Laying ondulin do it yourself

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Ondulin is a successful version of the modern roofing material, acceptable at cost and with a high level of reliability. Such a material will certainly decorate any type of construction and will cause delight of the neighbors with its appearance, because it is impossible to notice the root decorated in this way - the facade will certainly attract the gaze. At the same time, laying ondulin on the broken roof and on the design of a simpler architectural solution. Montage of such a roof with their own hands implies the thorough knowledge of the subject, despite the fact that the technology is quite simple. To avoid material recalculation and ensure long coverage service, read the information below, which describes the basic rules of work with this material.

What is Ontulin?


Ontulin refers to a number of roofing materials, which includes several components:

Ondulina parameters

The dimensions of the sheets of Ondulina have standard parameters, namely:

  • width - 95 cm;
  • length - 200 cm;
  • weight - 6 kg;
  • sheet thickness - 0.3 cm;
  • the height of the wave is 0.38 cm. metallocherepica-Ili-Ondulin

    Important! Such features of the sizes of this sheet material make it possible to make the consumption as possible and quickly and choose an ondulin laying scheme. bitumniy-Shifer.

Advantages and disadvantages of Ondulina

The roof of the ondulin, the technology of stacking which is described in detail below, is distinguished by a number of indisputable advantages, so that this material immediately after entering the market has gained great popularity. montaj_ondulin2.

The main positive characteristics include:

  • low weight;
  • high sound insulation indicator;
  • wear resistance, allowing to operate the roof without carrying out additional repair work;
  • the ability to maintain a large roof area of \u200b\u200bthe roof personally;
  • withstands harsh climatic differences;
  • confronting condensate cluster;
  • environmental purity;
  • ondulin roof does not absorb moisture;
  • takes part in the catchment system;
  • there is no paint peeling;
  • this material perfectly copes with extreme loads, such as abnormal snowfalls or a hurricane rodged wind at a speed of up to 190 km / h. ondulin.

    Important! All of these positive qualities are provided with a feature of the production of a material that is manufactured by pressing cellulose fibers in sheets. After pressing, all elements clearly correspond to the specified form, sizes and appearance. To increase the indicator of the protective function, the top layer of the material is covered with a resin and mineral paint black, green, brown or red. The only disadvantage of Ondulin is precisely the faint of paint during long-term exploitation, especially this concerns brown sheets. 925F3F5C9CE0390DDCCE2DAAADEEE5013

Rules for the choice of Ondulina

Unscrupulous sellers under the guise of this ONDulin can sell you the roofing material of other little-known manufacturers or similar analogues that do not correspond to the qualitative indicators of this ONDulin. Such a deception can significantly complicate laying ondulin on the rubberoid or other roofing base, as well as affect the durability of operation. 278_ondulin_i_drugie_krovelnye_materialy.

Therefore, in order to avoid such adverse effects and acquire the right material, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Each sheet has 10 waves.
  2. Ondulina color saturated, matte.
  3. The height of each wave is 38 mm.
  4. On the inside of the material there must be a black corrugated grid.
  5. On the front side, the surface to the touch has a rough structure.
  6. Each element has labeling "Ondulin".
  7. The presence of the seller of quality certificates corresponding to the international standard ISO 9001.
  8. Warranty on all Onduline products is 15 years old. eA356A7D5E55A5319C8142C8E3CB5C86.

    Important! The price of Ondulin and its laying is not so high to try to save even more due to lower class quality. Therefore, be sure to check the compliance of the material in all characteristics, and not only for individual items. krysha-Iz-Ondulina

Technology laying ondulina - Preparation

Conducting the installation of the roof of Ondulin will not be much labor, but it will take a sufficient amount of time. So that the forces spent were not in vain, carefully examine the sequence of preparatory work and some features of each stage. 281900B160E5BAA949B6788C17321E63.

How to perform the calculation of the material?

To properly determine the number of purchased material, follow these actions:

  • schematically divide the roof on rectangles, squares and triangles;
  • calculate and summarize the area of \u200b\u200ball shapes;
  • the result resulting in the coefficient of 1.2;
  • the resulting digit is divided into sheet working area;
  • the result obtained rounds to a large number. calcul.

    Important! If you doubt the correctness of the calculation of the material, invite a specialist who will help in carrying out this procedure. ondulin.

What tools to prepare the installation of the roof from Ondulina?

To arrange the roof of Ondulin with their own hands, you will need a set of tools, which include:

  • ondulin sheets;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • pencil or marker;
  • construction stapler with brackets;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • galvanized roofing nails and selflessness;
  • screwdriver;
  • fire and antiseptic emulsion for impregnation of wood;
  • wooden beams for crate cross section 5x5 cm;
  • skate and forcep elements;
  • construction tape for isolation;
  • moisture meter. 129462245

    Important! Wood buy top grade with the correct degree of drying (within 12-15%) and without significant visible deformations. 25

Mounting Rules for Ondulin Crates

Before starting to install, select the appropriate principle of the device of the crate. Since the ondulin roof is soft, then under the mass of snow, she can progress. krovlya-Ondulin1

To exclude such a probability, select the type of crate, based on the roof tilt angle:

  • if the angle of inclination is 5-10 °, then a continuous dory is expected from the board or plywood;
  • if the angle of inclination is 10-15 °, the crate is performed under the observance of the step between the 45 cm bruises;
  • if the angle of inclination of the roof is over 15 °, then in this case the interval between obreshetins is 60 cm. montazh-Kryshi-Iz-Ondulina

How to perform the cutting of the material?

To cut the overulin sheets, use the tree with a tree. To reduce labor costs, use electric copier or electronics. ondulin-7

Important! Be careful when working with these tools in order not to damage yourself. When performing a procedure, use protective equipment for hands and face. 1_5255084D2D9565255084D2D9A4

Ondulina Laying - Instructions

  1. Mounting ondulina Start from the bottom angle of the roof from the leeward side.

    Important! Bringing the first sheet, driven through the wave in a checker order. The rigor of the chess movement will provide a presentable type of surface. 1319679373_DSC01130.

  2. The second sheet is placed on 1 wave overlap, which is clearly observing the horizontal location of the material.
  3. Place the first row.
  4. If necessary, disconse part of the last item.

    Important! Paper the last sheet should be from the allen, as if from the inside. krysha-Iz-Ondulina

  5. The next row of Ondulin lay in a checker in relation to the previous row.

    Important! Perform this way the installation of the entire surface of the roof. dOM-S-Kryshej-Iz-Ondulina

Montage of Ondulina in complex places

After completing the ondulin laying on the entire surface of the roof, you can start designing complex places that perform a protective and decorative function. oNDULINE_CENTERKROVEL_RU_6.

Installation technology of complex places:

  1. Kind set on the roofing scap by the inner sections of the waves, fixing it on additional obreshetines.
  2. At the installation site of the funds, install an additional crate from bars with a cross section of 250 mm.
  3. Starting from the bottom of the roof, start laying ondulin sheets from the bottom of the endland, leaving the sweep of 50 mm wide.
  4. Subsequent elements of the funds to launch a mustache.
  5. When decorating the ribs of stiffness for each wave of material, we adjust the forceny or skate element to the obsemisten.
  6. Roof joints cover the apron from Ondulin, paving the connection location with waterproofing material, and secure nails.

    Important! For the design of the joints, go carefully to avoid moisture penetration inside the design. oNDULIN-CHTO-ETO

  7. Roofing window Fasten nails at sheets of sheets.
  8. To ensure ventilation, secure the roofing fan on each wave, which has a pairing with sheets.
  9. To eliminate the lumen between the Ondulin sheets and the skate, use a special filler.

    Important! So that birds and insects are not stuck in the slots between the ondulin sheets, secure the ventilation comb, installed on the eaves under the sheet with nails. 30-Vyxi-Ondulin


Bridge the video on laying ondulin on the roof, to more clearly imagine the entire amount of upcoming work and understand the pre-all nuances.

The rules of operation of the roof of Ondulina

The design of the roof, made of ondulin, does not require special care measures. But there should be essential contaminants, clogging the coating with leaves, branches, and not allow mechanical damage. After during operation, the color of the roof will flash, you can upgrade it by painting a special paint from the sprayer. 86


Even if you do not have extensive experience in the fulfillment of roofing work, following the recommendations described above, you can arrange the roof of Ondulin's own home and achieve the desired result. The performed roof performed by the roof will certainly admire others, and you can delight your reliability and quality. In addition, additional moral satisfaction will bring knowledge that it's all is your personal merit.

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