How to strip the cornice roof sofit with your own hands

September 27. Roof, Repair and construction work Views 767. Comments to record how to strip the cornice roof sofit with your own hands No

The arrangement of the roof of the building is a process that includes not only consistent laying of moisture-repellent, protecting materials and the establishment of drainage. Also very important part of its part is the entry of the cornice.

Bearing roof cornice

  1. For this, various materials are used, but one of the most popular is Sofit. The eavesover of the cornice can be carried out both by professional professionals and on their own.
  2. Appeal to professionals in this business will naturally require financial costs and sometimes considerable. It will be necessary to pay not only the materials themselves, but also the hem services provided by employees of a firm. In this case, it can be considered a significant advantage that the eaves will be lined up to the shortest possible time.
  3. Independent installation is beneficial to the fact that it is more pleasant in financial costs, you do not pay for your services. However, in this case, certain knowledge and skills in this area will be required, as well as the understanding of some nuances.
  4. By time, the installation will last with your own hands, of course, longer, but in this case it will be the possibility of mounting the binder, which will be more likewise on the texture and color.

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  1. In order for the front walls to be reliably protected from rain, the roof waste should be at least 0.7 m. The roof plane appears on the roof, which covers the materials of the roof.
  2. Such an approach in the roof installation is necessary in order to make the appearance of the house more aesthetic and finished. The lifting will also help in solving problems with the ventilation system for roofing under the roof and insulation. It is especially important to make a cover for the roof belonging to the attic floor.
  3. In the construction of a rustic type, the roofs of the attic and attic types are mainly found. In the first case, thermal insulation is installed in the opening between the rafters, and in the second - in attics. This approach in the arrangement of the roof allows the house to breathe.
  4. At the same time, pairs of all rooms will be sure to pass through the insulation, but the moisture delay in the heat insulating layer should not occur. This will lead to the formation of condensate and the deterioration of the insulation properties of the entire layer. In addition to the fact that the qualities of various materials fall, even a tree beams suffer due to moisture, and metal parts are corrosion.
  5. To avoid the appearance of such problems, you can use films for waterproofing. But still it is impossible not to create roofing overns with the possibility of their ventilation.

Device and roof cornice parameters


For the proper arrangement of the roof and the beginning of the trim sofami, it is necessary to understand the holistic picture of the protection of the building from the external environment. Therefore, a more detailed study of the order of installation of the cornice is an important point in the installation.

Svet cornice roof

  1. Swees are parts of the roof, protruding outside the building. They protect the walls from the effect of precipitation. Thanks to these elements of the roof of the roof, the roof looks more completed.
  2. It is important to choose the correct design sizes and materials. Frequently relying on rafters, which must have a large length compared to the roof. The difference in this parameter varies from 50 to 100 cm.
  3. From the front side, the roof should also be protected from moisture.
  4. It does not matter what type of soles was used during the construction of the building. In any of the cases, they need a swift.

Device cornice roofing

The cornice device on the roof of the house can be several categories.

  1. Svet karnis, which is made flush. In this case, the rafter does not go beyond the wall borders. At the edges attached plaques for draining. Drain gutters are then attached to them. But such raids do not completely protect the walls from moisture exposure.
  2. Open type of sweep - it is often used during the private construction of buildings. The drain system is attached to the upper or lower edges of the rafter.
  3. Closed type. Parts of the rafter, which protrude, overlap the cornice. He has a groove designed to be able to attach sofit from the inside. If there is no insulated attic, then on the cornily there must be holes for ventilation.
  4. Fronton type. The roofing cornice device depends on the designer fantasy. It can be speaking or fastening can be done flush. If there is a protruding part, then it must be sewn. Its width should not be less than 0.5 m.

Eaves Blood: Elements

Roofing cornice consists of the following components:

  • rafters;
  • boards for sink cornice;
  • reference boards intended for sofits;
  • sophytes;
  • crates;
  • gutter hydrochny;
  • drip;
  • plank cornice;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • break;
  • firmware material.

Eaves Roof: Size

For the subsequent efficient operation of the effluent, it is important to select the appropriate size of the eaves. The minimum allowable distance should be about 0.5 m. It is extremely rare to meet the binders already classically recommended, but the main length of the roof cornice should be from 50 to 100 cm.

Soft roof cornice device

Soft roof cornice consists of the following elements:

  • beam;
  • ruberoid;
  • mastic;
  • boardwalk;
  • a layer of a doom, located below;
  • tolly nails;
  • tol;
  • horse hard.

Sofa for covering the roof


  1. Sofits are the panels that are frowning horizontally located surfaces facing down. Sofits are similar to siding, but have another building. Their structure passes air. This helps in ensuring the protection of the roof from the occurrence of fungus. Perforation is the most important distinguishing feature of sofit.
  2. This material is mounted along the edges of the roof to the box. The panels are bonded with each other by connecting the lock type. They hide the grooves connecting them with each other. Sofites are length from 3 m to 3.6 m, and their width usually reaches up to 30.5 cm.
  3. Parameters of length and widths from different manufacturers are different. Maximum dimensions mainly use manufacturers from America and Canada. They are the most optimal.

Types of Sofitov


Consider the main varieties of materials, their features, methods and places of application.

  1. Solid type. With it, you can climb the ceiling on an open veranda or a porch of a nice arbor. In this case, the air has continuous access to the surfaces of the roof, which are located on the inside. With this approach, all open-type structures will not need to be repaired for a sufficiently long period, since it will save their appearance for a long time.
  2. Perforated sophytes. Such materials are commonly used for coated roofs from non-polished type materials. They are best suited for covering parts of the roof, which protrude out. These are atmosphere, visors and eaves.
  3. Sofa with perforation, located in the center. It provides enough good ventilating space. In this case, the svet of cornice is an alternation of a strip of perforation with solid stripes.

Benefits of Sofitov

Consider the main features of so much popular material for facing the soles of the roof.

  1. Strength. They are not subjected to the effects of precipitation and damage to the mechanical type. Sofites are not affected by sunlight, they do not rot and resist moisture and temperature drops.
  2. Universality lies in the possibility of using sofits to cover ceilings and space under the roof. Color solutions of this material are quite varied. They are perfectly combined with roofing resources of various types.
  3. Care is simple enough. Sofits do not need to be painted or updated for all the time of their use. It is enough just from time to time to wash off the dirt with water with a detergent.
  4. Appearance. They easily hide communications and wiring. Casting type connection allows you to close the locations of the panels and the facade elements.
  5. Resistance. This material is not subjected to the formation of fungus.
  6. Installation is very light. Installation can be done regardless of the time of year. They do not crack, and are not corrosion. Sofites can withstand the temperature from -60 ° C to - 120 ° C.
  7. Security. For the manufacture of sofes, materials are used non-toxic polymer group. In addition, they do not ignite. Therefore, the material is widely used in buildings buildings with increased fire resistance requirements.

Materials manufacturing

But even sofa can be made from different materials, be a great type and variety price.

  1. Plastic. Such soffits are fairly cheap compared to the rest of the species. They do not wear out, they do not lose their color and the temperature fluctuations are well tolerated. Set them very convenient.
  2. Steel. Sophytes from this material are the most durable. They are able to withstand sufficiently high loads of mechanical type. Often they come complete with the roof. The warranty for such material is the highest. Steel sophilies are not corrosion.
  3. Aluminum. The most popular soffits today in the market. They are very lungs and therefore when installing with them it is enough to work. Basically such sofa are applied in private construction. Aluminum facing options are able to hide many defects. One of the main advantages of such sofites is the lack of inclination to expand under the influence of temperatures.
  4. Copper. The resistance of copper sofites is incredibly high, they serve for a long time. Fastenings between them have the type of locks. They hide the plug places.

Colors of sofit roofing

Sofa for roofs are of different colors. The most popular of them are white and brown material. Colored options are also very popular, they are not too expensive, but not such cheap compared to classical options. For facing the roof with them in the complex, it is good to use siding, then the liner will not stand out on a facade background.

Installation of roof karnis


Installation of eaves is made using a edged board. Instead, it is also possible to use metal profiles. The material is usually chosen depending on whether facing will be performed. Metal siding should be suspended on profiles, and wooden - on the corresponding frame.

Instructions for stitching cornice roof

Before the direct occupation of the binder, the eaves must be insulated, and after that, it is necessary to carry out the facing part of the work.

  1. You need to start with the drawing on which all the parameters of the roof and deposits will be clearly displayed.
  2. Installation of sophite panels themselves should be carried out on the crate. To secure on top of the metal base, screws are usually used.
  3. Between the planks you need to install sheets of sofits. Each of the panels should have a length that is equal to the distance between the planks minus the burglar distance of the grooves and the stock under the tick of the material, about 6 mm on each bar. In the event that Svez is 90 cm, you need to take a number two times more.
  4. The front board should be closed using a front plank.
  5. To set the first sophod strip, you need to mark the starting point for installation. It retreats 0.77 m, and then the horizontally directional line is littered through the length of the roof of the house, and already under it install the initial strip.
  6. To create angular parts and edgewise, you need to mount the internal and external parts of the sofit. It is important that Sofit below has always been below the broken strip.
  7. Corner elements should be attached to the screws. All openings are important to surround with edging.
  8. All parts when installing must be cut at an angle of 90 ° C.
  9. The installation of sofites should be produced, starting from the band up, and all the elements of the materials should be shrinking into the lock.
  10. Before installing the final rail, installation of the final strip is carried out, and the wall panel must be cut to the required length. The cut end is clamped in the last strip, and mounted into the wall.
  11. Next, eaves and swells are emitted. For this, it will be needed nails that are clogged from the middle. Then you need to continue moving towards the edges, while avoiding the appearance of gaps.
  12. At the end of the panel are cut with a circular saw. To trim smaller parts you need to use scissors designed for metal cutting.

Special nuances

  1. The roofing of the roofing sink should be performed only after the installation of the rafter system was performed. Installation of the crates is made after the process of covering the cornice was completed.
  2. The waterproofing system must be installed before covering the roof edges of the roof. Insulation for the roof is also installed before mounting the binder.
  3. Svet must be sewn before work on the warming of outdoor sides of the house. This will help prevent the occurrence of damage to the walls of the walls.
  4. The protrusions must be sewn so that when installing the drains, no additional problems arose. Also, do not forget to provide an additional possibility to install the ventilation system.

To carry out the binder of the carnis with their own hands - it is very simple. The main thing is to correctly pick up the type of sofit, their size, material and configuration. The exact following instruction and execution of all parts will allow you to perform high-quality switches without the help of specialists and additional financial costs.

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