How to choose a grinder

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Bulgarian or more correctly, the angular grinding machine (EMS) today is one of the most popular tools. It is actively used both in production and in the household. Its design is pretty simple. The word "angular" is available in the title because in this instrument an angular gearbox is used.


No one today does not know who invented the Bulgarian. For all time, many different designs of this tool were produced, but the main difference was only in the drive. Today there are angular grinding machines with pneumatic, mechanical, gasoline and steam drive. Although modern models mainly work on a pneumatic and electric drive. Electrical models in turn can work from the network or from the battery. The first to produce grinding and polishing machines became AEG. This brand is now familiar to many who are at least a bit disassembled in power tools.

The main groups of the USM.


All angular grinding machines according to the mode of operation can be divided into two main groups. The first group includes professional cars, and the second group is household USM. In addition, these tools can be divided into one-handed and two-handed USMs. In this case, an important indicator of any such machine is the diameter of the cutting circle. Such characteristics are also important as the weight and power of the instrument. Another ushm can be equipped with various additional options, for example:

  1. Balancing.
  2. Anti-Vibration Protection.
  3. Swivel handle.
  4. Fast quiz (SDS) nuts.
  5. Protective coupling.

All these parameters are important when choosing "Bulgarian".

Expendable materials

As we already know, the grinders are equipped with cutting circles of different diameters. The circles of the smallest diameter are usually installed on the tools that run from the battery. An example of such a machine is Bosch GWS 14.4 V Professional. This model is equipped with a cutting circle with a diameter of only 100 millimeters. This tool has a special mechanism for fastening the cutting circle. It is integrated into it that allows you to change the circle without using any auxiliary tools. Its main disadvantage is that it can only use Bosch consumables. Consumables from other manufacturers are not suitable for it.

There are more convenient models. One of these is the ESM DEWALT DC411KA. With this machine, you can use circles with a diameter of 125 millimeters. This size is considered standard. From non-standard often used circles with a diameter of 115, 150, 180 and 230 millimeters. There are also cutting circles with diameters of 300 millimeters, which are used in special cutting machines. An example of such tools is Bosch GWS 24-300 J and Hitachi CM12Y. All consumables, including circles, have a fitting opening of 22.2 millimeters. Due to this, you can use circles from various manufacturers on most machines. It also concerns some DWT Bulgarians and Bulgarians Intercol.

Weight and power

Today, so far can not be combined with low weight with high power. But still every manufacturer tries to make their tools as smaller and weight as possible, without forgetting about power. For example, to reduce the dimensions of the anchor and the stator of the electric motor used the wire of the square section. This allows you to make a more dense winding in the coil, which in turn makes it possible to reduce the volume of the engine, but at the same time save its power. It is much more difficult to reduce the weight of the machine and save the power.

Design features of the USM.

  1. Bulgarian may seem like a rather simple tool, but it is not at all. Many modern ESM models are equipped with complex technical solutions. Much is done in order to make machines as safe as possible for operation. This is necessary to take into account when choosing an ush. Almost all models are equipped with special vibration protection inserts today. This feature of the tools allows you to prevent the development of some diseases that are associated with vibration, and at the same time faster and more comfortable to make the necessary work.
  2. Another popular option of many grinding machines is equipped with quick-sized nuts, which make it possible to change consumables without the use of keys. SDS nuts make it possible to avoid the situation when it is impossible to remove the circle due to the fact that it is strongly tightened.
  3. Many modern grinders are equipped with powerful engines today. In order for such a tool to be safer for the user, it is equipped with a smooth start, which avoids overload and closure in the power grid. This function is a consistent increase in revolutions. This allows you to get rid of a sharp jump jump and thereby save the tool. Thanks to this option, you can save the gears in the gearbox from shocks that may occur during the launch of the machine.
  4. Another useful option that is equipped, unfortunately, not all machines are a special coupling. It allows you to prevent possible blows and jerks tool.
  5. Any modern UCM should have protection against abrasive and metal dust, which appears in difficult working conditions. This protection can prevent the electric motor breakage due to the above-mentioned mechanical particles and the effects of the aggressive medium. Each USM manufacturer seats the tool engine protection in different ways. Some of them equip their engine protection from overload. Metaworm machines are equipped with a motor with protection against different mechanical particles.

Each manufacturer tries to make their grinding machines as convenient as possible. So, to ensure convenience, the ESMs are equipped:

  1. Rotary rear handle.
  2. The ability to rotate the protective cover of the grinding machine without the participation of tools.
  3. The possibility to establish the front handle in three positions.
  4. The ability to rotate the gear of the machine.
  5. Electrical assault sufficient length to work without extension cord.
  6. Automatic disk balancing with special bearings.
  7. Electronics supporting power regardless of the load on the tool.
  8. Regulator revolutions.

Many manufacturers also take care of the material from which the ECM housing is made. Therefore, plastic cases of modern models are able to withstand sufficiently strong mechanical loads and high thermal fluctuations, which makes it possible to maintain the working capacity of the tool when the body is heated during operation.

Additional USM functions

Modern grinders are equipped with various functions, and it is they affect the price of the instrument. Consider some of them.

  1. So, often, Bulgarians have the ability to regulate revolutions, allowing you to choose the most suitable number of revolutions depending on the material with which it is necessary to work. It helps to save on electricity and consumables.
  2. Another useful function of the USM is to maintain constancy of revolutions. It is especially important when performing labor-intensive work.
  3. Often, the cause of the breakage of the Bulgarian is to join the disk. To avoid this, the tool is equipped with a special function from the jam, so that when there are similar situations, Bulgarian will be de-energized.
  4. Some models are equipped with the protection against the secondary start, which is needed when the tool is forgotten to turn off when the electricity is turned off. Thanks to this, the machine will not turn on again until you press the start button.
  5. A convenient feature is the ability to regulate the position of the handle.

What disks are the grinders


Various works are performed using a grinder: cutting material, grinding, stripping, polishing, etc. For each of these works there are special nozzles.

  1. So, for polishing the tree, stone and other materials are designed wheels with velcro. The basis of such nozzles is a platform with a diameter of 125, 150, 180 millimeters. On this platform, with the help of lipukets, various types of disc are attached.
  2. Wooden surfaces are conveniently grinding with petal circles. Such a disk has several layers of sandpaper. With the help of one circle, approximately 10 square meters of wooden surfaces can be treated.
  3. To clean the metal from old paint and rust it is more convenient to use wire nozzles or pins. Such nozzles are disk and cup.
  4. Polishing granite and marble is the easiest of all diamond grinding circles. Such nozzles are best used on the grinders equipped with a regulator of revolutions.

How to choose Bulgarian (Overview of USM manufacturers)

The main criterion for which such a tool should be chosen is the power of its engine. It does not matter for what purpose it will be used. The power should be enough for both shifting in concrete and for cutting metal. In addition, an important criterion in solving the issue, how to choose a grinder for the house is also the possibility of using replaceable accessories from different manufacturers.

It is worth saying that the low price of the instrument does not mean that he has low quality. However, when solving the question, how to choose the Bulgarian correctly, you should not choose the machines from the lower price segment. It is better to buy a more expensive tool. Such a tool is likely to last longer than the cheapest, therefore it is considered a more profitable purchase. In addition, in a more expensive model there are many additional options that were mentioned above. It is still very profitable to buy tools with a discount, which are during price actions from manufacturers. The widest range of similar tools usually represents Bosch. Therefore, it is precisely to pay attention to their products. Bosch PWS 10-125 CE is suitable for use in everyday life, and Bosch GWS 10-125 Professional will show well in the professional sphere. In addition to these models, it is worth paying attention to the Hitachi USM model G13YD, as well as a Makita 9565CVL typewriter.

All these tools are equipped with a fairly powerful engine (1000 - 1400 W). In addition, they are equipped with a grinding circle of standard size, i.e. diameter 125 millimeters. To protect the motor collector from damage on all these models there are self-electric coal brushes. The cord of each ESM has sufficient length to work without extension cord. In any case, in the decision, which bulgarian to choose, the last word is always yours.

We now consider the individual characteristics of these USM models, which should help you in the question, what company Bulgarian to choose.

GWS 10-125 Professional


  1. This model has an engine power of 1000 watts.
  2. The maximum number of spindle revolutions is 11,000 revolutions / min.
  3. Its weight is only 1.7 kilograms.
  4. In addition, it is equipped with improved electric motor cooling.
  5. It is also possible to rearrange the protective casing without using tools.
  6. It is possible to rearrange the gearbox with a screwdriver.
  7. There is also a side handle with vibration damping system.

PWS 10-125 se


  1. The engine power of this model is 1020 watts.
  2. Turns can be adjusted from 2800 to 11000 revolutions / min.
  3. The weight of the machine is only 2.1 kilograms.
  4. In addition, there is a handle with vibration damping system.
  5. There is also built-in electrostatization.

Hitachi G13yd.


  1. The engine power of this model is 1100 watts.
  2. The maximum number of spindle revolutions is 10,000 revolutions / min.
  3. The weight of the baccakes of the hitachi is only 2 kilograms.
  4. There is a smooth start and power support device.

Makita 9565cvl.


  1. This Makita Bulgarian is made specifically for work under high loads in difficult conditions.
  2. The maximum number of spindle revolutions of this typewriter is only 6,800 revolutions / min.
  3. This Bulgarian Makita weighs only 1.8 kilograms.
  4. In addition, there is a smooth start system and a drive system with a clutch of sliding.
  5. It also installed removable plastic gearbox.

Fiolent MSHA 20-230


A pretty simple machine, without any additional options. According to the reviews, this Bulgarian can last long enough. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting the weak cooling, which is why the metal casing is heavily heated. It, like other little things, does not affect the durability of this typewriter. Perhaps precisely because of the lack of options, it is so living. Engine power is 2000 watts. At the same time, it is able to unwind the spindle to 6,500 revolutions per minute.

This Bulgarian Fiolent has a special bandage that reliably protects against abrasive dust. There is also a spindle stopper and a convenient reliable button. The handle can take three different positions. Replacement smooth start here serves a stepped two-speed start. It is impossible to quickly fix the casing. You have to take a screwdriver. There are no SDS nuts, electronic systems, protective coupling, vibration damping systems and speed adjustment. Thanks to this, this is a fairly light tool - its weight is 4.6 kilograms.

There are more modern models from this manufacturer. In particular, MRSh1 23-230 master who is more interesting, more interesting, have more equipment, but because of this and cost more.

Craft CAG 230/2200.


This model is one of the simplest EAS among two-handed Bulgarians under a circle with a diameter of 230 millimeters. This machine is equipped with a minimum set of options. The engine power is 2200 watts, while the speed of spindle rotation reaches 6000 revolutions per minute. The model is equipped with a start-current limit system. For a set of maximum revolutions, it takes about 3-4 seconds. From the disadvantages it is necessary to note the inconvenient key of the inclusion. There is a duplicate button, but it is quite small. Because of this, it is required for some time to get used to. In addition, the casing of this model is fixed like a clamp using a hex nut. For such a model, Craft CAG 230/2200 has a fairly acquitted price tag. Having bought this Chinese typewriter, you can wait for complete returns from it. True, it is not very suitable for use on construction sites. For this purpose, it is better to take something more powerful and more expensive.

Metabo W 21-230.


This model has everything you need for a professional tool. It has sufficient capacity, reliability and performance. The engine works without noise and failures, and quite evenly. In this case, the vibrations are quite moderate. To protect against abrasives and dust, there is a grille on the mark. This model has excellent cooling. In addition, it is equipped with a smooth start, which quickly lets the disk quickly. For spinning to maximum revolutions you need only about two seconds. The casing can be rearranged in different positions using a quick-release device. Therefore, this operation does not require additional tools. This model is equipped with brushes, which are automatically disconnected with strong wear. In addition, you need to mark comfortable handles and easily accessible buttons. In short, this is an excellent Bulgarian for professional use. Obviously, such an ush has a fairly high cost, but this is one of the best Bulgarians.

Fiolent MSH2-9-125E.


Bulgarian mshu is a light enough and compact machine. Its weight is only 1.6 kilograms. The engine power of this model is only 900 watts. At the same time, the maximum speed of rotation of the circle reaches 11 thousand revolutions / min. The body has a temperate thickness, it is not slippery and well keeps in his hand. The model with an "E" index is equipped with adjustable speed of rotation. At the same time there is a fairly fast smooth start. In addition, there is a system for maintaining constant revolutions, which helps when working with inhomogeneous materials. Start button is well fixed, there is protection against overloads. From the disadvantages, it is possible to note the network cord, which is not sufficiently long and at low temperatures becomes rather tough.

Einhell BAG 125.


This is a fairly unreliable model. Moreover, its price can be said a little overestimated. Of the disadvantages, it is especially necessary to note the noise and strong vibrations. In addition, after a while it can break the threads on the screws that fix the reducer cover. This ushm often turns off the button. The casing also leaves much to be desired, it simply does not hold in the desired position. The case of this model is too thick. At the same time, it weighs 2.3 kilograms. The pad is made of plastic and stylized under the rubber. Due to the smooth plastic, the machine is difficult to keep in one hand, which is still complicated by a lot of weight. In addition, at low temperatures, the cord becomes very tough. Nothing good can be said about productivity - it is low enough.

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