Film for stretch ceilings - species, differences, features

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Today, such a thing as "Fashion" can be applied not only to accessories and things, but also to construction and repair work, since it is she dictates a wide variety of styles and the uniqueness of the forms being created.


Film for stretch ceilings


Film manufactured for stretch ceilings is a fashionable modern trend that is actively gaining popularity in the building materials market. Why not, because the surface reversed has high aesthetics, uniqueness, environmental friendliness and reliability.



  1. Unpretentious in care.
  2. It has increased waterproof.
  3. Simple in installation.
  4. It assumes a wide variety of colors and shades.
  5. Excellent hides all surface defects.
  6. It has the ability to combine the canvases.
  7. Suitable for any type of room.
  8. Resistant to many solvents and alkalis.
  9. It has a perfectly smooth surface.
  10. It is environmentally friendly.
  11. There is no odor.
  12. Does not cause allergies.
  13. Condensate does not accumulate.
  14. Does not forms on the surface of mold and fungus.
  15. Allows you to embody a wide variety of fantasies in design, etc.

Features of the film for stretch ceilings


The production of film for stretch ceilings is quite often created on the basis of PVC, based on the polymer composition without the presence of cadmium.

Thus, the mass produced during the polymerization, upon subsequent processing, is formed into a roll product or special sheets. The main feature of PVC film for stretch ceilings is stickiness, extensibility and strength, which depend on the amount of plasticizer used.

Another raw material for the manufacture of stretch ceilings is fabric. This canvas is created from polyester impregnated with polyurethane. The surface decorated with them is characterized by special elegance, durability and comfort.

The cost of the film for stretch ceilings is significantly lower than the tissue, but the installation of the latter is carried out without using heat guns.

Film for stretch ceilings: manufacturers


The production of this building material is carried out in China, Russia, Italy, Germany and other countries of the world. However, it is the Chinese film for stretch ceilings that is the leader and is issued in strict accordance with international standards. Its main feature is the durability, relative cheapness, practicality and excellent quality, allowing to fantasize and profitably experiment with space.

In addition to this, the film for stretch ceilings (China) has the main advantage - a width of 3.6 m. For the European products, this indicator is theoretically impossible, because according to their standards it should be up to 3 m.

Types of film



The matte stretch ceiling is a classic surface design option, a little grungy to the touch. Externally, he resembles a normal whitewash and serves as a good background for many interior items, without distracting attention to itself and beautifully emphasizing the advantages of the internal decoration.



The lacquered stretch ceiling has a mirror effect and visually increases space. In addition, he reflects the light of chandeliers and lamps, creating a unique romantic atmosphere.

I skillfully taking advantage of such material, you can beautifully transform the interior, applying a rich palette of colors.



Satine stretch ceilings have a unique texture, which at first glance seems matte. However, considering them closer, you can see a spectacular and presentable surface resembling fabric.

The palette of colors satin film is less diverse than the first two, but still has a wide range of shades.


It uses a translucent film, thanks to which you can combine the lighting.

How to pick up the color of the stretch ceiling


It is believed that such a palette of colors like yellow, red, brown and orange make the ceiling visually lower. However, this concerns an exceptionally matte surface. If you give preference to glossy texture, then these shades, on the contrary, will expand the space.

Cold colors - green, blue - increase the height and fill the room with a game of light, giving it an emerald shine.

White color is ideal for almost any room. Black - will make the space deep and will reflect thousands of the smallest glare.

Also today there are stretch art ceilings that are applied a unique image. To print a picture, the layout first shall be divided into stripes, then fragments are applied to it using a printer and then weld them.

Thus, the film for stretch ceilings, the price of which varies depending on the manufacturer, may have many textures and shades. That is why experts recommend picking up her color, focusing on the interior of the room, a range of wallpaper, paints or tiles.

And remember that in any case, this building material looks much more spectacular and more attractive than the ordinary ceiling, the main thing is to contact a good and proven company, which will qualify for its installation.

Chinese film for stretching ceilings video:

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