Forged fences for giving. Types and advantages of such a fence

March 11. Construction, Plot. Views 3134. Comments For writing fences for giving. Types and advantages of such a fence No

The fence is a design designed to protect the territory of a country cottage from curious eyes. But there are fences that are more and more decorative qualities. These include forged fences.

Benefits of construction and main types

These fences possess the same advantages as metal fences:

  • long operational period;
  • strength;
  • safety;
  • affordable forged fences;
  • simpleness and speed of installation.


These qualities should add specific advantage of wrought structures. This is the possibility of creating unique fences. Moreover, for each site, it is possible to make fencing with a different type of metal forging.

There are three types of wrought structures:

  • protective fences;
  • decorative fences;
  • covano-welded fences.

Protective structures are the most simple and affordable products. They are ready-made sectional fences. Their assembly in the overall fence occurs in the lowest time.

Decorative fences are accurately superior to protective analogues. Their distinctive feature is the presence of artistic forging. Unique elements of handmade make the work of art.

Cognan-welded products are among the average between decorative and protective fences. They can combine ready-made structures with artistic forging.

Preparatory work

For forged fence, it will be necessary to create a foundation. It must ensure the sustainability of the whole fence. You can choose one of the two types of base:

  • tape;

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The device of a ribbon foundation is the optimal option for complex soils. His bookmark throughout the length makes it possible to install even the most severe metal fence. Such a foundation is able to withstand maximum loads.

When creating a lightweight design there will be a column foundation device. The pouring of the concrete solution occurs under each support for wrought-iron sections. Any type of base involves the use of reinforcement with a cross section of 8-14 mm.

No less important component of the fence are pillars. They are firmly associated with the fencing sections and the foundation. The best option is:

  • setting the support elements in a trench of a depth of 0.7-0.8 m, diverted under the foundation;
  • their binding (or welding) with a frame of fittings;
  • simultaneous pouring of pillars and foundation by cement mortar.

After grappling the solution, the most reliable supports for metal fences are obtained. When filling the foundation, with the subsequent device of the support pillars, less strong structures are obtained. In addition, you will have to additionally create mortgage elements.


The pillars themselves can be made of bricks or be metallic. The first possesses excellent decorative properties. To create a stable design of metal pillars, it is recommended to use profile square pipes. Their minimum section should be 5 * 5 cm.

Production and installation of structures

An independent manufacture of forged fences involves the presence of the following tools:

  • bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • thish;
  • devices for spiral twisting;
  • metal brush;
  • a spray gun with a compressor.

Before proceeding to the manufacture of forged fences and fences, it is necessary to install pillars and make the appropriate measurements. It is recommended to immediately create mortgages. If this is not envisaged, you will have to score spills from metal or fastening in the brick of anchor bolts. And this will lead to a deterioration in the strength of the installed structure.


Measurements should be thoroughly performed. This is due to the fact that there may be a minor error in the distance between the columns. The distance is measurement:

  • diagonally between pillars;
  • between their upper and lower points.

Even with the presence of a small difference in the distance (for example, 1 cm) the attractiveness of the fence will significantly decrease after mounting the fence. Sections are manufactured smaller. Otherwise, they do not fit in the openings between the columns.

In most cases, faceted square bars with a size of 12 * 12 mm are used to produce beautiful forged fences. Production of design begins with frame assembly

The production of forged fence begins with the assembly of the frame. It is made from a metal profile. The assembly is carried out on a large and smooth surface. All parts of the design should not be in suspended state. Frame diagonals must have the same size. Otherwise, there is a possibility of obtaining a diamond or deformed fencing.

By creating a frame, you need to think over the appearance of the design. You must purchase all items to enjoy the section:

  • rings;
  • leaflers;
  • torsions;
  • curls, etc.

All these elements are laid out inside the frame made. The marker makes markers of their location. After that, welding work is carried out. Pre-welding of metal elements is not carried out too firmly. There may be inaccuracies that need to be subsequently correct.

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After fixing all metal elements, the sections of the section are painted. To do this, prepare their surface in advance. With the help of a grinder, circles for stripping and metal brush surface is aligned. Welding seams are sandwiched, rust is cleaned and garbage is removed. The fence is processed by primer and paint

Video and photo forged fences:


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