Installation of the warm floor under laminate

September 29. Repair and construction work Views 2243. Comments To record the installation of a warm floor under the laminate No

Having drawning his home, any owner of the cottage seeks to create the most comfortable conditions for living. The competent combination of the beauty of the finish and the desired level of heat is one of the most important factors to achieve this goal. It is easy to implement it into reality - just to form a floor covering from modern laminate, which stands out by a number of advantages, and to mount the heating system under it. How to do it correctly, you will learn from this article.

What laminate is suitable for the design of a warm floor?


Laminate is the material, the basis of which is natural wood. Therefore, he has all its advantages and disadvantages, which are as follows:

Such a laminate is suitable for finishing their own housing:

  • with Warm Wasser marking or high performance characteristics Thermal Resistance, Heat Resistance;
  • a thickness of at least 8 mm to eliminate the deformation of a solid canvase;
  • with high strength indicators that are determined by the value of the rock and its resistance to destruction.

    Important! Naturally, when using such a material, the price of a warm floor under laminate will be slightly higher than when the coating is made on the usual screed, but the result obtained will not allow to doubt the decision. To date, reviews about the warm floor under Laminate are only positive and for simplicity of its installation, and in terms of its efficiency. topl-Rock2.

What to choose a warm floor system?

In order for the laying of a warm floor under the laminate, he actually brought additional comfort and comfort in the house, first decide on the appropriate type of system device. Today, taking into account the popularity of such a decision to heat the private house, there are already several ways to install, the main distinguishing indicator of each is the type of power source. tepliy-Pol-Pod-Laminat

According to this principle, the following variants of the warm floor of the warm floor under laminate are distinguished:

  • water-based;
  • on electricity;
  • film

    Important! To understand which one will be the optimal solution regarding the cost, efficiency and compatibility with laminate, we present the main advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as the features of the installation technology. main_08.

Advantages and disadvantages of water warm floor under laminate

The installation of a warm floor under the laminate for this principle is a low-cross-sectional water supply system, which is connected to a centralized network. This option is suitable exclusively for installation in a private house, for the apartment, it is unacceptable due to the complexity of documentary design and obtaining a permit for the procedure.


The advantages of using a water-insulated water system under laminate are as follows:

  • when installing such a design, the energy consumption for the heating of the entire premises is significantly reduced;
  • ecological cleanliness of the energy carrier and the absence of harmful sputters in the process of functioning of the warm floor;
  • high level of security against sanitary standards;
  • the lack of generating an electromagnetic field, regardless of the regularity of the system. Olympus Digital Camera.

Despite such significant advantages, the disadvantages of such a solution also certainly feel if you give your preference precisely in favor of installing a warm floor under water-based laminate:

Features of the electric heating floor

Electric warm floor is the most popular type of such a system. But when the flooring is made of laminate, it is little suitable due to the low thermal conductivity of wood. It is created on the same principle as water - using the substrate and performing a high-quality screed, in the thickness of which the cable is laid. Considering the fact that initially the cable warms the screed itself, then the substrate, and only then directly the laminate, the final result of heating is far from the expected level of heat. tepliy-Pol.

Pros and Cons Film System

This method is the optimal solution when choosing a device of the floor heating system under laminate. The principle of operation of the system is similar to infrared radiation of mobile heaters. The design consists of a thin film on which the conductive material strips are fixed. image Description.

Among the advantages of the film system, we will select the following:

  • laminate is permissible directly on the film canvas directly;
  • essential heat loss;
  • lack of need for long and labor-intensive preparatory work;
  • savings due to the minimum required amount of consumables - without screed and glue;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • uniform heating of the entire field area eliminates the deformation of the laminate due to overheating of its individual parts. ustrojstvo-Teplogo-JelektrichesKogo-Pola

How to make a warm floor mounting under laminate with your own hands?

Check out the detailed instructions for installing the most efficient warm floor system to perform it competently and with minimal cost. laminat.

How to prepare laminate and floor under the laying of the heating system?

So that the mounting works did not take much time, and the laminate was not deformed immediately when testing the finished warm floor, before starting the installation, do the following:

  • thoroughly warm the base for several days;
  • turn off the heating 2-3 days before the start of work;
  • laminate panels enter the room in which the laying will be performed and leave for several days - this time is necessary to adapt wood to a new microclimate. 2013-07-12_Laminat_i_Ego_Preimychestva.

    Important! The current manufacturers of building materials recently pleased with the consumers with a new development - a special set, which consists of all the necessary parts for the design of the warm floor of a certain area. To such a kit, a detailed assembly instruction is also attached, therefore, even unprofessional can be mounted. The only drawback of such a set is its relatively high price. PLENOCHNIY_POL_KOMPLEKT.

Materials and tools

  • rolled thermal film;
  • clips for contacts for thermal blind;
  • electric wiring;
  • insulating material for clamps;
  • heat transferser;
  • mounting tape single or bilateral type;
  • polyethylene film. p1-9

    Important! As a heat transferser, it will be more suitable for the material with a soft lower layer in the type of isolon or foam coating from a metallized film. In no case do not acquire aluminum foil coating materials.

Warm floor under laminate - instruction on laying



  1. Determine the floor area indoors.
  2. Make a preliminary miscalculation of thermal blinds.
  3. Check the fatality of the base.
  4. Place the heat transferser.
  5. Build sheets with each other with a tape to clearly fix their location.
  6. Cut the thermal film on the bands of the desired size.
  7. Lay them consistently along the length of the room. teplyjj-Pol.

    Important! The thermal film coating is created only in those places where there will be no furniture.

  8. Secure the strips on thermo-reflecting sheets with mounting tape, placing them tightly to each other.
  9. Mount the thermostat on the wall at any accessible place.

    Important! The installation of the thermostat is permissible and as a stationary working device attached to the power line, or connecting to a power outlet. plenpol_6.

  10. Connect the strips of the film to the wires in parallel.

    Important! If the kit was used, then it contains contact clamps 2 colors for different sides.

  11. Clips set up so that one side is located on the copper strip, the second is inside the thermal blind. pRIMERPODKLUCHENIYATEPLOGOPOLA.

    Important! Place contacts in the direction of installation of the thermostat.

  12. Each contact clip is degenerate to ensure its dense fit.
  13. Perform insulation of the cut slicing lines at the end of the bands using bitumen or other selected material. electrosoedinenie-Plenochnogo-Teplogo-Pola
  14. Isolate all connecting locations.
  15. Connect all the wires to the thermostat, exactly follow the instructions offered by the manufacturer.
  16. Set the temperature mode sensor and connect it to the thermostator at the place of the minimum load on the floor.
  17. Test a warm floor system.
  18. Distil on top of the design polyethylene film.
  19. Place the laminate. 395_SOSNA_PLANK.

Safety in the installation of a warm floor

  1. Do not use metal mounting mesh.
  2. Do not turn on the collected system without performing the insulation of the clips of the contacts and the cuts of the bands.
  3. Do not tie over thermal blind.
  4. Do not cover the thermal film with metal sheets. infrakrasnyj_plenochnyj_teplyj_pol_svoimi_rukami


Before proceeding with the performance of repair work, be sure to read the proposed video about the warm floor under the laminate. This visual instruction will help you get answers to all possible questions related to the creation of the system and exclude its incorrect assembly.


After performing all the work on the design of the warm floor under the laminate, be sure to test the system, before proceeding with the finishing finish and decorating the surface with laminate. With this approach, you can immediately identify problem areas if they are, and correct them, thereby ensuring the long period of operation of the system. Observe the rules for the use of the warm floor, especially with regard to the inadmissibility of overheating, and you do not have to worry about the need for repair work for a very long time.

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