Landscape tracks in the country area: Tips and recommendations

July 5. Plot. Views 842. Comments To record Landscape tracks in the country area: Tips and recommendations No

As you know, there are tracks that would provide not only the comfort of movement in the territory, but also become a kind of dacha decoration. The positive news is that today in almost any construction supermarket you can find a colossal choice of materials for creating tracks. The most interesting thing is that it is often different resources with its original appearance.

However, not the best news is that people who do not have enough experience in purchasing materials to create tracks, cannot make the only correct choice, as a tremendous assortment creates significant difficulties for some. More often, this situation occurs, in which different materials have certain disadvantages, and the choice becomes even more difficult.

It is always worth remembering that today there are no special problems with materials to create tracks in the country - simply does not exist. Some small problems can be easily resolved. The most interesting thing is that such materials are often produced by the hosts themselves in handicrafts. With such a situation, people get confidence in high quality materials, as manufacturers always want to save on certain issues related to the production of products.

I would also like to say that today there is a colossal number of options for the release of original materials to create landscaped tracks, so there should be no special problems with this issue.

Despite this, you need to understand well in all matters related to the materials suitable for creating tracks in the country. In this article, we will look at all the necessary aspects associated with tracks, as well as analyze the details of the styling of the material.


Features of choosing materials for paths in the country

It should be borne in mind that every year on the market has ever more new and perfect materials used to create tracks. Immediately need to be said that such materials should be treated with special skepticism, since they are a kind of experiment, which does not always end with a positive result. Accordingly, such materials can manifest themselves from the worst side at any time.

Accordingly, experts advise to look closely towards old good materials that are available on the market for many years. And some are at all confident that there are simply no worthy substitution of concrete or natural stone. In something, such an opinion is really correct, since these materials show themselves from the best side for dozens of years, and they are also distinguished by an attractive appearance, which positively affects the landscape of any site.

Well, also do not forget that there is still a mass of other classic materials that can be freely used to create tracks. Next, in this article, we will consider in detail the materials on the basis of which there are often tracks for giving.

I would also like to note that today many owners choose materials to create tracks not only on the basis of durability and wear resistance of the surface. Some land owners are aimed at creating an attractive appearance of the territory, and in this case you can use almost all existing options for arranging tracks.

An excellent solution will be the use of the Internet to search for the most diverse design options. In this case, you can use existing design options and be sure that the final result will be really not bad. By the way, on the Internet you can find thousands of design options, and it is definitely a great help for owners who want to transform their territory.


Types of landscaped tracks for giving

It is important to remember that each of the materials has its own positive and negative sides, but at the same time it is worth paying attention to that the material can be used in certain conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to repel from the conditions in which the track will be created.

  • Concrete tile. This is probably the best option for those who wish to create a high-quality, durable and beautiful path in the framework of the country area. It is most important to remember that the concrete tile is used in a wide variety of conditions, including for the facing of sidewalks. Such universality has a positive effect on the overall prevalence of the material, and some new places appear every year in which the concrete tile is used. The positive side associated with concrete paths is related to the fact that there is the possibility of producing material of various shapes, colors and other characteristics. For example, you can purchase an original form (basis) for the production of tiles, and add special dyes to the starting material. In the end, it turns out a unique path, which in the best way to fit into the available space. As we have already said, it is possible to produce this resource in handicrafts. For this case, it is necessary to have appropriate forms, as well as vibration equipment. On the Internet you can find a colossal number of instructions for the production of tiles in limited conditions. It is worth saying that with this situation it is quite easy to get high-quality tiles, however, the material that is commercially available is also distinguished by the lowest quality. It is important to remember that such materials are issued and under the order. In each major city, you can find a lot of different manufacturers who produce tiles for individual orders. Thus, it appears the opportunity to get exactly the tile, which would be the best way to concrete the situation. Obviously, such services will be required to pay a little, which is not always pleased with the owners who want to save on all possible details of the process.
  • A natural stone. Materials issued on the basis of a real or natural, always attracted the attention of people. It is worth saying that not all that natural is the best. However, in the case of natural stamps, everything is wrong. Often the natural stone is distinguished by high strength and durability. Accordingly, if it is decided to create a high-quality track, this resource will definitely be the best solution. To date, in stores and at other points of sale, a colossal number of stone species is available, each of which is characterized by its original items. It is safe to say that each owner on the basis of natural stone has the ability to realize any ideas associated with the landscape of the site. At the same time, it is not necessary to ignore the information that natural stone is always expensive, so it is not all possible to afford this material for tracks. It is important to note that natural stone used to create tracks, over time, becomes only more attractive over time, since it appears moss, and the growing grass is combined with the material also in the best way. Accordingly, if the track is planned to be created is relatively small in size, it is quite possible and risk. It is important to keep in mind that some stones are too slippery, so the track may be too dangerous. If we talk about the question associated with the creation of the track, then in the case of natural stamps there may be some difficulties. First of all, we are talking about the variety of dimensions of stones, which significantly complicates the laying of the material. It will be necessary to make the laying of each individual stone, while selecting the most appropriate elements for the future surface.
  • Brick. It is worth saying that in recent years, the clinker brick has gained considerable popularity as a material for creating tracks. Indeed, this material best copes with its tasks, as it has strict dimensions, as well as external appeal. It's all about the warm color of the brick, which makes the surface really not bad. However, the main reason for choosing many owners in favor of brick is the cheapness of this resource. Of course, we are talking about relative cheapness, since even this material for some is expensive. However, on the background of concrete tiles and, especially, natural stone, brick is an inexpensive solution. Many mistakenly believe that on the basis of bricks it is impossible to create anything original, but the situation is completely different. On the Internet you can find hundreds of various options for creating brick-based tracks, and each solution is characterized by originality, practicality and an attractive appearance.
  • Wood. Obviously, the tree is a good option for creating tracks, and above all it concerns serious design projects, in which wood elements are amenable to special processing, which makes the landscape of the site truly unique. I would like to note that everything is about the same. It is important to draw attention to the fact that wood can be really attractive, and the tracks will be quite good, but they are extremely rarely durable. A few years later, and maybe earlier, the wood surface will lose its initial attractiveness. You can periodically make preventive treatment, but it will not give a special effect. After some time, the wood surface will become ugly.
  • Crushed stone, gravel, pebbles. These bulk materials are in great demand, and it concerns it and creating tracks. The thing is that crushed stone, pebbles and gravel are inexpensive resources that can be purchased in large volumes and at the same time not to spend too much money. This is an extremely important aspect, since during construction and repair each penny has tremendous importance. Of course, it is impossible to bypass the part of the information that the creation of lanes from bulk materials is a completely universal process. Everything is limited to a simple backfilling from the dump truck (or other techniques), as well as alignment on the desired area. Attention should be paid to the fact that the track in this case looks quite well, but should not be expected from this solution to something supernatural. At the same time, you can and add a slightly track, creating special transitions or steps out of wood. In this case, it all depends on the fantasy and the capabilities of the owners of the site. Again, on the Internet, many examples of tracks created on the basis of bulk materials, which are really attractive and modern.
  • Ceramics. In many garden sites, ceramic tiles are the basis of the tracks. However, practice shows that this option is appropriate only if it comes to narrow paths. Large tracks based on ceramic tiles are extremely rare phenomenon, and completely not justified. It is most important to understand that ceramics is expensive pleasure to create landscaped tracks, especially if the planned surface dimensions are too large. However, ceramics are often used if you need to reflect a small area around the house (small protrusions), or the surface under the arbor.
  • Plastic. Now on sale you can find quite a few plastic materials that will become a good basis for country tracks, but most of these materials are far from the most presentable species. Moreover, plastic is too quickly wearing, so it is absolutely impossible to place too high hopes for this material.
  • Screw materials. Surely, many have heard how craftsmen cleverly use unnecessary materials for the creation of beautiful country tracks. Practice shows that people without definite experience are not able to create something decent-based on the basis of breed materials. This is actually difficult, given the limited resources and their worn. Therefore, if it has already decided to create tracks based on breed materials, you should search the Internet for ready-made options that at least a little harmoniously fit into the existing landscape.


It is also important to note that there are often on the plot on the basis of asphalt. It should be borne in mind that this is a good and durable solution, but it is worth it in mind that it is an expensive surface, especially if the track has a large area.

It is obvious that the owners try to make a choice in favor of inexpensive and attractive tracks. However, there are people who want to create a single landscape on the whole site, and for this you have to go to financial losses, sometimes purchasing expensive materials.


Location of landscaped tracks

Obviously, it is extremely important to consider the issue associated with the location of the tracks that are planned to be created in the future. It is worth paying attention to the fact that almost everything depends on the site itself.

Specialists advise paying attention to the fact that the tracks must connect all the important objects on the site. This is the most important requirement. If we have a major plot on which there are many important places, it is worth it to keep in mind. For example, the track should be held from the house to the Gerson, Teplice, shed and other places that are regularly visited by the owners.

It is advisable to create a certain plan, on the basis of which a small analysis will be carried out. The plan will be founded on top of the site. You just need to connect all points that will denote important objects of the territory. Accordingly, after the connection will become clear, where the tracks should pass, and how best to position them to ensure maximum convenience.

However, not everywhere to create tracks. For example, you can get to beds through the grass. One main track located in the territory center, and will be the best solution for a small area on which various plants are grown. In some places, the track must be wider, in some - thinner.

You should not ignore the fact that trees grow in certain places, which can harm the paths with their root system. You need to analyze this situation before creating tracks.


Power output materials for creating landscaped tracks

We have already talked about the fact that almost all the owners want to save on the creation of tracks in the country's dacha. For maximum savings, it is often necessary to personally release materials that will be used as a basis for tracks.

Obviously, the most optimal option in such a situation is the concrete tile, which we talked about earlier. Without unnecessary problems, you can create tracks similar to paving coverage in many cities.

For this, resources will be required (cement, sand, crushed stone), as well as vibration equipment (a vibration table or more advanced equipment is suitable). Thus, forms are filled with the necessary components, a concrete mixture is sealing, after which each individual tile gains strength for a certain period. It is worth noting that this way can save a lot of money, because on sale such a tile is offered at a somewhat overpriced price. At the same time, producing tiles in handicrafts, do not forget that its quality may not be as high as expected, especially if the production is engaged in a person without experience.

Approximately the same situation with some other materials, on the basis of which you can create a track. It is necessary to carefully analyze the situation and make a conscious choice.

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