in mind that this material has both advantages and disadvantages. Each person who wishes to create a track within the site must minimize all the disadvantages of the material, and focus on its merits. First of all, we are talking about natural stone, which has been one of the main materials for finishing and cladding for many years.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Stone

Let's start with the positive sides of the natural material:

  • Durability. Experts note that the main dignity of natural stone is its durability. The bottom line is that over time, the stone only becomes more attractive: it becomes moss, grass and other plants begins to grow around the natural material. Accordingly, this situation has a positive effect on the overall appearance of the site. Obviously, this does not mean that you do not need to make care of the path. However, this departure is much less voluminous than in the case of wood and some other surfaces. It should also be borne in mind that the natural stone will be in the initial state for decades, but only if the surface operation is moderate. It can be noted that on the basis of a paving slave before (and sometimes now) made entire roads and squares. These very surfaces are actively used to this day, and this is the best advertisement for natural stone.
  • Strength. Again, some part of this advantage can be attributed to the previous item. Natural stone can only be damaged by a strong blow, after which the natural material simply splits on a certain number of parts. It should be borne in mind that it is often if a track is created on the basis of a natural stone, no problems with the state of the material occurs. The thing is that the surface is used not so intense, and transport and other technique does not pass along it. It is important to draw attention to the fact that some owners use similar surfaces for draft works with hammer and other tools. As we have already spoken, the strikes are not better reflected in the state of the material.
  • Appearance. Often natural stone is the best decoration for the site. The situation is in such a way that even the most successful parts of this natural material may look natural and more attractive than other construction resources produced at the enterprises. The strong side of the natural material lies in the fact that each individual unit of material is original. Thus, it is impossible to create two identical externally tracks, and it really likes many owners who wish to create an original externity area. The situation is even better with the finishing with natural stone of other surfaces. In the case of tracks, this effect will not be so bright. It is also interesting that there are many types of stones that can be safely applied to create garden tracks. Therefore, everything is limited to the price issue, as well as the fantasy of the hosts engaged in the work.
  • Practicality. As you know, if the stone is natural, then each unit of material has its own dimensions and other features. Accordingly, the size of the material creates a situation where you can create a whole surface with stones of various sizes. It turns out a peculiar mosaic, however, the difficulty is that it is not always easy to choose the desired stone to a specific place on the surface. If there is a truly large volume of natural stone, you can easily create an attractive outward and practical path in using.

Disadvantages of natural stones are as follows:

  • Price issue. This drawback does not apply to the characteristics of the material, however it is worth knowing that natural stone is really expensive. Accordingly, if the planned track will have large dimensions, they will have to spend a large amount. You can save on creating a track, and for this it is necessary to combine natural stone with some other resources. The range of materials for creating the tracks is huge, so there should be no problems with this. It is also interesting that on sale you can find different rocks of the stone, and they all have significant differences in terms of prices. Externally, some natural resources are practically no different, but the price can seriously affect the process that is planned to be carried out. Accordingly, you need to think about several times before making a choice in favor of this or that material to create garden tracks.
  • Large weight. In many works that use natural stone, the main disadvantage is the weight of the material. For example, if the basement base is trimmed, then the major weight of the material creates a lot of problems, and first of all additional load on the foundation. In the case of creating a garden path, such problems should not occur, but if the path itself is large, it will take a lot of natural stone, to produce the transportation of which is not the task of simple. Most often, this problem affects those who acquire a natural stone in some separated paragraph, and specialized transport for delivery to the right place - no. It should be borne in mind that transportation is often becoming expensive, so many owners try to acquire other materials that differ in a slight weight.
  • High complexity of laying. We have already mentioned the benefits that the practicality of natural stone lies in the relative simplicity of laying and originality of the result. At the same time, this may be a serious problem for many. With limited volumes, the stone occurs in such a way that it is not possible to choose a single piece of material in a particular area, and the surface suffers in general. Especially bad if the appearance of the surface becomes truly unattractive, and then you have to spend extra time for the purchase of new material units. It is obvious that the creation of a natural stone path is much longer than when laying paving slabs and other materials.


Classic materials for creating garden tracks

It should be said that the so-called artificial stones used to create tracks are more popular than genuine products.

The most common types of artificial stone tiles are created on the basis of concrete. This is really a practical and universal version, allowing you to extract the maximum benefit in any space.

The essence of the question is that based on the concrete mixture and certain forms (containers for the liquid mixture), it is easily created to create a tile with the necessary dimensions and some parameters. What is the most interesting, it is possible to produce the entire volume of work in limited (handicraft) conditions, having only a minimum list of equipment with you. Do not forget about tile production technology, as the durability and overall quality of the coating depend on this.

You can find a lot of artificial tile species. It should be borne in mind that if you need to create a certain similarity of the surface of natural stone, you should look at tile with some variety of sizes. It is about the fact that in one batch there will be 2 or more types of material size, after the pavement of which the impressions of the natural surface will be created.


Technology of arrangement of garden tracks from stone

First of all, it should be noted that the technology of creating tracks from stone is extremely simple, therefore, even newcomers can cope with a full work of work in such construction events.

In this case, we consider the specifics of the creation of garden tracks based on the low-end stones, but the technology is almost identical to the use of natural stone. That is, the stones will be artificial.

  • First of all, it will be necessary to think about the necessary sizes of the stone. It should be borne in mind that much depends on it, and first need to decide on the general dimensions of the tracks. Specialists advise choosing stones that have a distance of about 50 cm between stones centers. According to professionals, such a track is distinguished by maximum practicality, and first of all it concerns the usual walking movement. The gap between the stones should be about 3-5 cm, and in these intervals the grass can grow, which will become an excellent decoration of the territory.
  • Immediately after issues related to the form and dimensions of the future track were resolved, you can proceed directly to the creation of the surface. First of all, it is advisable to remove the humus and turf layer. It should be done so that no vegetation, and even its traces, absolutely did not remain. It is important to remember that the turf can come in handy in the future for other events on the site.
  • After removing the soil layer, at the bottom of the deepening, a layer of sand is created. This sandy pillow is a layer, the thickness of which should be such that to the level of land there are about 10 cm. When creating the foundation for the track, it is necessary to remember that the edges of the surface should be uneven, as it is necessary to create a sensation of a dashene stone.
  • Next is placed a layer of rubble. In thickness, it should be about the same as the sand layer. After that, it is advisable to pour the surface of the surface with concrete. It is important to note the fact that it is an aligning layer, which should differ in strict horizontality. As for the most concrete mix, it is best to use the ratio: 1 part of cement, 4 pieces of sand and 1 part of the water. The strength of such concrete should be enough for moderate operation of the surface. To make concrete more durable, you can use the reinforcement grid, which is pressed into the layer of another plastic material. Based on concrete, it is possible to start laying the stones, while they need to go a little. You can make a slight surface with water so that the concrete is in a plastic state a little longer. It must be remembered that the process of laying stone on the surface is a long work, so you should not immediately cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future path with concrete, it should be done gradually. If necessary, the concrete should be swallowed and correct errors.
  • To create a decorative appearance of the surface, it is worth paying attention to a certain creative process, which is to create protrusions and dents based on concrete using cells. This tool allows you to create some kind of stone surface, and for this it is necessary to have some experience. Obviously, you can risk, trying to properly create a texture based on concrete. With the help of a spatula, small grooves are created, which will be some gaps between decorative stones.

Much more practical to create a concrete tile based surface for many people. For this, it is not necessary to include your creative nature, you only need to adhere to aspects related to material laying technology.

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