Plaster Rotband walls. Instruction

August 4. Repair and construction work, Building materials Views 4049. Comments To record plaster Rotband walls. Instruction No

Several years ago, the surface of the ceiling surface and walls was carried out using a plaster mortar made from cement. Nowadays, various gypsum mixes are used as an alternative. One of them is Rotband Plaster. On the peculiarities of its application and will be discussed in our article.

Features of plastering mixes

Rotband is a universal gypsum mixture mixed with polymer additives. The main scope of application of plaster is the decoration of walls and ceilings indoors that have normal humidity.


As a basis for applying it,

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • cement-chipboard;
  • polystyrene foam.

Rotband wall plaster is carried out at air temperature from + 5ºС to + 25ºС. The consumption of the material depends on the thickness of the layer. If it is within 1 cm, then 8.5-9 kg of dry mixture is obtained by 1 m² of the surface of the surface. And this is practically 2 times less than when using cement-sandy solution.

The minimum thickness of the application of one rotband layer is 5 mm, the maximum is 5 cm. When finishing the surface of the ceramic tile, the plaster is applied with a thickness of more than 1 cm. In places of contact with water, the mixture is additionally processed by the coating waterproofing composition.

The advantages of applying a plaster mixture of Rotband are:

  • obtaining a smooth surface that does not need to be placed;
  • excellent adhesion qualities;
  • the absence of shrinkage processes;
  • relatively small mass;
  • resistance to the appearance of gaps and separation;
  • rapid drying of the solution;
  • holding moisture in a mixture on a porous surface and at high temperatures;
  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • acceptable price of rotband plaster for walls;
  • ability to regulate humidity in the room.

Preparation of the foundation

Preparatory work begins with surface cleaning from dirt and old coating. In the presence of protruding metal structures (jumpers, fittings, mortgage elements, screws of the screws), they are cleaned and processed by a special primer mixture. If this is not done, then soon the rust will appear on the front of the plaster.

If the walls are made of concrete, they should be treated with a primer mixture, which includes quartz sand. For example, primer Ceresit CT16. For processing a porous surface, it is better to use the primer of deep penetration of Ceresit CT17.


Before cooking and applying a plaster mortar, wall markup necessarily conducts. To determine the exact geometry of one wall, it is necessary to screw four screws in its corners. After that, the fishing line is taken and stretched between screwed screws. Moreover, pulling the fishing line occurs both around the perimeter of the wall and diagonally.

With the help of the level and plumb, the fishing line is located strictly in a vertical position, without touching the wall surface. There should be a horizontal plane. In the presence of a site, which protrudes beyond the boundaries of the fishing line, it is necessary to cut it.

After the surface markup, you can encounter the fact that the electrical switches or sockets are in the recess. In this case, it is recommended to transfer them to another place or set new outlets.

As for connecting boxes, in most cases they are covered with plaster, and their location is necessarily written in a notebook or notebook. If the ceilings are made of tension or suspended structures with point lights, the electrical wiring gasket is performed until the walls are aligned with the Rotband.

Preparation of plastering mixes

Since the finished solution of Rotband quickly freezes (20-25 minutes) and subsequently becomes unsuitable for finishing, its preparation is carried out in a small amount. For this reason, we need such a plastic container that will have rounded corners. The whole mixture should easily be mixed to a homogeneous consistency.

According to the instructions, the net container is filled with a certain amount of water. Typically, when preparing a solution, the following proportions are observed:

  • 2 parts of water;
  • 3 parts of a dry plaster mix.

Dry mixture is poured into clean water. First, it is poured less than provided. The rest is added as the mixture is thoroughly mixed. It is worth mentioning that the plastering solution will be suitable for the maximum time at minimal water temperature.

High-quality mixing of the solution is performed using a construction mixer, which is connected to an electric drill. Upon receipt of a homogeneous solution, the drill is turned off, and the mixer is removed from the tank.


The readiness of the mixture to equalize the surface is checked in this way. She is gaining a trowel to be turned over. If the solution is not falling down from the trowel, then it is ready for use. If the mixture did not reach the working consistency, it should add a small amount of dry mixture and mix.

For the final preparation of the working solution, it is withstanding for 4-6 minutes. After that, it is mixed again and applied to the surface of the wall. It should be noted that it is forbidden to add a dry mixture or water after exposure to the solution.

Since the Rotband has high adhesion, the tools used must be used immediately with water. Otherwise, after some time it will be very hard to remove the plaster with them. The mixer washing immediately after the preparation of the solution. To do this, you need to dip it into any plastic bucket with water and turn on the drill.

Technology of applying Rotband

When carrying out the hands of the Rotband walls, three main steps are provided:

  • installing beacons;
  • alignment of walls;
  • grout surface.

For proper alignment of the surface, fastening perforated profile beacons and corners. The distance between adjacent beacons depends on the length of the rule, with which the plastering solution will be spacing. With the length of the rules of 1.5 m, the interval between the beacons should be 1.3 m.


First, extreme lighthouses and corner are set. Application of the solution under them is carried out every 25-30 cm. Profiles are placed on the solution and pressed. With the help of the level, their correct location is checked. The solution under mounted long beacons is freezing, after which the other profiles are exhibited.

Plastering the spatula is made with the filling of the entire space. There should be no voids and recesses on the spent area. After applying the solution, it is aligned with the rule.

The solution is tightened by the movement of the rule from the bottom up. Extra pieces of plaster are removed. Usually one of the parties has a cone-shaped outline. Due to this, high-quality cutting of the solution is carried out with the simultaneous filling of all the emptiness that occurred.

The final stage is grouting walls. It is carried out after half an hour after applying the Rotband plaster. The final solidification of the solution is checked by touching the wall to the wall. On the surface should not be dents.

To carry out the final smoothness of the walls are abundantly wetted with water. Sponge with grip applied to the wall and carry out circular movements. Do not pinch a sponge strongly. At the beginning of the work, the grout must be moved without problems. When the top layer of Rothband softens, it becomes harder to move the grout. Therefore, it should be separated from the wall.

The lower part of the grout is covered with milk. With the help of a spatula, it is removed and applied to the surface of a wall that has defects. The grout is swinging again and rubs on the wall until it becomes difficult to move. This procedure is carried out before the creation of grooves on the whole wall.


After eliminating all defects, a wide wet spatula is taken and is carried out along the wall. Moreover, it is necessary to keep it as follows in parallel to the finished surface. A qualitatively smoothed wall is ready for the subsequent sticking of the wallpaper. If the walls are covered with paintwork products, they must be separated by the finish putty.

The cost of plastering walls with Rotband will be slightly higher if used mixture as an finishing coating. In this case, a structured surface is created. To do this, you need to use molding tools intended for the manufacture of decorative plaster. The decorative surface device is made along the laid Rotband, who has not yet managed to frost.

Video on the plaster Rotband walls:

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