Flower garden design - schemes, ideas, photos. How to make a flower garden at your own hands. How to choose a flower bed plants

May 2. Plot. Views 704. Comments To record. Flower garden design - schemes, ideas, photos. How to make a flower garden at your own hands. How to choose a flower bed plants No

The flower garden at the cottage is not only her "face", but also a place where you can relax the soul after a severe labor week or work in the garden. Nowadays there are a large number of specialists who can equip the flower garden on the household site. However, such services are a lot of money and not everyone can afford to hire a landscape designer. Contrary to the fact that many consider work on the arbitration of the flower beds, there is nothing "supernatural" in it. The most important thing is to know which plants and flowers are most organically combined with each other. Knowing it, it is quite possible to solve this task yourself. About how to make a flower bed in the country with your own hands, let's tell further.

Types of flower beds

Ideas, how to equip a beautiful flower garden in the country, there is quite a lot. It all depends on what the owner wants the owner. All flower beds can be divided into several groups:

  • Original flower beds. This group includes unusual compositions, to create organic combinations of plants, as well as other items.
  • Creative compositions. If there are old things available, they can be turned into an original flower garden. The buildings of old TVs, unused carts, wicker baskets, etc., can become an excellent basis for the future composition. Flower beds made of primary materials - an excellent and affordable solution. For them, it is better to use plants that are resistant to the lack of moisture, as it will be absolutely impossible to water them. Plants like a camneur, Eshcholtia, Cosme and Clamps are best suited for such purposes.
  • Lial flower beds. Unlike ordinary flower beds, plants in it are located vertically, and not horizontally. Alpine slides can be attributed to the longline models. Supporting for a tier flower garden can serve as a stone laying, a regular chain grid, or a construction of automotive tires, whose diameter with each tier should be less than 1 size.

  • Floating flower garden. Perfectly suitable for household plots, on which there is a natural or artificial reservoir. Make this flower garden is easy. The support for him can be a piece of foam plastic, from which an improvised raft is made. The rafts fall asleep soil in which plants are planted, not afraid of moisture oversupply. The most optimal for floating flower bed will be: Lilynik, iris swamp, host, ciprus and others.
  • Decorated flower beds. In such compositions, flowers are played non-primary roles. For decor, both decorative garden items and a girlfriend material from Chulana are used.
  • Traditional flower beds. They are setting the right form. This is usually a form of a circle or polygon. To create the design of traditional flower beds, use the minimum number of additional materials, backlighting, etc. We can safely say that this flower range reminds simple flowerbed, which can be found everywhere.

Traditional flower beds are divided into three types:

  1. Monochlery. The easiest option of a flower bed for beginners. They are planted with one variety of plants, which, as a rule, bloom in one color and at one time. The most common view of the monochloride is rosary. The most simple forms are round or rectangular flower bed.
  2. Regular and irregular flower beds. This type of flower beds is planted with various plants that can fond at the same time (regular) or at different times (irregular). The latter are most complex in landing, but allow you to enjoy the flowering of plants throughout the season.
  3. Carpet flower beds. It is arranged from a large number of different low-layer plants, which during development resemble a flowering carpet with an unusually beautiful pattern. Such flower beds are quite complex in landing and require special care. True, their beauty is worth the efforts that are applied to them.

Planning and coloring design

For almost all owners of country houses, there is always an acute question to find the site. Each flower bed is unique in its configuration - a different composition of soil, illumination, depth of groundwater. Those plants that perfectly get along in one plot may not fit on the other. So better to the question of landscape design of flower beds should be approached with special responsibility. In most cases, homeowners planning works are engaged in spring, which is not entirely true. After all, to prepare a normal flower bed plan, you need a lot of time that in the period of spring work is missing. And the work made by digesters is not always high quality. And in the fall, just enough time to assess the status of the site, make the necessary measurements and prepare a preliminary project that can be changed at will.

In order to prepare a good flower bed plan, in addition to the site configuration, it is necessary to analyze all information about the owner:

  • how many months a year he is going to live in the house,
  • does the owner have children, pets,
  • what plants are preferred, and which no,
  • whether in the site, the secluded corners or the owner prefers open spaces.

It depends on all this, is it possible to create an original plan for a flower garden or not. When all the necessary information is collected and carried out all the necessary measurements, you should prepare the graphical model of the future site. It is done using a computer or paint from hand.

The most popular flower bed projects are presented in the Scheme:

Prices for project design in different companies can differ dramatically. The most expensive and responsible part of the design - earthworks, from the qualitative execution of which the whole result depends, therefore, in order not to disappoint in it, it is better to refer to experienced designers, let their services will be more expensive.

Basic receptions of a flower garden device on a household plot

Before starting a flower bed device on a household plot, it is necessary to understand what the concepts and rules for the design of this landscape object exist. Special attention should be paid to the combinations of colors and various types and varieties of plants. It is also worth considering that different colors are blooming at different times, so if they are competent combination, it is possible to achieve an effect of a constantly blooming place.

In order to choose the most organically combined colors, you can use a special chart. It is quite simple to use it. In the circle there are various colors and shades, and several figures are inscribed in the center of the circle. Rotating them in a circle, you can find out what colors are most combined with each other. Sometimes it is not possible to choose the combined plants, in which case there is a neutral color between them - white.

The diagram is presented in Figure:

Many novice daches are confused by a flower garden and flower bed. Although, these two concepts have a lot in common, they have and a large number of differences. So, the flower garden can be planted not only by flowers, but also with perennial healing herbs and even shrubs. By the way, the latter are quite often used in flower beds and play the role of contrast. In addition to shrubs in flower beds, gravel, various sculptures and decorative objects are very often used. One of the excellent additions in flower beds can be decorative backlight. For this purpose, directed colored LED lamps are used. At the flower beds, this can be rarely met.

Also, the flower bed differs from the flower bed with its shape. If the first, as a rule, is a round shape, a little raised in the center, or the form of the correct figure, then the flower beds are often asymmetrical, bizarre outlines.

Flowers can be thematic. With the help of colors, you can make an excellent composition, for example, some animal, drawing, etc. True, such compositions are quite difficult to do, and for this you need to have extensive experience.

How to make a flower garden do it yourself

Selection of a flower bed

The easiest view of the flower bed, from which to start inexperienced flowerflowers is a seasonal flowering flowering. This simplest form that does not require a special selection of plants, which makes the task less complicated.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the flower bed. To do this, consider several parameters:

  • Location on the site. The flower garden should be located in the central part of the site, where it will be clearly visible. To split it in an invisible corner where no one can see him, no sense.
  • Illumination. Normal flowering and plant growth can not occur without sunlight. His drawback, can lubricate the whole idea. In this case, the plants may not grow well and bloom is not so bright.
  • The state of the soil. For normal growth of flowering plants, normal and fertile soil is necessary.

After the place is selected, you need to decide on the form of a flower garden. It is mainly chosen, based on the personal preferences and features of the site.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The flow of a flower bed is carried out in the following order:

  1. Selection of plants. Selects plants need depending on the conditions for their growing. It makes no sense to plant light-minded plants along with those who prefer the shadow, moisthed with drought-resistant, etc.
  2. After the flower bed project, the place and composition of the plants are chosen, you can start the beginning of its arrangement.
  3. Starting work follows from removing the layer of old turf. This is done with the help of a shovel. Then, it is mandatory to remove the roots of old plants, otherwise they will definitely germinate and spoil the appearance of the flower garden.
  4. Next, it is necessary to conduct "resuscitation" activities with the soil. So, clay soil should be diluted with sand, and light soil - concrete or clay. After that, the future flower garden is worth making fertilizers. This step will make the soil on the flower bed more fertile. The compost is stirred with sand and make a bed of flower beds.
  5. After that, it is possible to start planting plant seedlings.

For the design of a long-term flower garden, there is a certain "golden" ratio of plants. So, on 1 square meter of such a flower garden should be:

  • From 1 to 3 tall plants.
  • Up to 5 pieces of average.
  • 7 pieces of low.
  • Not more than 10 pieces of soil plants.

Popular flow of flower beds. Selection of plants

The schemes that are designed by florists, so much, so pick up the most likely flower garden scheme, quite simple. The most common circuits are round with a symmetric location of plants.

  • Tall plants are planted in the center, such as Matthiola. It is characterized by large, white buds, which are collected in small inflorescences.

  • Average plants are planted around the central part, for example, alpine forgetcoming. They have dense blossoms, and are often used in the design of borders.
  • The third round is placed lawn grass. An excellent variety for this purpose serves the oatmeal red. It has thin leaves that are intertwined, form solid green flooring. The lawn takes most of the flower bed.

  • Pansies are planted on an external contour, namely the three-color plant shape. It blooms all summer.
  • The circumference has 6 sectors, inside each of which gracefully grace.
  • Sectors surround Alternernant. Green plant with yellow-green leaves.
  • The last circumference is planted with ACHYRANTHES Verschaffelti.

Coloring flower garden. Advice

To make not just a flower garden, and the present work of art, professional flowerflowers advise:

  • Use unusual flower beds.
  • Plant high and tall plants in the form of rows.
  • Choose such plants to achieve lush and wavy flowering throughout the season.
  • Include several plants with bright and diverse foliage into flower beds.
  • Play on contrasts, mix different colors and shades.
  • Singing several plants of one species.

Flowers: Photo.


Coloring a flower garden with your own hands: Video

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