Rules for landing and care for hyacinths

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The ugly colors simply do not exist, but the onions are beautiful in particular, and the hyacinths occupy a special place. Rain flowers, so this name sounds, if we translate it from Greek. Hyacinths can be grown almost all year round, both at home and in the garden. On the rules of landing and care for hyacinths will be discussed below.

A little useful information about hyacinths

To get truly beautiful hyacinths, grow them according to the rules. It does not hurt a little theory.

3 groups of hyacinths in flowering timing:

  • blooming until mid-April belong to the earliest;
  • immediately after early, in days 10-15, the average bloom;
  • at the incident 10 days after the midfvement of the average, the turn of later occurs.

Color palette

By color, rain flowers are divided into 6 species:

  • blue, blue;


  • lilac and all its shades, right up to purple;


  • all tones of yellow, orange;


  • pink;


  • red;


  • white.


In order not to buy the bulbs of hyacinth blind, focus on the tone and shape of the scales:

  • the top scales of the flavors of the hyacinth on the color roughly repeat the tone of the colors;
  • the bulbs of violet, blue and pink hyacinths have the form of a wide cone;
  • narrowly conical shape in yellow, orange bulbs;
  • white hyacinth bulb resembles an egg shaped.

Compare hyacinth bulbs, whose photos are presented below. They are different and color, and in shape:


Healthy: Early blossom hyacinths most often blue, and late - yellow and orange. If hyacinths grow in a place where snow is constantly lingering and lately, they are not dependent on, they will flour later.

Hyacinth in the garden.

Hyacinths, landing and care, for which, though a little more complicated than behind the other bulbs, still worth settlement on their plot. They revive the garden with their flowering earlier than tulips and daffodils, and their beauty and a thin fragrance will reward you for the efforts.


They grow hyacinths by planting bulbs, although it is possible to plant seeds too, but the result will not get so fast - it will take 5, or even 7 years before you can admire the colors. It is best to plant the bulbs of medium sizes, and very big rather are suitable for pastures.

Choose a place

By the end of September, we choose a place for landing hyacinths. Hyacinths require:

  • a lot of sun;
  • lack of drafts;
  • a small slope so that there is no stagnation of moisture;
  • trees and shrubs - bad neighborhood, because They take the nutrients.

Soil for hyacintha

The most suitable for hyacinth soil:

  • neutral;
  • with good drainage.

It must be treated in advance:

  • switch;
  • feel. Mineral and natural fertilizers, but the manure is only overworked;
  • if the earth is solid, and the acidity is increased, then add the sand, lime, make drainage.


Before planting the bulbs of hyacinths in the garden, prepare them:

  • we make a weak solution of manganese;
  • we put onto the bulbs for half an hour for disinfection;
  • we prepare the pits with a depth of 100 to 200 mm, depending on the diameter of the planting material: what it is more, themes deeper. Distance between pits of centimeters 10-15. A row from a row is at a distance of 200 mm;
  • in the holes, smear sand to a height of 5 cm;
  • the bulb is planted directly in the sand, slightly pressing it. Again the sand, and then the Earth. Now the bulb is not afraid of infection, she does not threaten his posting;
  • If cold is foreseen, cover the site where hyacinths were planted with leaves, sweetheart or sawdust.

How to care for hyacinth in spring and summer

As soon as the sun harvested and the snow came down, the sockets of hyacinth are shown, how to care for them? Without attention and care, this flower will not show itself in all its glory, so:

  • with the advent of sprouts begin feeding. Per 1 m2 introduce an ammonium nitrate for 30 g;
  • we prepare the complex fertilizer from 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate - it will be required for feeding when buds appear;
  • when hyacinths are flashing, feeding their last time with sulfuric acid potassium: 40 g per square meter;
  • during the periods between feeding, the soil of loose, follow the land does not drive. Watering moderately for a small depth.

At the end of the first summer month, you need to perform the following job:

  • dig bulbs;
  • place in the shade for drying;
  • folded into the box and let it be in the room at a temperature of from 23 to 25 degrees;
  • then place the bulbs in the basement, because until the planning of them you need to withstand at 17 degrees C.

We breed hyacinths

For breeding, you need kids - such 2 or 3 small bulbs, formed by the bottom of the big bulbs. They appear during the time while the bulb is stored. We do it like this:

  • gently separate them from the maternal bulbs;
  • sit down;
  • after the incident, 2 years we transplant.

Healthy: To increase the number of children, we make cruciform cuts on the Dame of Maternal Bulb, pre-disinfected and dried. For disinfection, we take the middle fortress a mortar of manganese. The bulbs should be in it in it 20. Sometimes the cone is cut out, and the sections are powered by ashes. There is one nuance: such kids from big bulbs are not separated, and sit down with her. You can separate them by year after 2. A lot of useful on autumn landing of hyacinths in the garden can be learned from this video:

Hyacinth under the New Year tree


Want to present your family fragrant, an unusual gift for the new year is a blooming hyacinth? Start to act in September. To begin with, we go for the purchase of landing material, if not yours. Choose carefully.

Requirements for bulbs

Lukovitsa hyacinths, to obtain a full-fledged flower, must comply with some requirements:

  • the diameter of millimeters 50. The bottom at the same time should not be disproportionately small. If this is observed, then this means one thing: the bulb increased artificially, giving a greater dose of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • healthy look - scales without scratches and, moreover, without mold.

Soil mixture

Together with the bulbs we buy and pot. The diameter of it, at least 2 times the diameter of the bulb. Further prepare the soil mixture. Here is its composition:

  • at the bottom of the pot of claymzite or sand millimeters 20-30 for drainage;
  • riding peat;
  • sand.

The ratio of peat to the sand 3: 1.


If a big pot is bought, then:

  • first, three quarters of volume are filled;
  • the bulb in a strictly vertical position;
  • covered with soil, not reaching 10-20 mm to the upper edge of the dishes;
  • provided that there is a place, it is possible to plant several bulbs, and the distance between them is 20-25 mm;
  • we water a 0.2% calcined nitrate solution to improve the quality of colors;
  • the pot with a well-moist soil is tightened with a dark film or cover with something and send a refrigerator or a basement to the bottom of the bottom or a basement, where the temperature does not rise above 9 degrees S. Watch that the earth does not drive.

Important: The top of the bulbs should look out of the ground of a centimeter at 2. Experienced flowers do not advise to plant more than 3 bulbs in one pot.

What's next?

So that hyacinth blooms to the intended term, it is necessary:

  • no later than 21 days to make a pot into the premises. It is desirable that the windowsill, where you have identified the place for him was sunny, and the temperature in the room kept at the level of 22 to 24 degrees C. Remove the shelter. He already has a sprout of a length of millimeters 100;
  • now we will artificially increase the flower height - so it will become more spectacular. To do this, you twist the cylinder from paper and conclude a bulb. The light falls only on top, so the flowers are pulled out and subsequently will turn out to be higher than the leaves. When buds appear, the cylinder is removed;
  • like any flower, hyacinth care appreciates and thanks for him with beautiful blooming somewhere around a month. Therefore, we water it regularly. Watch that the water does not fall on the bulb and buds. It needs special accuracy. In the pallet, too, pour water, but gradually;
  • periodically loosened the soil, not hurt at the same bulb.


Hyacinths Blowers

Passed a month, Hyacinth blews, what to do with a bulb? Do not throw in any way. The further fate of the Lukovitsa hyacinth depends on how to care for her after flower drying. We do this:

  • dry stems of colors cut off;
  • earth water, make feeding;
  • when dried and leaves, leaving the bulb;
  • we dry, and fall in the garden in the fall.

Hyacinth in a glass vase

There is another way to grow hyacinth at home. Imagine a flower that grown and blossomed not in a pot, and right in a vase with water. To do this require the following:

  • first of all, we select a vase, the form of which resembles a pear. The diameter of its narrowed part should be so that the bulbs accommodate there is strictly vertically. Specialized stores sell containers for the distillation of bulbous;
  • between the bottom of the bulb and water level 1 cm.
  • the pear-shaped vase with the bulb placed in it is covering and ending in a room with a temperature not higher than 5 degrees C, and if there is no such thing, then we put on the bottom of the refrigerator and keep it there for a week 3. During this time, the Bulb of Hyacinth will let the roots. The main thing is to monitor the water level. When its level decreases, we pour some comprehensive fertilizer. It is not difficult to buy it. Hyacinths whose photo you see below have already been launched strong roots:


  • when the roots become dense, as in the photo, we bring a vase into the room, but the shelter is not removed until there is enough high sprouts - millimeters 100. Now we are waiting for flowering.

Interesting: If the bulb's vase is not placed in the cold conditions, and all the time keep in the room, the hyacinth will bloom all the same, but at the same time, the feet of the colors will be short, and this is not that. To provide a hyacinth of bloom, all of the above recommendations should be observed, otherwise the bulb will start, and you will be disappointed. Excellent master class for pasting hyacinths you get looking at the video:

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