Parpet's cycle technology

September 30. Repair and construction work Views 2038. Comments To record Parquet cycle technology No

The floor covering made from the parquet board has always been considered a luxury element. But each subject of the interior requires special care, and the parquet floor is not an exception. This material needs timely processing with solutions that give a fresh, updated look and reliably protect the parquet from deformations. In addition, it is recommended to carry out work on recovery, the regularity of which depends on the quality of the material and the absence period. One of the most effective procedures is the castle of an old parquet.

What are the defects on parquet flooring?


Before proceeding with the restoration, decide on the character and degree of damage. Often with a parquet board, the following problems arise:

What is the floor cycle?

Often, the cycle is confused with the grinding of the floor, and all due to the similarity of these two processes. But between them there are a number of distinctive features. Both actions involve cutting several layers of coating with further processing. 594754435

Important! When performing cycling from the surface, be sure to remove the old varnish, contamination.

What is the difference between the grinding from the cyclovka?

  1. Grinding is considered part of the cosmetic repair, during which a slight layer of wood is removed. This method is designed to stripper surface.
  2. The cycling is characterized by the use of wide blades that are designed to work with a rather rough surface. The sequence of steps necessarily includes the finish grout.

Important! Correctly performed parquet before and after significant destruction of the coating will help him to return to him an attractive look, the grinding is only suitable for eliminating minor defects.

How to make a parquet for the parquet?

It is not difficult to carry out the restoration - a cyclusion, grinding the parquet with your own hands is not difficult if it is strictly followed by the rules and recommendations for the execution of these works. Moreover, the independent fulfillment of the entire volume of work will significantly save money.

Important! Conducting the restoration of the parquet manually is the process of time consuming and will take a considerable amount of time. About how to do it correctly, you can find out by viewing the proposed photo of parquet or video instructions.

To facilitate the course of work, professionals use special equipment for parquet. Such an adaptation greatly simplifies and speeds up work. wPID-8672833.

Important! Given all the ease of the cycular process when involving the mechanism, keep in mind that you will need to master the execution technology. Otherwise, the quality of the restoration carried out will not fit your expectations. It should also be noted that this method will require significant costs. But the killed parquet for this technology is the only right solution. RLNOTTOXHME

Frequency of cycling

The frequency of the flooring update is directly depends on the wood breed from which the board is made. According to this principle, solid wood varieties can be processed more often than material from soft varieties.

Also do not forget about the size of parquet slats:

Manual Cyclical Parquet.

If you decide to restore without the use of a carpet carpet machine, consider this procedure quite long and will require physical effort. But the economy of such a method is undoubtedly very high. 454541

List of tools

Circuit cycling and varnishing of parquet manually implies the use of such construction tools:

  • cyclical manual;
  • sandpaper with varying degrees of abrasive (P150, P100, P120, P80, P60 and P40);
  • brushes;
  • scissors;
  • roller;
  • varnish;
  • building or household vacuum cleaner;
  • spray.

    Important! Carefully approach the selection tool for the parquet tool, giving preference to objects having a short handle and width no more than 5 cm. Also pay special attention to the quality of the knife sharpening. The ideal option will be a knife with a blade, which is sharpened at an angle of 40 °. ciklevka_parketa_svoimi_rukami2.

Manual work order

  1. Conducting preparatory work.
  2. Removal of varnish and upper coating layer.
  3. Slicing surface with grinding material.
  4. Putty.
  5. Repeated stripping
  6. Applying a new layer of varnish.
  7. Drying. Digital Camera.

Preparation of the surface

Preparation itself includes several consecutive steps during which follow the following:

  1. Free fully room from furniture.
  2. Spend the repair of damaged parquet elements, if any.
  3. Dismantling the plinths. remont_Parketa1.

Technology of testing cycle

  1. To reduce the amount of dust, spray the water with a spray gun.
  2. Starting from the center of the room, gradually handle all the strips.
  3. Movement during cycling, follow the direction of wood fibers.
  4. Similar manipulations perform in the opposite direction.
  5. In the process of work, harvest with a vacuum cleaner.
  6. Embrete paper P60 or P40 polish the coating.
  7. Spend a thorough examination of the surface for the presence of slots or gaps between parquet boards.
  8. Discovered irregularities are covered.
  9. Wait for full dry drying.
  10. Compare the surface by grappling it re-sandpaper.
  11. Spend the installation of plinths.
  12. Open the floor with oil or varnish. ciklevka_parketa_svoimi_rukami6.

How to cover the surface with varnish?

The application of varnish is performed as follows:

  1. Make sure the parquet coating has no contamination.
  2. Using a wide brush or roller, apply a thin layer of varnish.
  3. Give the lacquer to dry completely - usually drying lasts from 2 to 3 days.
  4. Perform a grinding using fine-grained sandpaper P80.
  5. Remove pollution and dust.
  6. Repeat this manipulation 3-4 times.
  7. With each subsequent layer, grinding performs sandpaper with a smaller grainy.

    Important! Make furniture and interior items are recommended no earlier than 10-14 days. 77C0459B2E4D46A2B0711A2AF2621D5D.

Parquet filling cycling with equipment

As mentioned earlier, cycling mechanical way is very costly, although very efficient. Therefore, in order to save, we recommend to take a carpet to rent a carpet.

Important! When choosing equipment, pay attention to its quality and functionality. Machines with high performance and additional functions of the simultaneous dust fence will be helped to perform a parquet of parquet without removal of furniture. CIMG2483_1

What instruments will be needed for the restoration of the parquet?

A set of tools for machine cycling is quite similar to a list of objects intended for handmade. This list includes:

  • drum grinding machine;

    Important! To perfectly perform cycling, the cycles of drum, tape type, "boot" for hard-to-reach areas will be needed. But it will be inappropriate to acquire the whole set for one-time use. To do with one machine, the instruction manual is shown below. shlifovalnaya_mashina_dlya_parketa-500x366

  • sandpaper with abrasive degree from P150 to P40;
  • cycle for manual use;
  • bulgarian;
  • scissors;
  • package mixture in the color of parquet;
  • putty knife;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • varnish;
  • wide brushes and rollers for applying a protective layer. Brush-from-natural-bristle-plastic-handle-plastic-koter ™ -201-1

Stages of machine cycling

The procedure is identical to the manual method. The main difference is the process of cycling and grinding. original.

Cyclization technology

  1. Check the wiring in advance for compliance with the level of electricity consumption by grinding machine.

    Important! This indicator is usually equal to 1 to 2.2 kW per hour.

  2. Sell \u200b\u200bthe machine with emery paper P40.
  3. Set the drum width to 20 cm.
  4. Run the engine.
  5. Cyclication Permanently perform the perimeter ranging from the walls. shlifovka-Parketa-Samostoyatelno
  6. Specve surface processing, observing the angle of inclination to the wall of 45 °.
  7. Perform a repeated grinding of the site, but changing the direction along the laying of parquet slats.
  8. Install the drum width to the mark of 10 cm and start the following strips.
  9. Data Actions Perform until complete alignment of the surface structure.

    Important! When performing, control the operation of the motor and voltage drops. If the power level is reduced, disconnect all unnecessary electrical appliances from the power supply and adjust the pressure of the drum to the surface with a special screw. 31

  10. For processing hard-to-reach areas, use a grinder or manual cit. CIMG2479_1

Grinding technology

  1. As the first grinding, apply abrasive P100 or P80.
  2. To completely remove the sheplicated irregularities and the protrusions, follow the parquet of grinding machine 3 times.
  3. Replace the sandpaper on P150 or P120.
  4. Dog drum pressure.
  5. Move the grinding in the fiber direction of the material.
  6. Rate the quality of work performed.

    Important! Properly processed parquet to the touch has a smooth surface.

  7. Open the parquet lacquer, as when described above. lakirovka_0.

Parquet Cyclical - Video

Check out the proposed video instruction on the full volume of cycular grinding work to eliminate any questions on one of the steps during execution.


Regardless of what kind of cycling method, you preferred, be sure to consistently follow all the work by paying particular attention to performance. If you are neat when using tools, you will be able to update the parquet, give it an attractive look, remove all defects, but at the same time prevent deeper damage to wood. Accordingly, the service life of such a coating will be much longer and you do not have to update it soon.

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