How to choose the right watering system for the lawn?

March 10. Useful advice, Plot. Views 3980 Comments To record How to choose the right system of watering for the lawn? No

The design of a beautiful green lawn near the house with interesting bright flower beds and alpine slides today is so popular that requires additional care equipment. First of all, this refers to the watering of the green zone. The manual method has long been irrelevant, given its laboriousness and the problematic of the uniform distribution of water throughout the territory. That is why various automated irrigation systems are so claimed. But in order to choose the correct design initially read the important selection criteria and the main parameters of the device set forth below.

What are the advantages of an automatic system?

To begin with, to buy the system of watering the most suitable type, make sure that this method is really a rational solution.


Below is only a small list of all the advantages of this acquisition:

In the video applied below, the process of automatic irrigation of the lawn is clearly shown, which will help make sure in the practicality of such a solution.

Varieties of systems of watering

The first thing to take attention when choosing an irrigation system and watering is a suitable type of equipment.


In order to determine correctly, consider all the categories of such technical equipment and their main characteristics with recommendations to the conditions of application:

  1. Watering system with your own hands. The simplest and most economically acceptable option used to watering a small bed, flower beds or lawn near the house. The process of irrigation occurs in semi-automatic mode. Principle of operation: A hose with a dishtheler hose is connected to the water supply, with which the spraying occurs. The jet is directed manually. NTS-1.
  2. Micro-stranded. New of all available technologies of this direction. The system is specifically designed for soft irrigation in gentle mode. Ideally suits this watering system on a plot with miniature plants or easily destroyed by water pressure. For example, various types of dining greenery - kinza, parsley, dill, salad, basil or flowers. gOLDEN-SPREY1.
  3. Rained widescaming machines. Designed for watering fields of a large area. The equipment of such equipment is rather diverse, due to which it allows you to form water flows when watering the desired size and force. The machines of this type are indispensable for irrigation of large-scale corn fields, beets, potatoes. DSCN9032.
  4. Splinker systems. Equipment of this type is in definite demand due to the characteristics of the irrigation principle. Pay special attention to splinker irrigation when choosing a watering system for cottage or garden. It is moisturized, therefore, not only the soil, but also air, that is, the plant is saturated with moisture along the entire length of the stem or trunk. Especially efficiently the use of such technology for berries, potato fields and fruit trees, which are not enough to receive moisture from the rhizomes, and the outer water is required. sULAMA-8-B31B9C0C-BZDRZ
  5. Drip irrigation system. The most demanded method of irrigation within the framework of private watering relative to a small territory. Principle of operation - water is supplied to each plant separately, directly under the root. The pressure and the frequency of the jet feed is adjustable as needed, depending on the type of plant. To care for the green area near the house or irrigation of vegetable gardens, vineyards and berries bushes, the best option is to buy a drip irrigation system. lenta1
  6. Drum-type irrigation equipment. Machines of this type are used primarily when it is impossible to properly organize a drip system due to the likelihood of its damage or too dirty water. Especially effective equipment drum type for watering vegetable crops of different types. DCIM100Media.

    Important! Of the whole list of available systems, given the features of their most rational use, give preference to a splinker or a drip system for lawn care.


Device of irrigation equipment

In order for the system of watering the lawn for a long time, pay attention to the quality of its components. Consider the installation circuit in order to more clearly imagine the task.


What exactly to send your attention?

Pump system


The selection criteria are as follows:

  • Wear-resistant material - plastic or metal, with polymer coating warning corroding, stainless steel
  • The quality of the assembly of the main nodes of the shaft and the case
  • The type of bearings and the material from which they are manufactured (preferred ceramics).




The main requirements for the quality of pipes in the system:

  • Mechanical strength
  • Resistance to various temperature regimens
  • Flexibility
  • Principle of connection
  • Easy installation. kapelnoe-oroshenie01 (1)

    Important! Under all these criteria, polyethylene pipes are perfect with the help of compression fittings, with the widest range of applications and high operating performance. Relatively economical options from polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride require durability regarding the temperature regime.




The choice of spinners is quite simple, as it relates mainly to the type of nozzles. The main principle of choice - the features of the relief of the green zone:

  • Rotary type fixtures Use to maintain large areas with a canopy surface
  • Static - for more complex relief, single beds, beds or shrubs. lawns-Watering

    Important! Browse the video in which more details are described about all possible options for nozzles and the principle of their choice.

Remote Control


Among the requirements for the management system with the entire design, the following are most important:

  • Quality of configuration
  • Functionality (the more opportunities on the remote control, the less to be corrected by the work of the watering machine manually)
  • Convenience and simplicity. Roam11

    Important! Among the additional equipment, we note selected meteorodators, which allow you to regulate the irrigation frequency and its intensity, depending on the daily indicators of air humidity and alleged precipitation. The use of such devices helps to significantly save water and energy costs.



Given the fact that you make a purchase not for one-time use, pay attention to the brand. From how important the expected requirements are all the equipment parameters, the duration of the installation is depends without the need for repair work.


In this regard, some brands have received a reputation of standing firms for cooperation, and some on the contrary receive exclusively negative feedback.


Pay attention to the following stamps that enjoy the greatest demand due to high quality equipment:

  • Gardena, among the innovations of which are represented unique high-intelligence sprinklers. Their use allows you to irrigate those areas of lawn that are programmed. The models of this manufacturer are excellent for watering the glade of rectangular or square shape. 90643119_4_644x461_sistema-Gardena-Dlya-avtomaticheskogo-Poliva-Komnatnyh-Rasteniy-Vazonov-Dom-i-Sad
  • Hunter. These systems are favorably distinguished by a complex installation of duzhevants of various types in one design. This allows you to most economically and rationally use water resources. Provide the most complete coverage of irrigated territory. In addition, this equipment provides convenient conservation of the winter system without dismantling. 13
  • Claber. This company is one of the world market leaders. 27 years of impeccable work, during which engineers adhered to the mainstream when developing new models - the creation of the most efficient machines. The result was the equipment with minimal regulation. oasis.
  • Rain Bird. In addition to creating high-tech watering systems using high-quality parts at all stages of installation, the list of services of this company also includes learning to proper design. Not only ready-made systems for installation are presented on the market, but also a wide range of additional configuration. You can use such details for the installations of other manufacturers. ESP-RZX
  • Toro. American company with a sufficiently long history of development. It has a very wide line of all types of configuration. Features of the approach in the development of irrigation systems - direction not only on professional consumers for irrigating fields of a large area, but also on a private amateur. Regardless of the volume of the system, the entire equipment is made from high-quality details of wear-resistant materials. precision.
  • Metzerplas. This company is distinguished by more than half a century experience in the production of drip irrigation systems. Special attention is paid to the process of testing finished products to exclude the equipment to enter the market with even a minor marriage. 199101
  • Irritrol. Products of this company are presented in the market for more than 70 years. Responsibility for their reputation guarantees high-quality mechanisms. All systems are designed primarily on the professional user. shop_items_catalog_image6578.

    Important! When choosing a suitable manufacturer, check for your service conditions and warranty. Sometimes these parameters determine the cost of irrigation systems.



Before making the final choice, check out the various models proposed on the market. Relate them directly with your area of \u200b\u200blawn, how appropriate and economically will be the use of one or another type at your own conditions.

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