Doors from the array: advantages and disadvantages. Instructions for independent manufacture of a wooden door

May 4. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 731 Comments To the entry of the door from the massif: the advantages and disadvantages. Instructions for independent manufacture of a wooden door No

In the modern market there are many building materials that are artfully imitate natural, and they are transmitted by everything - both texture and color gamut. The only difference is the quality and duration of service life. After all, natural things, in contrast to synthetic analogs, have higher performance and serve much longer than artificial "imitation". It applies to the wooden doors from the array for the house. However, they are somewhat more expensive than those manufactured from synthetic substitutes. Therefore, if you make a budget, it is better to use the doors from natural materials to arrange the interior of its housing. Next, we will tell you more about the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to make the door from the massif do it yourself.

Benefits of the door from the massif

The benefits of the array can be attributed to the following:

  1. Ecology. Natural and natural materials are always at the peak of popularity only because they are absolutely safe for humans. Some wood breeds even have a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the house.
  2. Reliability. Doors made of natural wood are very reliable and wear-resistant. The term of their service with proper operation exceeds 20-25 years.
  3. Beautiful appearance. Many tree arrays have a beautiful natural texture, thanks to which wood products look luxuriously.
  4. Good sound and thermal insulation properties. Wood has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities.
  5. Easy installation. Wood - malleable material. Working with him is a pleasure.

Massive doors flaws

Of course, some disadvantages have the door from the array:

  1. Many wood breeds are not a rack to the temperature regimen and humidity level. Cut this disadvantage can be reduced by using modern impregnations.
  2. Wood needs careful and regular care. In order for the door from the massif to serve for a long time, they should be careful for them to care - wipe the dust is necessary with a dry cloth, not allowing moisture to enter the surface of the product. In addition, after some time the door should be restored, while not enough for the second time to cover the surface with varnishes, because it ruptures not only the appearance, but also the strength of the product. During the restoration, the previous facing coating is fully removed, and only after that you can apply new.
  3. Accuracy in operation. Do not allow mechanical damage to the surface of the product, because even the slightest scratches are very clearly visible on the wood.

Types of door from the massif

Classify doors from the array can be based on the type of wood from which they are made. The qualitative and performance characteristics of the product will also depend on this. So, the following wood arrays are used for the manufacture of doors and other interior items:

  • Pine. This category of wood can be found in budget options, as there are no problems in the extraction of pine. However, products from this material have many flaws. By itself, pine has a soft structure, so it is very sensitive both to temperature drops and to fluctuations in the humidity level. Therefore, the doors from this material can not be mounted in the bathrooms and in kitchen facilities. The glued wood, made from the pine massif, has more durable characteristics, rather than the usual solid bar.
  • Alder. Unlike the pine array, such wood is resistant to moisture levels, so doors made from this material are suitable for both ordinary rooms and a bath, kitchen and bathroom. In addition, the doors from Alder can easily install in rooms in which there are small children are located, because this wood variety is not only non-toxic, but also has a positive effect on human health. So, here contains a large number of useful tannings.

  • Oak. This is a noble and durable variety of wood. The weight of such bars is considerable, which causes high reliability and excellent characteristics of products made of oak. Doors from this material are environmentally friendly, practically not deformed, are not afraid of temperature differences and humidity levels. Given all the indisputable advantages of the material, its price includes the only shortcomings.
  • Nut. This variety of wood is characterized by good wear resistance, as it has a rather dense structure. Doors from this material are strong, reliable, eco-friendly, durable. In addition, the walnut array has a very beautiful texture and natural color, so that products from it practically do not need finish-treatment. With all the advantages of this material, it has a relatively low price. This is due to the fact that the wood of this variety is quite simple in our latitudes. This breed is by no means rare. Given all the positive properties of the nut and the ratio of "price-quality", it is the most optimal material for the manufacture of interroom doors.
  • Ash. It is a durable and easy-to-wear wood that is practically not lightering. Products from it have good operational qualities. If the ash rightly passed all the stages of drying, then the doors made from it will serve for a very long time.
  • Merbau. Exotic wood variety. Due to the high content of oils in the structure of this tree of wood, products from Merbau, almost not dissolve and are not deformed.
  • Maple. Refers to the easily handled wood rocks. It has good strength indicators.
  • Beech. This wood has a beautiful and homogeneous structure. Products from it look luxurious and "expensive." However, the beech poorly tolerates temperature and humidity drops.

In order to proceed with the manufacture of the interior door with their own hands, you need to know their classification. This will help choose the most suitable model depending on its operation and features of the doorway.

By its operational purpose, the doors are:

  • Interroom. Basically, these doors are made of wood. They are much thinner, since they do not impose high demands for safety, noise and thermal insulation.
  • Entrance. Since they separate the apartment or house from the outside world, the requirement for them should be higher. As a rule, they are made of steel, which is separated by lining from natural wood or MDF.

By structural execution of the door there are:

  • Single. Consist of one canvas. Used for a doorway width up to 1000 mm.
  • Overhead. Consist of two canvases, one of which is much the second. The first canvas, as a rule, is opened only as needed, and most often is in a fixed state.
  • Double. Consist of two cloth widths.

According to its device and manufacturing technology, door leafs are:

  • Shield.
  • Sponewings.
  • Pilencated.

The first of the types of doors is the easiest and cheap in the manufacture. It consists of a canvas of a frame of a wooden bar or chipboard, covered with veneer. In some cheap models, the lining of pressed fiberboard is used as a sheath.

Spone doors. Move from several selected identical bars, which are connected with a key with each other. As the latter, a wooden bar or a steel wrought band can act. These doors are very well suited for mounting in the edge in the style of "Country". Make such a door will not be much difficulty, but it looks really impressive.

Pilented doors. This type of door canvas is the most complicated and expensive in the manufacture. It is a framework with internal inserts, which are called panels. They are made from various materials and have a wide range of forms. They are connected to the framework of the Schip-Paz system. Some canvases use glass panels that give the doors a rather beautiful appearance. In contrast to the shield doors, the fillets are often used as an input, subject to the carcass amplification.

Making doors from the array do it yourself

The manufacture of doors is carried out with their own hands according to the standard scheme. The difference can only be material and installed fittings.

Before starting work, it is necessary to choose the right chalkboard for the frame. The tree should not have defects, and should also be normal humidity, smooth. After buying the board, it is necessary to withstand in the room for several days so that they score natural moisture.

Next, you need to prepare a tool for work. It will take the following equipment for making the door of the array:

  • Manual frezer. It is necessary to cut the grooves.
  • Circular saw for cutting tree. In the absence of the latter, you can use the electrolovka.
  • Grinders or nozzles with grinding paper on a drill or a grinder.
  • Drill, screwdriver.
  • Screwdrivers, chisels.
  • Rule, square, pencil, roulette.

From materials need:

  • Directly board, 40 mm thick, and 150 mm wide. The board is better to buy with a reserve in case of errors in the processing of materials. It is better not to buy it, as it is desirable that she was from one party and with one humidity.
  • Carpentry glue.
  • Sucks (confirmants).
  • An array of wood for the manufacture of fillets.

Procedure for work:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the drawings of the door from the array and the framework item. For this board, cut into measuring pieces, and weigh the wide parts. It makes no sense to do it with the ends, as they will be milling (angles to remove).
  2. After that, with the help of the milling, the angles are removed, and the grooves of a depth of 20 mm and a width of 16 mm along the entire length of the board are cut off. It must be carved strictly in the middle.
  3. End ends of boards for the connection are cut at an angle of 45 °. After that, the details are applied and adjusted.
  4. Next, chicken sizes are cut from the wood massif.
  5. After that, there is a preliminary assembly of the door. According to its results, deviations that will need to be corrected before the final assembly are detected.
  6. If everything is done correctly, the door is finally collected using confirmants. Before that, all connecting parts are wedged with joinery glue.
  7. The last step is to install fittings.

Installing the door from the massif

To install the door from the array, the following tools will be required:

  • Roulette (for measurements).
  • Level (to monitor the correctness of the work).
  • Drill, milling mill (for hardening holes for fasteners).
  • Screwdriver.
  • Wooden wedges.
  • Installation pistol (for better and fast construction).
  • Foam assembly (for embedding joints and seams).
  • The chisel (for finishing works).
  • Circular saw (for cutting material).
  • Drills for fastening accessories.
  • Door accessories (loops, handle, castle, screws).

Phased order installation of the door from the massif:

  1. First of all, the correct measurements of the doorway should be carried out. For more accurate data, you should dismantle the old flooring and door frame. The width of the opening should be measured at several points, and then compare the data obtained. Note that on both sides it is necessary to leave the technological gaps of 5-8 cm. The height of the opening is measured taking into account the floor level (without flooring). The approximate height of the doorway is 208-210 mm.
  2. Now you need to measure the existing door canvas and side planks. Using a circular saw, delete everything too much.
  3. Collect the doorway together. Consider the clearance between the web and the box should be 3 mm. On the bottom, the gap may be greater (it depends on the thickness of the floor covering).
  4. Cut on the canvas hole under the loop and the lock. Please note that the massif canvas has a lot of weight, therefore should be installed on 3 loops.
  5. Then hanging the canvas on the box.
  6. The assembled door is fixed in the opening. For fixing, we use wooden wedges. Fasteners We produce with the help of screws and dowels. Regarding the installation is adjustable using a construction level.
  7. Slots blow mounting foam. Then we install good and platbands.

Massive door care

Rules for caring outside the array:

  1. Try so that the indoor humidity indicators are at the level of 40 to 60%.
  2. When careing do not use the means, which contains abrasive elements.
  3. Water the door surface with wax.
  4. Every 2-3 years spend the door loop adjustment.

The door from the array: photo


Massage door: video

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