How to make a feeder for birds with your own hands

April 13. Useful advice, Plot. Views 36515 1 comment to record how to make a feeder for birds with your own hands

Creating feeders brings not only the benefits for birds in the winter when they are so difficult to get their meals. The entire design process is a fairly entertaining event that certainly develops an artistic taste. To date, there are many types of types of structures and building materials for the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bany complexity. In addition, it is worth noting that suspended feeders in their own area will help significantly diversify the entire design of the house territory, bringing the unique flavor and the appeal to the whole landscape.

What makes a trough?


An unambiguous answer to this question is quite difficult. It all depends on the presence of free time, financial capabilities and fantasies. We allocate only the most popular methods for building dining rooms for birds:


Bird feeders

The most longtime way to create houses for the nutrition of birds. The choice of this material will allow you to better make it possible to make a right combination and with the architecture of the building, and with the design of the landscape. The simplest design will be the feeder for birds from plywood.


More complex closed or bizarre-shaped structures. Follow the solid rocks of wood bars. To quickly implement your project, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Browse in advance drawings of bird feeders for birds ready-made designs. !3

    Important! You can find them in large quantities on the Internet with already verified parameters.

  2. Please note the basic principles of creating winter houses for birds to create their own diagram or choose the most attractive design. 9_114
  3. In the process of designing the dining room, be sure to take into account the population of birds common to your zone to arrange the appropriate dimensions.


    Important! This approach will facilitate the access of birds to food prepared for them.

  4. When performing work from plywood sheets, make the bottom and roof from this material.
  5. Side walls Build from bars of the desired length.
  6. Carefully clean all the surfaces of the wood to prevent damage to the wings or other parts of the body of birds about sharp edges and chips. Êîðìóøêà äëÿ ïòèö.Ïåðìîãîðñêàÿ ðîñïèñü.
  7. In the manufacture of a design from another type of natural wood, focus on the required minimum string of 2 cm strips to ensure the reliability and durability of the house.
  8. The roofs of the roof of the feeder do with a slope. 2774
  9. Create a roof with sides, directed down when choosing a flat form.
  10. At the bottom of the feeders, attach the sides, so that the fastened feed is not spilled under the gusts of the wind.

    Important! This requirement will ensure reliable protection of birds during feeding from rain, snow and wind. 522962

  11. Treat all lumber with an antiseptic before starting the design to prevent rotting and the rapid destruction of the created bird feeders with your own hands.
  12. To bond all the design elements, prepare the hammer and nails of the suitable diameter and length. Determine these parameters, given the dimensions of the future house for feeding birds. 6


Review the video in which the entire construction process of a simple tree feeder is clearly shown.

Bird feeder

This method is characterized by maximum personal savings and does not require much time, but it allows you to create a full-fledged reliable asylum for birds in the process of their reinforcements.


Perform work as follows:

  1. Prepare a package of milk or cardboard box of the desired size.
  2. Give preference to dense material. 5193_original.
  3. Make a pencil with a pencil. Pre-mark holes on the sides of the feeders, which will become input for birds.

    Important! Do not make one hole, and 3-4, since the birds do not like closed space, but place them so that the strength of the structure does not decrease. kormushki-dlja-ptic-iz-korobok_02

  4. Slide the prepared contour.
  5. Select a place to hang. 130217132234
  6. Squeeze the distance for the mounting holes in the place where the suspended feeder will most firmly hold.
  7. Make markup on the box in accordance with the obtained parameters. cut-for-bird-birds

    Important! Do not plan two holes near to eliminate the bending of the box under the severity of birds and its destruction. The best option is two holes in the center along the edges of the design with a small indentation from the sides or four holes in the corners of the feeder.

  8. Gently ride.
  9. Clamp all the joints with a tape so that the birds do not damage their wings or body about sharp edges.
  10. Make beautiful colored appliques using paper of different shades and plow glue or paints. 22477
  11. With external or, if possible, on both sides of the box, apply a transparent self-adhesive tape on both sides of the box to prevent the rapid intake of the dining room.

Plastic bird feeders

This option is particularly popular today, since it allows you to create very attractive, original designs from the girlfriend.


Please note the following recommendations for designing houses for feeding birds from this material:

  • Before designing such a house, browse the photo of bird feeders to more clearly imagine possible options and choose the most interesting design. Be sure to take into account in this case and the ease of nutrition of birds. Sony DSC.
  • To implement your idea, use plastic bottles, with a capacity from 1 to 5l.

    Important! Prefer the preference to the size of the workpiece to make the most comfortable place to relax and feed the birds. 41E31577978d.

  • Before starting work, wash and dry the bottles.
  • All cropped edges must be treated with protective material so that the birds do not damage their paws and wings. It will also create a more stable support for them in the feeding process. Kormushka-dlya-Ptits-Iz-Butylok

Method 1

  1. Apply a pencil or marker to the prepared container line of the holes pattern from both sides.
  2. Do not make them too low to the bottom.
  3. Note two holes with a small indent from the bottom of the bottle on one horizontal line.
  4. Rush with sharp scissors.
  5. Between the bottom holes, insert a small diameter wand, which will be a kind of poultry for arriving birds. d231B133AAA0.
  6. Flash so that the layer thickness is slightly smaller and the level of distances to the petition.
  7. View the video example of the design of such a feeder.

Method 2.

  1. Make marking pairs of small holes on both sides of the bird feeders from the bottle * at different levels.
  2. Rent.
  3. Push off the complete container of the feed.
  4. Insert wooden spoons in the holes. 1358485192_IZ-Butylki.

Review the video in which the entire sequence of feeding the feeder is clearly shown - with automatic feed feed.

Suspended feeders

If you decide how to make a feeder for birds, but you cannot choose the appropriate design option, give preference to the simplest method - suspended threads. Consider a few simplest proposals for the design of such feeders.


Method 1

  1. Remove the available types of bird feed on the wire.
  2. Purify the finished thread any interesting shape.
  3. Suspend the threads on the branches of the trees or to the window frame. doc6cnr6pfcvwoxf2kk32p_800_480

Method 2.

  1. Prepare baking molds or ordinary cups.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in accordance with the instructions on the sachet.
  3. Add to the mass of food obtained after swelling.
  4. Spread the entire mixture in forms. fA295332F6C37172C6C3E096AABCD1.
  5. Put inside the threads or a small diameter stick
  6. Leave in the refrigerator until the mass is completely frozen.
  7. Remove from the molds. kormushka-1.

    Important! To make bird feeding as convenient as possible, as well as give the original attractiveness to your incoming site, use cups with handles and patterns. In this case, do not remove the frozen mixture from the form, and hang directly in the cup. der4.

  8. Suspend cooked bird feeders.

Where to hang bird feeders?

Be sure to pay close attention to the selection of space for hanging the feeder. In this regard, there are several recommendations, when followed, you will provide the birds to a comfortable stay and reinforce your forces in the winter.


Please note the following requirements:

  • The place must be well viewed for the feeder attracted the attention of birds.
  • Do not place houses in highly blown places or in the thick of the branches of the trees.
  • Note that the feeders are not available for cats.
  • Do not hang feeders in close proximity to the window or balcony frame so that the dining room for birds has caused the constant contamination of the facade of the building.


What to feed birds?

We ask the question than fill the feeder, pay attention to the following list of possible products:

  • pumpkin Seeds, Melon, Sunflower, Watermelon
  • cannabis seeds, swans, burdens, nettle
  • a variety of types of nuts, acorns, cones
  • oats grains, millet, corn, millet, buckwheat
  • margarine and Safety Salo
  • chicken and rabbit meat
  • brozdi elderberry, viburnum, rowan
  • crumbs of wheat bread
  • boiled potatoes and eggs
  • dried berries and fruits, honey
  • sukhariki, Baranki and dry cereal breakfasts.


Please note that in no case cannot be given to the birds following the following products:

  • rye bread
  • citrus
  • banana peel.




Regardless of which method of creating a feeder for birds, you chose, carefully revealed to its design. Be sure to make sure that it is constantly filled. With this approach, you will not only decorate your site, but also get grateful helpers in the care of plants and the fight against pests in the warm season.

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One answer to how to make a bird feeder with your own hands

  1. Evgeniy:

    Plastic feeders cut paw birds.

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