How to choose a scraper

June 10. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2547. Comments to record how to choose the scraper No

Today there is a huge number of types of building machines, and their purpose and the mechanism of action are very different. In this article we will tell about a unique model of transport - scraper, as well as what it happens and how to choose it.


Characteristics of the scraper and its use


Such transport is a special excavation machine, the basic tool of which is a knife bucket, designed to cut the layers of the earth at the bottom. At the same time, their device and technical parameters allow when moving along the embankment to seal the wheels the sloping soil (with I-IV categories), therefore, the need for other equipment is significantly reduced. Also used for:

  • digging trenches for various hydraulic structures and buildings;
  • for planning sites;
  • for layers;
  • for transportation, seals, alignment and suggesting of the soil during the preparation of the construction site, etc.

Experts believe that they are most rational to apply them on clay and not very moistened soils that exclude a rocky layer. The main parameter when choosing a scraper is a bucket capacity, which is measured in cubic meters.

Classification of scrapers



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1. By the management method, this technique is divided into:

  • electrohydraulic;
  • hydraulic;
  • mechanical.

2. According to the method of aggregation:

  • self-propelled scraper;
  • trailed scraper;
  • crawler screker.

3. According to the discharge technology of the bucket:

  • having free unloading and overturning the bucket (dump truck);
  • with the forced unloading of the bucket when extending its wall forward.

4. In terms of loading bucket;

  • with forced loading, which is carried out using the elevator of the scraper;
  • with passive loading, which is carried out using a moving force of a cut layer.

5. In terms of bucket:

  • large capacity (from 15 cubic meters);
  • medium (5-15 cubic meters);
  • low capacity (up to 5 cubic meters).

Also, depending on the type and volume of earthworks, a variety of scraper movements are used:

  • shuttlecock;
  • eight;
  • by ellipse.

The last option is used in the development of sufficiently wide trenches and recesses, and the first two - with the digging of large areas, but not deep-cutting.

How scraper is valid


The main working instruments of this technique are:

  • mechanisms for controlling the damper and bucket;
  • driving equipment;
  • ladle.

The process of operation of the scraper includes certain consistently performed actions, namely cutting the soil and bucket filling, transporting the first to the place of installation, as well as unloading, stacking and reverse techniques in the bottom.

In the case when the type of soil occurs, the knives are located down the bucket, cut a layer of a certain thickness. The latter enters it when the movable flap is raised. Then the filled ground bucket rises on the go, and the damper is lowered, thereby preventing its rash. As for the unloading, in its process, the bucket valve rises, and the soil is supplanted with the forced method, while the adjustable gap between the cutting edge of the bucket and the surface of the earth independently determines the thickness of the layer of the layer, which rolls the knives and is partially condensed by the scraper wheels.

Functioning at idle, empty buckets of the fastener is usually raised, and the flap is omitted.

To increase the traction effort of the technique when filling the bucket in dense layers of the soil, a bulldozer-tolkach is applied. At the same time, in some types of scrapers, to reduce the influence of opposing factors in the bucket, an oblique elevator, which creates a forced type of loading the layer of the Earth cut off with a knife and its unloading.

How to choose screamer

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It doesn't matter why you decide to purchase scraper - for cleaning snow or construction work, in any case, it is necessary to pay attention to the basic characteristics, namely:

  • bucket capacity;
  • method of movement and aggregation;
  • on the way of unloading and unloading the bucket,;
  • on the type of transport management.

So, for example, scrapers having elevator load are recommended to be used on bulk soils and when performing small amounts of work. As for trailed machines to tracked tractors, they possess increased permeability, as well as capable of acting in bad road conditions. In addition, the low velocities of this equipment limit the cost of transportation of the soil from 500-800 m.

The self-propelled type of scraper is more maneuverable and mobile, it is characterized by good performance and high-speed regime up to 50 km / h. At the same time, the transportation range of the soil with them can be carried out at a distance of up to 5 km.

The compulsory type of bustling knives allows you to very accurately adjust the thickness of the cut layer, as well as to reduce the setting time of the Earth's set and high-quality strokes.

Thus, planning the purchase of this technique, be sure to read its parameters and compare with the activity that she will have to perform. The price of scraper is not at all cheap, so carefully prepare and learn about them as much information.

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