What are the mixtures for laying tiles. Choose a mixture for ceramic tiles

January 10. Building materials Views 2692. Comments To write what are mixtures for laying tiles. Choose a mixture for ceramic tiles No

Before the start of any repair work, it is worth deciding on the choice of materials, which will significantly simplify the process of preparing and purchasing all components. The laying of the tile requires the determination of the type of mixture, which will provide high-quality fastening of ceramics.

To do this, it is important to know which mixtures for ceramic tiles are, then the result of repair will delight for many years of operation.

Types of existing mixes

In the market, manufacturers offer two types of mixtures:

  1. ready for use;
  2. dry mixes.

1. They differ not only in composition, but also quality. The finished mixtures are based on latex or oil refining products, they are useful in use by reducing labor intensity. The composition of latex-based mastic includes purified water, it evaporates in the process of pouring glue. And as an additive in mastic from petroleum products there is a solvent, which also evaporates water with complete drying of the solution. The consumer is offered in buckets of various capacities. iMG_2078.
2. Dry mixes for laying ceramic tiles are considered more reliable, the cement base provides a reliable fastening of the coating for a long service life. Due to the high resistance to compression, the adhesive mixture can withstand heavy loads, which is ideal for working with surfaces inside and outside the building.

Comparative analysis of the proposed compositions

Compared with ready-made mastic, the second option has many advantages, as it differs not only worth, but also characteristics.

  1. The price of dry mixes for ceramic tiles is lower than on adhesive solutions in buckets. When comparing the value of the same volume of finished and cooked glue, the difference will be significant.
  2. Products in bags are designed to work with various surfaces - concrete, brick and plastered cement-sand or cement-lime mortar.
  3. Dry glue is ideal for simultaneous leveling of surfaces, so the work is possible with the walls of any curvature. And before applying mastic, the surface requires thorough alignment and processing.
  4. Dismantling of prepared cement-based solutions is much easier to dismantle. The perforator will help, and the mastic will be removed from the walls with part of the base. Although people are not always thought out when laying about the future disassembly of tiles.

Selection of material by appointment

Choose glue for work depending on its purpose, the production of the mixture for ceramic tiles involves the addition of components to be used in internal and external work. The second type usually has a more expensive cost due to additional hydrophobic components. 12453939377478

Defining properties of high-quality product

High-quality adhesive composition has such properties:

  • moderate plasticity, for cladding of the wall, the solution should not be spread. Because the mixture is stacked by a layer of a certain thickness, which is not possible when it is spreading. Plasticity should not change when kneading a rare or dense solution;
  • for cladding the floor, the mixture should be spread well, thereby filling out all empties. The absence of a tightly laid mixture under the tile is fraught with a violation of the integrity of the entire coating, also deterioration of individual tiles even at low loads;
  • have good adhesion, that is, to have sufficient clutch power with the material. It is relevant to work with ceramics, especially in our time, when one element has large sizes, respectively, the weight;
  • normal drying rate, when working should remain the possibility of adjusting the location of the tiles. It has been proven that with slow drying of the solution, the strength of the relationship increases significantly, the resulting surface then has excellent performance properties.

Before choosing mixtures for ceramic tiles, you must learn to read the characteristics of the proposed options. This will help the consultant in the store or familiar specialist, regularly colliding with this type of work.

Examples of manufacturers in the market

Many manufacturers produce products under various trademarks, popular in the market are mixtures from companies:

  1. Cerepes;
  2. Hercules;
  3. Brigadier;
  4. Fastened;
  5. Boll.

1. Mark Cerezit offers many products for construction, mainly this mixture for finishing works. This company is known in many countries, the quality of produced products allows you to perform a wide range of work at the best value. A universal mixture for working with a cafeter is ceresite cm 115. It is suitable for laying marble and glass tiles, mosaic inside and outside the room, the material is perfect on any surface. cM115
2. The company of Hercules produces mixtures for cladding walls and floor tiles, suitable for use in rooms with high humidity and outdoor work. The manufacturer gives a guarantee of the quality of the adhesive composition, the shelf life of the prepared solution is 3.5-4 hours. After the mixture is complete, it has high indicators of moisture and frost resistance. 9793EE2BD98140AD86952C604FE73FE9.
3. The glue brigadier has excellent properties, well suited for work in various conditions. A distinctive feature is its economy, it is possible to work with a cooked mixture within 4 hours. But after applying the glue layer on the surface you need to lay a tile in 10 minutes. bb_klej_dlja_plitki.
4. The fastest goes a little cheaper ceresite, but the quality is similar. Excellent coped with the task, but the mixing size of the mixture is slightly more than at the analogs. Due to this, the solution is less moved, but it affects it in operation. kreps_klej_dlja_plitki_bazovyj.
5. Mixtures of Bolls have ambiguous reviews, both professional masters and ordinary buyers. The mixtures are manufactured cheap, but the cooked solution slides over the surface, so it is not always possible to put high-quality tiles. For examples, you can see the photo of mixtures for ceramic tiles. bOLARS-STANDART-500X500
Before starting laying the tile, it is important to make a solution to properly, for this it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions from the manufacturer and adhere to the process technology. And if there is experience, the master always turns out a positive result of labor, although everyone gets used to working with the materials of certain manufacturers.

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