How to choose a pavement tile - how to determine the quality. Useful advice

April 12. Useful advice, Plot. Views 3604. Comments To record how to choose the paving slabs - how to determine the quality. Useful advice No

In order for the garden track or the vehicle to the car looks attractive, you need to buy paving slabs. This material is very popular lately: the manufacturers have settled the release of blocks of various shapes, thickness, colors. But how to choose a sidewalk tile of proper quality? What should pay attention to? To answer the question, you need to deal with the technology of making paving, with the rules of its laying and other nuances.

What advantages has a pavement concrete tile

Passing, subject to styling technology, has certain advantages over a monolithic coating of concrete and asphalt:

Puddle does not form on a paving

  • due to the presence of gaps between adjacent tiles, the formation of puddles is excluded;
  • in the summer, the surface created from the tile does not heat up and does not become softer, but there are no unpleasant odors;
  • the greenhouse effect is not created, which is important for a number of growing decorative plants;
  • if it is necessary to carry out the laying or repair of underground engineering communications, it is enough to disassemble and at the end of work re-lay a tile on a certain area;
  • using stones of various colors and shapes, you can create a patterned coating.

Patterns from tile

Paving tile (photo examples of styling is presented in the article) can be used to create a unique landscape.

Laming is used to create a landscape

Requirements for regulatory documents

It should be aware that the basic requirements for the quality of the blocks are set out in GOST 17608-91. In the regulatory documentation it is indicated that it must withstand at least 200 cycles of freezing and thawing, the load at squeezing is at least 30 MPa, the moisture permeability should be no more than 5%, abrasion resistance is not more than 0.7 g / cm². Also GOST determines the maximum allowable deviations from the specified geometric parameters and other characteristics.

For the manufacture of a working mixture, portland cement M500 is used, a small fraction of crushed stone (5 - 10 mm) and sand with graininess up to 2 mm. In order for the hardened mixture to be sufficiently strong, when mixing the working mixture, a plasticizer is introduced, the best manufacturers of which has been established by the Czech company "Usov and Prokheza" and the German company "Bayer".

The buyer has the right to demand a manufacturer or seller to familiarize the quality confirmation certificate issued by an authorized regional certification authority. Such a document is issued on the basis of positive results of laboratory tests of products. In addition, there must be documents confirming the radiation safety of tiles or raw materials used for its production.

Certificate of conformity

Basic Fundamental Information

Currently, manufacturers use one of two technologies: the first is based on the pressing of a rigid mixture using vibration, the second - on vibrating materials with additive plasticizers. Both methods allow you to obtain high-quality low-porous products from concrete, but the blocking of vibration, which is extremely pressed, thanks to the use of plasticizers.

The sidewalk tile is also made by handicraft: the plastic form is filled with concrete and placed on the vibrotol. Without vibratoryropressing, the product will be fragile and long will not serve: moisture, penetrating and freezing in them, will destroy tiles.

For production in industrial volumes, a concrete mixer is needed, vibrationtol, a sufficient number of forms and other equipment. The process is carried out with the following sequence of actions.

  1. Plastic forms are lubricated with solidol or other similar lubricant: it will make it easier to extract the finished product after drying the mixture.
  2. Forms are filled with a solution and laid on vibrationtol.
  3. Upon completion of the form process, the shape is stored on racks and for uniform drying is covered with polyethylene film. In this state, the product is within a day. The air temperature should be not lower than + 15 ° C.
  4. The dried tile is removed from the forms heated pre-in hot water at a temperature of up to +50 ° C: it reduces the amount of marriage, increases the service life of the paving.
  5. Finished products are placed on pallets, pallets are tape and covered with film. Summer paving, made in summer, can be used for its intended purpose after 7 days. In winter, she gained strength longer - 28 days. This period must be clarified before purchasing tiles.

To your attention a video about the process of production of tiles.


How to determine the quality of the pavers without accompanying documents

It is not always possible to make sure that a paving slave, having familiarized with the certificate of conformity. What to do in this case? First of all, it is necessary to take into account that to create pedestrian zones, the thickness of the paving 25-30 mm are quite thick. For the roadway and parking zone, it is necessary throat (from 40 to 60 mm) paving slabs: it is different and depends on the form and color. Otherwise, you must pay attention to the following.

  1. To make the surface of glossy products, some unscrupulous manufacturers instead of using special expensive additives are injected into the solution excess water. This leads to a decrease in the strength of the paving. It is easy to identify such a lack: sufficiently slightly knock on one tile on another. The sound that will publish the quality tile will be ringing. Deaf sound - a sign of violation of production technology.
  2. The color of the concrete pavements should not be excessively saturated: excess of the amount of pigment also worsens the strength characteristics of the material.
  3. The presence of clay in the working mixture is pernicably affected. Responding to cement, it destroys the tile when moisture gets into it. Clay can be detected by examining the back of the product: the yellow color of inclusion and stains are signs of the presence of clay.
  4. If the pavement tile is appeal, it does not guarantee its compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. It should be inspecting the material in the middle, for which you need to split one stone. Pores, emptiness and foreign inclusions should not be. The pigment defining the color of the product must be distributed throughout the material evenly. Coloring only the front part leads to resolving, reduces the service life.
  5. It is worth avoiding the acquisition of too cheap tiles: it is most likely made of low-quality raw materials or with violation of technology.
  6. It is important to take into account how long the manufacturer works in the production market for the production of this type of building materials. It is advisable to enlist the recommendations of those who have already used this tile and inspect the sidewalk, posted by it: if the pavement served for several years and did not lose the appearance - its quality at the proper level.
  7. It is necessary to correctly determine and purchase the required amount of material (with a small margin): the color and texture of products from different parties can differ significantly from each other.

Garden tracks

Some information about the technology of laying paving slabs

Laming stacked in different ways depending on how it will be operated. For household plots, the following technology is suitable.

  1. Before starting the laying, you should decide on the pattern and dimensions of the diligent area to avoid excessive tile cutting and a large amount of waste.
  2. You need to stock up tool. It will take: shovels (bayonet and cow), rake, tamping, construction level, geomembrane canvas (geotextile), rule, hammer with a rubber slaughter.
  3. The placed area is required to be cleaned from vegetation (remove the turne) to a depth of 150 mm and tamper the earth. Solid soil can be softened, with plenty of water. This pit should have a bias for draining the rainwater.
  4. On the sides you need to prepare the Rips for the installation of the curb, the bottom in them is tamped and the sand pillow layer is 50 mm. Borders are installed on cement-sandy solution.
  5. In the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe pit, geotextiles is laid. On top of the web, the sand is embanked by a layer of about 40 mm and is evenly distributed using robble. To avoid surface deformations due to the irregularities of the bottom of the bottom, the cement should be mixed into the sand in the ratio of 1: 10.
  6. The pillow of a mixture of sand and cement is wetted with water and neatly aligned with the rule.
  7. The tile is stacked (ranging from the curb) and driven by a rubber hammer. It is impossible to move around the sand: for this, the board is used, which is stacked on top of the tile already driven into place.
  8. Cutting tiles are performed by a grinder with a diamond circle.
  9. The foundations of the base in the level are leveled by a subtle or sand selection.
  10. At the end of the laying, the pavement is abundantly sprinkled with sand, which is then sweeping. This is necessary to fill the seams. After that, the pavement is watered with water. It is possible to exploit it the next day.

Laying blocks

To arrange the site under the car, an additional layer of rubble can be required, which is poured and tamped in front of the sand pillow. The reinforcement grid is also needed: it is placed on top of sand.

Check-in for a car

Footage about how the pavers is stacked, it will help to figure out some important points.

To properly choose the paving slabs, you should seek help from trading enterprises to managers. Tile laying is better to entrust professionals.

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