Decoration of walls with decorative plaster with their own hands

September 28. Repair and construction work Views 663. Comments To record wall decoration with decorative plaster with their own hands No

Nowadays, the decor of the room is the most important component that allows a person to feel comfortable in its own space. Everyone knows that in recent years, the direction associated with decorative materials is actively developing. To date, in each construction store you can find a colossal amount of resources, with which the unique design style of the room is created. Moreover, there are practically no restrictions in this direction at all.

The most important thing is to use acquired materials with the mind. If we are talking about decorative plaster, this resource is a practical solution that allows without unnecessary difficulties to produce high-quality repairs with a sophisticated design. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to the already existing styles, or personally implement your own ideas.

However, before all the above events, it is necessary to properly make a choice in favor of one or another decorative plaster. Fortunately, there are several types of material on sale, which allows you to get exactly the style that and conceived initially. It is safe to say that a person with experience in such work can easily implement quite thin on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe style of the room.

In this article, we will consider various issues related to the choice of decorative plaster, as well as a finishing processor. A detailed study of technology will allow for responsible events with their own hands.


Features of decorative plaster

At the moment, many owners do not want to put themselves at risk in terms of realizing one-style room. Accordingly, the use of decorative plaster is often trusted by specialists who have been engaged in such events for many years. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out such responsible affairs to carry out such responsible affairs, preferring other decorative materials, among which plastic panels, tiles and much more.

However, in fact, nothing complicated or responsible in the process of applying decorative plaster. Moreover, the creativity of many masters is that they are not afraid to risk, creating really interesting compositions. Of course, if on the basis of plaster you need to create some image or original relief, then it is unlikely to do with your own forces here.

Well, in advance I would like to say a few words that, on the basis of decorative plaster, really a wide variety of solutions associated with the design are created. The thing is that this most material is a plasticine from which you can make exactly what I want. Accordingly, freedom of action is practically not limited here. Despite this, it is advisable to pay attention to the already ready-made room style options that are available on the Internet. There you can find hundreds or even thousands of design options, thanks to which you can already understand how the room will look like. This will be a kind of pattern, with which you can make a high-quality finish without unnecessary problems, knowing the result in advance. That very creativity is often used by real craftsmen, which consciously use various options for applying material, tool movement, etc. Ultimately, it turns out what originated in the head. Beginners are extremely rarely the first time can do something worthwhile, since it is extremely difficult to use those or other techniques without experience.


Repair based on decorative plaster

Here I would also like to note that repairing the basis of decorative plaster is not always simple. The thing is that for this, as we have already mentioned, you need to have some skills, or at least knowledge of technology. Practice shows that only units among people can immediately start creating masterpieces based on a decorative resource.

Thus, most people are failed to taste materials related to ready-made solutions that can only be established in a particular place. It may be, again, plastic panels, lining and more. Obviously, all these resources are simple solutions if it comes to application. Accordingly, in this plan, decorative plaster is still far from the above resources.

But at the same time it is worth paying attention to the fact that with the help of decorative plaster you can create different styles, use certain approaches while other materials have a minimum of features, thanks to which the original style of the room becomes harder.

Predatory repair or help of professionals

Based on the above information, it becomes clear that the decorative plaster events should be carried out to specialists who know the subtleties of the technology, and also understand what result will want to ultimately the owners.

However, this does not mean that the owners of the apartment or house can not finish the walls of the plaster. There are many examples of how little serious people create real wonders of the style. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend a bunch of time to explore various technologies, since it is sometimes enough to look at the behavior of the material, its plasticity to create masterpieces.

In fact, without practices, it is unlikely to achieve something impressive, so if you wish to achieve an excellent result of your works - you need to train a lot.

People who wish to spend only a single repair do not see the need for such victims. They simply hire workers who will easily cope with the tasks. It is quite logical, at least for repairs and will have to spend a few more money.

It is extremely important to make sure in the high qualification of the employee, since organizations that are engaged in repairs are extremely much, and among all this quantity you need to choose the most experienced guys, but not too expensive. If the finish is subject to a sufficiently large area of \u200b\u200bthe room, then the money for workers will have to spend quite a lot. Save on the material itself does not make sense, so it remains only to overtake the most favorable value of the works.

Varieties of decorative plaster

You can find a huge amount of appropriate material, but there are not so many directly species of decorative plaster. Next, we will consider them, as well as analyze the specifics of material application.


Structural plaster

This type of plaster is an inhomogeneous resource in its structure, in which manufacturers add different components, allowing the created surface to give a certain highlight. Often these are the most components of the finishing mixture and create the very uniqueness of the surface. Small granules, wood fibers, as well as pieces of quartz, small stones and much more can be used as components of plasterings.

Structural plaster is made on a cement-lime-based basis, that is, we are talking about aquatic and organic components. Good news is that with this scenario, the material is safe for people. Most of all pleases the lack of unpleasant odors directly during the work. This suggests that residents can stay in the apartment during the period of repair. Unfortunately, often the responsible repair activities create inconvenience, forcing people to leave the dwelling, and for a long time.

The excellent plasticity of structural plaster is the strongest side of the material. This allows you to fully control the process of applying the mixture and get exactly the result that the owners are necessary. Today in construction stores, structural material is sold already in the finished form, so it can be immediately applied for repair activities.

Often on the counters you can meet containers with structural plaster weighing from 15 to 25 kg.

On the Internet you can find numerous examples of surfaces created on the basis of structural plaster. Most of all pleases the variety of finishes, thanks to which the plaster with ease will fit into almost any space. Sometimes it may be an optimal combination of various mixtures.

Use of structural plaster

  1. The initial stage of the work lies solely in the preparation of the surface to the work carried out. The main task is to make the surface smooth. However, experts focus on the fact that small irregularities can still stay on the wall, since during finishing work all problem areas can be easily corrected.
  2. Now it is necessary to strengthen the surface based on primer. This allows you to get rid of so problematic moisture exchange between the decorative layer and the wall. After all this, you need to wait a certain period of time until the primer dry. Only after that you can continue the repair process.
  3. Armed with cells, it is necessary to make a mixture. It is best to do circular movements that the result of the work carried out is the highest quality. It is important to remember that the structure of the material depends directly on the characteristics of the mixture. Thus, you can experiment on this issue to get the most qualitative result. After 3 hours after the applied mixture, it should be enough to open so that the repair activities could continue. Practice shows that the above-mentioned technology of plastering is great for most types of plaster.

At the same time, professionals are advised not too quickly to carry out the process of decoration of walls by structural plaster, as it is more creative work that requires exposure and attention.


Venetian plaster

Recently, this type of decorative material is a popular direction, on the basis of which can be obtained without exaggeration of amazing results. Again, here the main thing is to apply your creative nature so that the result is the same as on the covers of magazines with design styles of premises.

It is most important to note that Venetian plaster is based on marble flour, due to which the impression is as if the surface is marble. Frequently, this material is used as a substitute for natural mramor, which for obvious reasons costs too expensive.

The good news is that this plaster can be painted in any color that positively affects the style of space.

If you speak directly about the very similarity with marble, it is worth noting an amazing mosaic, which is created on the basis of Venetian plaster. In addition, the strongest side of the material is high elasticity, thanks to which one or another drawing can be implemented using a tool.

It is impossible to bypass the side and waterproofability of the Venetian plaster, which significantly expands the areas of using this material. Well, here it also makes sense to note the information that this type of plaster is distinguished by excellent environmental and safety. This allows repair work directly indoors with people. Also, plaster can be used directly in places where materials used during the construction can affect whose health or well-being. It may be hospitals, medical items, etc. Of course, most often the material is used to create original design styles within large housing.

Quickly carry out work on the basis of Venetian plaster makes it possible for quick-drying base of decorative material. However, if creating original patterns and other components of the surface style, it takes a lot of time.

Applying plaster

  1. Unlike the past type of plaster, where it was not necessary to perfectly align the surface, it is necessary to do everything possible so that there is no deviations at all.
  2. Traditionally, a primer composition is applied, which will dry quickly. Next, go to the next step.
  3. Immediately during the main part of the work, the mixture of the core and immediately applied to the surface with thin layers. It is most often applied from 5 to 12 layers, each of which can have different thickness.
  4. With the help of fine sandpaper, surface stripping occurs. Most often it is required in order to get a perfectly smooth surface, as well as implement a quality drawing, if available.
  5. It is ultimately applied a layer of wax, which not only protects the layer from the action of moisture, but also allows you to maintain the initial state of decorative plaster for a long time.


Textured plaster

This type of plaster is a good solution if you need to create a relief surface. Often, on the basis of this plaster, a variety of styles of surfaces are created that mimic the tree, natural stone and much more. To get a truly original surface style, it makes sense to pay attention to the use of various material application techniques. This often requires only the experience that allows you to forget about all restrictions.

Lime flour is used as the main component of textured plaster. Also, polymers and other components can also include polymers, which significantly change the properties of plaster.

Applying plaster

  1. At the very beginning there is an alignment of the surface, which, to all, should be clean and dry.
  2. Next, you need to apply primer, on the basis of which the creation of a layer of the substrate paint, along with sand, is required, which makes it possible to significantly improve the adhesion of plastering with the surface.
  3. Applying plaster occurs with any convenient tool, sometimes even a painting brush is used. Only 1-2 layers are applied, which is enough enough to realize a high-quality surface.
  4. With the help of translucent colors, it is possible to fully protect the surface from various external factors that often have too serious effect on the material.

Technology applying plaster

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the appropriate plaster should be used for the interior decoration. You can find material for external and internal work. If you choose not the resource for the purpose, you can encounter problems.


As we have said, almost any tools can be used in the repair process, among which tassels, spatulas, rollers and much more. It is important to pay attention to the fact that it is extremely important to acquire new devices that allow you to maximize all the activities and get a qualitative result. Immediately before work, you need to clean tools.


Also, the process will require a container, which should also be pure, so that when creating or placeing the mixture, there are no problems with a deterioration in the quality of the material.

Preparation of walls and application

  • First of all, it is necessary to take care that there are no visible flaws on the wall surface. Often, the lantern is used for this business, which you can enjoy on the wall and see the most significant flaws of the surface. For example, if we use an acrylic putty, it will completely repeat the surface texture.
  • Also the walls are advisable to treat primer. It makes sense to take advantage of a latex deep mixture, which in the best way to cope with the tasks.
  • Immediately applying decorative plaster comes from one corner to another. Experts focus on the fact that stopping the mixture in the middle of the wall - it is categorically not recommended. The problem is that for a certain period of time, during which the already applied mixture managed to dial strength, the new layers will be different with the quality of the clutch. Moreover, even an externally stucco can look different.
  • After applying decorative material, the walls need to be covered with polyethylene. The film will allow you to quickly and efficiently gain strength, and after 10-15, the transparent material is removed, and the repair work continues.
  • After drying, the plaster needs to be in the hands of a celma and get rid of the laid parts of the material. This event is performed safely, as it is unlikely to damage the surface.
  • Separately, I would like to say that the walls of the wall drying should not be accelerated. There are cases when people used a fan heater for this business, and for this reason, the mixture cracking occurs.
  • Dust on the surface that was formed after removing various irregularities, you can remove with a dry mellum.
  • Here I would also like to say a few words that decorative plaster is often painted. This allows you to significantly change the style of space if required. At the very beginning, it is necessary to intervene a solution consisting of wax and warm water (20% of the wax volume). With the help of a sponge, this resource is applied to the wall. Often, after the process, dark clusters are formed in the corners of the surfaces, which can be easily removed by white rag. If everything is done correctly, then then you can safely apply a layer of paint. It is best to use acrylic paint on a water basis.

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