Installing the fence made of professional flooring with your own hands

July 5. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 940. Comments To record setting a fence from a professional flooring with your own hands No

To date, within the framework of private territories, you can meet a wide variety of fences. It should be borne in mind that for some owners the appearance of the fence is important, and for others it is its reliability and level of security. It is worth understanding that both of these aspects are extremely important, given the fact that today is not the most favorable safety situation.

An attractive appearance of the fence is almost always tremendous spending money. Therefore, even in large areas you can find fences, the appearance of which is far from the most attractive.

However, it is always possible to create a situation in which the fence will also look good, and differ by a high level of security for the territory. To date, there are many materials on the basis of which fences are created, and all these resources have both positive and negative sides.

In this case, we will consider the question associated with the use of fence from the professional flooring. Immediately it is worth saying that the professional flooring is a universal resource, which will easily become the basis for the fences of any dimensions and levels of protection. The hosts that have made a choice in favor of the professional flooring note that this resource is a minimalistic option: the material looks extremely simple, but at the same time modern. Thus, the professional flooring is best combined with many territories, buildings and other objects.

Also in this material we will consider the specifics of the installation of such a fence, as well as the features of the operation of the fence from the corrugated floor.


Features of the fence from Pofnastil

Many people who deal with construction and repair work, perfectly know that professional flooring is universal and practical material. This resource covers the walls of small houses, giant warehouses, as well as many other structures.

Thus, the professional flooring became distributed and in terms of use for the construction of fences. It is worth noting the fact that every year such fences are ever more often, with such structures apply on truly solid territories. A significant positive side can be considered the fact that the fence from the professional flooring is not habitual for fences of lattice elements, so see what happens on a specific territory will not work.

In fact, this fence has many positive sides, which you can talk about. It should be paid to the fact that today there are really worthy of competitors for such a fence, but there is a slightly different situation, if we talk about the external component of the fence. If a plot or main structure has some particular style, it often makes sense to adhere to these directions. In such a situation, it is necessary to understand that the fence from the professional flooring is not suitable, although all other parameters related not to the appearance of the fence can be the best way to approach the existing environment.


The advantages and disadvantages of the fence from the professional flooring

As mentioned earlier, the fence from the professional flooring has many positive parties to which attention should be paid. But at the same time, such a fence is not deprived of the disadvantages that may be too serious for many people.

Let's start with the advantages of the fence from the professional flooring:

  • Reliable protection. If many fences are installed as a decorative object on the territory, then the fence from the professional flooring is a completely different solution. Obviously, this fence has no lumen, and just so move through the fence to the territory will not work. This is not the maximum level of security, but definitely a good solution for small territories that need a certain security. Do not forget that ordinary wooden fences can be easily breaking, while the professional flooring is simply not amenable to deformities.
  • Dimensions. Profile-based fences can be large or small. There are no special restrictions, but everything is in the framework of reasonable. Attention should be paid to the fact that the height of such a fence is often about 5 mm. Thus, a high level of security for the territory is created. It should be borne in mind that a strong wind load can damage the fence if it has too much height.
  • Soundproofing. It is known that the layer of professional flooring has a certain set of components that allow you to muffle external noises. In some situations, this is good news, since, for example, in industrial areas there may be serious problems associated with noise. However, it is not necessary to think that isolation is so good that noise will not have any influence. A slight mute will be present, but no more.
  • Easy to install the fence. It is not a secret that today there are many types of fences, many of which are not so easy to build. For example, stone fences need a colossal preparation. In addition, complex technologies are used here that ordinary people who are not related to the construction industry are incomprehensible. In the case of a professional flooring, everything is extremely simple. Experts note that even a person without experience will be able to create a fence of almost any dimensions. However, not everything is so elementary as it may seem at first glance. If you do not follow technology, you can not exclude large problems, and, accordingly, considerable material losses.
  • Durability. Professional flooring is a reliable material that is capable of listening to the owners for many years. Producers of this product focus on the fact that the galvanized professional flooring will not lose its primary properties even after 15 years. For two decades, such a fence will look attractive. If we talk about polymer coatings, such a material will last even longer.
  • Appearance. For many, the external component of such fences is not the most attractive, but attention should be paid to the fact that it is a more modern minimalist style that is well combined with many styles of modern structures.
  • Ease of repair and replacing fence. Definitely the strong side of the fence from the professional flooring is the ability to replace the sectors of the fence. Accordingly, if one of the units of the fence was damaged (most often we are talking about mechanical damage), then the replacement will take at least time and strength. It should be borne in mind that on sale you can always find material with the same dimensions and color solutions, so there will be no problems with the acquisition. This method of replacing the elements of the fence is truly fast and efficient. Compared to other fences, for the repair of which there is a lot of effort, the professional flooring looks attractive.


Disadvantages of fence made of professional flooring:

  • Lack of lumen. For some people, the lack of lumens at the fence is a serious problem, and it may not be better reflected in vegetation, which can be available on site. Thus, the shadow is an extremely negative feature for many territories, and the owners try to avoid it.
  • Appearance. As we have already spoken in the virtues, the appearance of the fence from the professional flooring is a good solution for those who attract minimalism and the like styles. If we talk about the negative side of the appearance of the fence from the professional flooring, it is necessary to keep in mind that such a fence is poorly combined with the classic styles of structures. In general, if we are talking about luxury sites, in which you can find pools, leisure gazebos, professional stall look like it's quite funny. Accordingly, the question of the style of fences from the professional flooring has been sharp for a long time.
  • Security. Experts note that to penetrate the territory of the territory fenced by the fence from the corrugated floor is extremely simple. The situation is in such a way that, if necessary, in the fence you can easily cut a large hole and get into the territory. Obviously, crooks will not take such a step when it comes to a small private area. You can also say that classic metal fences in this case look preferable.

Installing a fence from a professional flooring

Materials and tools

Despite the overall ease of installation of the fence from the corrugated floor, in this case there will be many different materials and devices:

  • professor;
  • pipes;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • building level;
  • rope;
  • drill;
  • selfless.

Obviously, in some cases will not be superfluous and some other materials and tools. This question depends on what conditions for the construction of the fence, and what a fence will have dimensions.

I would also like to say that the pipes are primarily necessary as the reference pillars for the fence. Instead of pipes, asbestos-cement or wood elements can be used. The latter, of course, are far from the ideal option, since wood over time loses its initial properties, even if the antiseptic treatment was performed.


Mounting process of fence

Immediately need to say that the fence installation technology is not too complicated, but you need to follow each item, seriously paying attention to the smallest details.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. First you need to mark the territory. The essence is that at this stage it is necessary to determine the future position of the wicket and other elements of the fence. Well, the most important thing - it is necessary to determine the places for the installation of pillars. It is important to keep in mind that the distance between the pipes should be no more than 3 m. Already at this stage, it is highly likely to establish the exact amount of materials necessary for the measurement. However, it should not immediately buy everything (especially in large volumes), if possible, it is necessary to acquire materials gradually.
  2. Installation of support pillars. The overall durability and strength of the fence depends on these elements. It should be borne in mind that to create a fence you can choose pipes with a round cross section or square. However, in the first case, the diameter should be at least 76 mm, and in the second side should be 50 mm and more. The top holes of the pillars are advisable to brew, so that water does not fall there. For each post, you need to dug a hole whose depth will be about 1.5 m. Width of the pit - approximately 150 mm. In most cases, manual drill is suitable for creating yam. However, it is worth keeping in mind: the higher the fence is planned, the dende the pillars should be located. In addition, the same situation with the supports themselves - their diameter should be somewhat large. In some cases, the situation may depend on the state of the soil. Directly, the installation of columns occurs in such a way that the bottom of the pit is filled with gravel, after which the position of the pillar occurs. The rest of the pit must be filled with cement mortar. Obviously, for a while, it is necessary to limit the load on the pipes, since the mixture will gain strength for several days. Separately, I would like to say that the location of the pillars should be clearly monitored, and for this you need to apply a plumb and construction level. Any deviations from horizontal or vertical levels may entail serious problems for the entire fence. The saddest thing is that in some cases the tag may occur.
  3. Now you need to install the lag. These are transverse metal elements that are located horizontally between the support pillars. Experts note that a profiled pipe is suitable for lag, the cross section of which is 40/25 mm. As for the number of these elements for each section, it all depends on the general dimensions of the future fence. For example, if the height of the fence is limited to 1.7 m, it will be enough to use two lags. The upper and lower elements must be secured at a distance of 4 cm from the lower and top of the fence. For fastening lag it is advisable to apply welding equipment. Immediately after all the work was performed about which we wrote earlier, it is necessary to arm the primer and treat all metal surfaces. This will protect them from corrosion, which can extremely quickly bring the design to disrepair. It is worth noting in advance that metal elements are needed to cover the primer with a certain regularity so that corrosion does not have any chances for long years.
  4. Installation of professional flooring. This is probably the easiest process, since it will only need to have a drill and self-tapping screws for it. It is important to keep in mind that the docking sheets of the professional flooring takes place. The step between the mounts should be approximately 500 mm. Obviously, you can and more tightly attach the material, but there is no particular need for this. In the process, you can easily damage your hands with sharp edges of the material, so it is advisable to wear protective gloves. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is necessary to use fastening elements carefully, since any damage to the professional flooring can entail all the same corrosion and other not the most pleasant processes.


At the end, I would like to say that the soil also has a tremendous impact on the situation. Earlier, we said that it always makes sense to analyze the soil before starting the process of installing the fence. In some situations, a problem may occur at which the soil is too loose or mobile. Accordingly, in such conditions it will be necessary to create a small ribbon foundation. This is a more difficult process than the one we wrote about above, however, the reliability of such a fence will be much higher. However, with this situation, it makes sense to pay attention to some other types of fences, and some are more reliable and durable protection for the territory.

However, in the event that, when creating a fence from a professional flooring, all parts related to dimensions, color solutions are taken into account, such a fence will be really not bad for a private area. Again, do not forget about a variety of factors that can affect the overall process of installing and operating the fence.

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