Installation of a sewage system in a private house with your own hands

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Installation of sewage in a private house with your own hands is a relevant issue for many homeowners. After all, the sewage system ensures waste disposal, and as a result, causes the presence of environmental and aesthetic purity in the country site. If we consider the scheme of arrangement of sewage systems, then it consists of the inner and outer part. Internal sewage is all elements that are located directly in the house: bathroom, pipes, drain tanks and drains. But the external system is a way to arrange waste disposal outside the house. In this case, the sewage system can be both individual and collective. More information about the characteristics and installation of the sewage pipes with your own hands - let's tell you further.

Types and characteristics of sewer systems


It is worth saying that not all modern cottage villages are connected to the central sewage. Therefore, the owner of each country site independently solves the problem of waste flow. Most often equip the wastewater disposal system according to individual type. However, before performing the installation of sewage in the house with their own hands, you should familiarize yourself with all the options for wastewater.

There are two types of sewer systems:

  • Individual.
  • Collective.

Local sewer in the country house according to individual type can be mounted using accumulative tanks or treatment facilities. Cumulative capacity is the easiest option. Its volume fluctuates from 3000 l to 15000 liters. In this case, the tank is buried under the ground and all the drains are supplied to it. In the case of filling such a container, it is cleared (pumped out) by a specialized machine.


Claimed facilities include: septic tanks, aerotanes, a station of extensive biochemical cleaning. Septic is a 2 or 3-chamber container, in the first chamber of which particles settle, and then, under the influence of substances, their decomposition occurs. Septica, to provide high-quality cleaning, after 4-6 years it is necessary to change the filter elements. Aerotenks and stations of complex biochemical purification are characterized by a higher quality and high degree of cleaning and disposal of waste. However, such treatment facilities do not differ cheap use.

Collective and centralized sewage systems. This variant of wastewater leads is most profitable and convenient for owners of country houses. In this case, each home ownership when concluding a special agreement connects to urban treatment facilities.

Installation of the sewage system with your own hands

Planning a sewage system in a private house


The very first stage in the installation of the outer sewage is your own handicrafts and design. The scheme should take into account the individual features of the main building and the surrounding area. Without a competently composed project, mounted sewage will not meet all the necessary operational standards and requirements. The diagram must contain all components of the system, their dimensions, connection method, etc.

The sewage system consists of several components:

  • Outdoor stock. It serves to drive wastewater to the central sewer network. If there is no common drainage system on the site, then the outdoor stock can be brought to the cesspool or septic.
  • Wiring. It serves to lead and harvest wastewater emanating from household devices placed in the house.
  • End consumers.

When drafting the sewage scheme, it should be envisaged if necessary, the installation of a pumping pump for forced wastewater collection, as well as an independent system to master the rain and melt waters.

Montage of drain pit


The cesspool is necessary if the plot on which the country house was built is not supplied to the overall drainage system. If there is an opportunity and means, naturally, it will be better to install a septic in this case, rather than dig a conventional drain pit. However, if there is no such possibility, then when installing a cesspool should adhere to several important sanitary and hygienic rules:

  • The cesspool should be located at a distance of 5-6 meters from the main building, it should be removed from the fence at least 2.5 meters.
  • If there is a drinking well nearby, the pit should be pulled out no closer than 30 m from it, otherwise there may be leaked.
  • The distance between the water supply system and the sewage runoff should not be less than 4 m.
  • The walls of the cesspool should be placed under a slight bias. On average, 1 m sewage pipe is made to 3 cm. Consequently, the height difference between the input points and the pipe output at a distance of 50 m will be about 15 cm.
  • In order to not clean the cesspool too often and at the same time do not feel the unpleasant smell at home, it is necessary to properly provide its dimensions. So, on average, 1 person living in a private house should have 0.5 m3. Consequently, on a family of 4 people should dig a pit with a volume of at least 2 m3.
  • Once a quarter should be cleaned with a waste pit, so that harmful substances are not absorbed into the surrounding soil. You can extend the cleaning frequency up to 1 time in six months, if you install on the septic tank. This should be considered when installing the inner sewer house with hands.

Installation of septic sealing system


Installation of septicism will cost somewhat more expensive than the installation of a drain pit. However, this option is considered to be one of the most convenient. After all, the water that has passed the stage of purification, as well as the tempering, can then be used for watering and fertilizing the garden. However, note that water can not be used for irrigation, which remained after washing with the use of detergents and cleaning agents containing chemicals in its composition. For such water, it is best to equip a separate stock.

  • Septic is mounted at a depth of 1.7 m. It is necessary to install it at a certain distance from the house. Typically, this distance is about 6 m.
  • The walls of the pit shouted to install the septica, best bonded with concrete slabs or bricks. This is necessary in order to prevent their collapse when the soil movement.
  • By installing pipe wiring when installing sewage in the apartment with your own hands or in a private house, it is recommended to make a direct stock in which it will be at a minimum of turns and knees.
  • Pipes are depicted at a depth of 75-85 cm from the surface of the soil.

Installation of outdoor sewer system


As with any other installation work, the installation of the outer sewer system begins from the design stage. The project takes into account the following individual characteristics of the site:

  • The degree of freezing of the soil.
  • The probability of soil shift.
  • Soil density.
  • The magnitude of the mechanical pressure on the soil.

Pipes should be labeled below the level of water freezing, otherwise, with the onset of cold weather, the liquid flowing through the sewer system will freeze and the plot is formed. The appearance of congestion is possible even if the pipes are laid under a slope. On average, normal water patency in the pipeline can be ensured if the slope of sewage drains will be an average of 2.5 cm per messenger pipe meter. With this location of the pipeline, water will pass through the pipes with good speed, and at the same time on the walls of the structures will not stick a solid precipitate.


Several types of pipes are used to arrange internal and external sewage:

  • Cast iron. Used most often when laying sewage at industrial enterprises, stocks in which can contain aggressive chemicals. Such structures are reliable and durable. Due to their considerable cost, they rarely apply in private houses when installing sewage in the bathroom with their own hands.
  • Steel. Used extremely rare, as such structures are quite massive and subject to corrosion.
  • Plastic. Apply most often. Meet the optimal ratio of price and quality of the product. Used for laying and internal and external sewer systems.

If you plan to connect a private house to the central sewer system, then you must collect a package of resolution documents in the relevant authorities. Usually, permits are obtained in regional companies engaged in the maintenance of sewage treatment plants and ensuring wastewater acceptance. In addition, the installation of the pipeline and the scheme of pipe gasket should be coordinated with the owners of neighboring houses. Perhaps in your case there will be more profitable collective connection of private houses to a common sewer drain, because in this case you can save very well.

Installation of internal sewage with your own hands


Plastic pipes are used for mounting internal sewage. They meet all the necessary operational requirements. Pipe wiring is connected to end users (to toilet bowl, sink, to washing machine, etc.). For each of the consumers, it is recommended to use pipes of various sizes. For example, pipes are used to connect the toilet, the diameter of which is more than 100 mm, and for the sink and the bathroom there is enough construction with a diameter of 50 mm.

Sometimes to ensure a beautiful aesthetic appearance of the bathroom or bathroom, the pipes are hidden in the thickness of the wall. In this case, the water supply is mandatory to be insulated with corrugated, fiberglass or mineral fiber.

Caliation installation with your own hands: video

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