We make grounding in the country with your own hands. Schemes for the organization of grounding in a private house

March 27. Useful advice Views 634. Comments To record, we make a grounding in the country with your own hands. Schemes for the organization of grounding in a private house No

In the country area, various electrical techniques are often used: tools, machine tools, electric mower and so on. The danger of electric shock is large, in connection with which the grounding device in the country is vital. The protective earth will assign voltage to the ground, if the insulation of the wiring is damaged. We offer to explore the recommendations on the organization of grounding in the country: it will help to install on its own.

What is the grounding contour

The earth contour can be divided into two parts: outdoor and internal. The latter consists of:

  • grounding wire electrical wiring;
  • grounding terminals in sockets;
  • terminal block in the electrical panel, combining all ground wires of electrical wiring cables.

Total grounding scheme

The internal system is connected in the electrical switch with an external vicor connection with a bus that is part of the external system. In turn, the external (outdoor) system combines electrodes, placed in the soil connecting their metal parts and the tire itself.

Grounding prevents shocking in case of insulation damage

Installation of protective grounding

The scheme of the grounding organization in the country of three, most often used, should be selected.

  1. Closed: electrodes delved in the ground are connected by jumpers so that the outline of an oval, rectangular or triangular form is formed. The advantage of such a scheme in reliability: in case of damage to one of the jumpers, the ground will perform its function.
  2. Linear: all electrodes are bought in one row. In this case, the likelihood of a system failure during damage to the first jumpers is large.
  3. Pipe: one long electrode with a special technology is driven into a ground to a larger depth. The disadvantage is the high cost of materials.

Mounting pin grounding

Tip: Of the three above options, it is recommended to mount grounding in the country with your own hands of a closed system.

Ground Contour Mounting Technology

The grounding tool in the country is needed as follows:

  • shovel bayonet - for riveting trench;
  • bulgarian - for the manufacture of parts;
  • sledgehammer - to clog electrodes in the ground;
  • welding inverter - for connecting electrodes with jumpers and tire;
  • the adjustable key is to twist the nut in the shield (when connecting the internal and outer ground systems.

Instructions for the organization of grounding in the country involves the use of the following materials:

  • 50 × 50 mm steel corner, 5 mm thick - three sections of 2 m (can be replaced with pipe, reinforcement or channel with the same cross-sectional area);
  • three steel tires with a length of 0.12 m (width 50 mm, thickness 5 mm);
  • steel bus length from the installation site of the ground circuit to the cottage wall;
  • the wire is copper, isolated, cross section 6 mm² and more (depending on the section of the phase wire);
  • m10 bolt with washer, engraver and nut.

Tip: For mounting a protective earth contour, it is better to use electrodes and stainless steel tires. Such a system will serve longer than made of carbon steel.

Phased grounding process can be represented as follows.

Choosing a place for grounding

It is recommended to adhere to the rules.

  1. The grounding circuit must be as much as possible from the place that people are often visited. In case of damage to the insulation of the electric pipe, the protective circuit will work, and near the electrodes of the circuit can be dangerous.
  2. It is recommended to mount the circuit along the fence (for a linear scheme), in the parisader.
  3. If possible, the zone of placement of the grounding circuit is protected.

Linear circuit: Electrodes are located in one row along the fence


  1. It is necessary to perform the markup of the triangle on the site selected for installation work.
  2. Laying the necessary distances with a roulette, drive into the ground pegs and stretch the cord between them.
  3. With the help of the cord, we also place a segment between one of the electrodes and the wall of the house.
  4. Shovel Poam Trench depth 0.5 - 0.7 m.

Trench with grounding circuit

Installation of the external and internal grounding system

The sequence of actions is the following.

  1. In the vertices of the triangle, the electrodes are poured into the ground until about 50 mm remain on the surface - for attaching jumpers.
  2. To the tops of the electrodes weld the segments of the tires so that the triangle formed.
  3. In the trench, leading to the cotton wall, lay the bus, one end is welded to the contour, and the other is removed on the wall (at a height of at least 0.5 m). Near the foundation it is required to leave the reserve to compensate for the grounds of the soil.
  4. At the top of the tire on the wall we weld the M10 bolt.
  5. We attach a cable to the bolt, laid from the electrical tailor. Fastening with the washer and engraver pressed with a nut.
  6. We fall asleep trench soil and seal it. It is recommended to pour water: it helps to improve the contact of the metal with the soil.

All items are connected by welding.

Important: Electrodes and tires can not be covered. Metal processing is allowed by rust converter. In order for the electrodes to be easier to enter into the ground, their tops make sharp.

The location of the interior and external system can be placed in the mounting box.

Installation check

The correct grounding for giving must have no more than 10 ohm resistance. Check compliance with this condition using the USS device (ground resistance meter) or megommeter.

In the absence of instruments, you can use the incandescent bulb: to one of its contacts with a phase wire, and to the other - the wire attached to the ground. The brightness of the light bulb should not differ from its usual (when you turn on the network 220 V). Otherwise, all connections of the parts of the contour must be checked and remade to improve contact.

Measuring ground resistancemegommeter.

At the end of the article on how grounding is mounted in the country - video with explanations of a specialist.

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