Fencing for flower do it yourself

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Flowerbed is a simple and cute decoration of any garden. Make a flowerbed more accurate and decorative will help the original hedge. So as not to spend money on expensive materials, the fence can always be made independently from what is at hand. In this article we will give some interesting ideas to create a fence for flower beds with their own hands.

Why make a border for flower beds

The decoration of the flower garden has not only a decorative goal, but also performs a number of practical tasks:

  1. Thanks to the fences, even the most different types of flower beds can be brought to a single stylistic solution. Thus, in terms of design, the garden will look like one piece.
  2. Flowerbed, designed by a border, looks careful, neat.
  3. Thanks to the fence, decorative plants are always inside the flower bed and do not grow beyond its limits.
  4. With the help of borders, you can zonify your garden into several functional sites.
  5. For a sufficiently high fence, cats and other small animals that can damage your cultures will not imbued.


Wood fenceboards

The easiest way to build a fence for flower beds from priest materials - so you do not have to specifically go for construction materials and spend money. The wilderness of wood is looking for the most natural and naturally in the garden: stakes, boards, rods or something like that. Such fences are optimally harmonized with any species of cultures. Among other things, in the winter months, wood is not so much frightened as a stone or metal, which means that the roots of the plants during the hibernation will be protected from freezing.

As a fence for a flower garden, you can build a low woven from IV branches and durable pegs. Natural material can be found, for example, near the reservoir, where willows grow most often. The creation of a wicker fence will require time and small experience, but it just gives such a fence for more than one year. If you decide to make a wicker fence for flower beds with your own hands, cut off the bucks in the spring when the bark is easier with them. The work process can be briefly described in the form of stages:

  1. Prepare a sufficient number of rods, take a bark with them and hang branches up to one length.
  2. Along the perimeter of the flower garden at a short distance from each other, stroke a wooden pegs with a diameter of about 3 cm. Cheing should also be the same height. They need to have them at an equal distance, and the closer you post them, the stronger the woven.
  3. Put the pegs with rods on the principle of creating a basket. Through 4 rows, catch the design with the hammer, so that the branches were tightly pressed to each other.
  4. The ends of the rod for greater strength can be fixed with small nails.

Another way to create a fence for flowerbeds or beds with your own hands implies the use of logs, namely, short chumbs. It is desirable that the chumbachk was about the same diameter and height. You need to put them in the ground. It is necessary to securely at least 20 cm deep into the fence for a long time. Creating such a fence we describe step by step:

  1. Around the flower garden dig a groove of the desired depth and width, taking into account the size of the logs.
  2. Install the scrabbles as close as possible to each other.
  3. Pour the groove of the earth and thoroughly construct it. Cold on logs with a hammer so that they are stronger in the soil.

All logs before work is better to handle antiseptics or paint, to extend the service life of the fence.

From the boards you can make a small decorative fence. To do this, take the wooden planks or one thickness of one thickness and cut out curly blanks from them. Then come to the boards across, thereby fixing the items at the same distance from each other. Perform several such sections, treat with antiseptic protective facilities. On the perimeter of the flower beds, in the perimeter of the columns and attach part of the fence with the help of nails or screws. For beauty, the fence can be painted or opened with varnish.




Decorative fences for clumbbe of stone and brick do it yourself

You can make a flower garden not only wooden, but also stone materials. Then the fence will be more durable and last longer, without requiring any care. One of the most simple ways to decorate the plot - the creation of a fence for a clumba of bricks with their own hands. To work it will take the brick itself, cement or adhesive solution, insulating material and the corresponding tools. Let us describe the process of creating a brick fence:

  1. On the perimeter of the flower bed in the ground dig a trench of a small depth.
  2. It is compacted and covered with insulating material.
  3. Then bricks are placed in the trench. They can be put on the edge or corner, alternate details of different colors, to get some kind of drawing, etc.
  4. If you want to make a high fence of several rows of bricks, fasten them with each other with cement or suitable glue.
  5. At the end of the work, the free space in the trench falls asleep the earth and tamper.

Brick fences look neatly, clearly outline the borders of the flower garden, they are made quickly and easily. However, brick can not be called a very durable material. From the water and temperature drops, it begins to crumble and disintegrate into pieces. Sometimes bricks are striking with moss, which can be viewed both as a flaw, and as an addition to the design of flower beds.

It is possible to originate a flower garden with a concrete solution. In the literal sense, this will not succeed in a real fence, but a visually concrete kant well highlights the borders of the flower and divides the area to the zones. Among other things, such a border does not give plants to go beyond their territory and does not allow weeds to germinate within the borders of the flower beds.

Fencing for flower beds can be made of stone. In the garden it will look very nice, because the natural stone is an interesting element of landscape design. You can pick up a round or uneven stones for the fence, angular shape. The details are desirable to fasten with a cement mortar, so that the border turned out to be stronger and not collapsed over the years. Large stones are better to bu in the ground, breathing under them a small hole, can be just glued to each other with concrete with the addition of special glue. From flat stones you can build a hedge, putting elements on each other.




Firewall from curb

The decorative fence for flowerbeds can be made with their own hands from the primary means, and you can buy a ready-made border tape intended for such purposes. The curb ribbon is sold in rolls and has different dimensions, shades, forms. By purchasing a suitable option, you can easily install it on the site. To work, you will use the roulette, shovel, scissors and stapler.

By choosing a similar option for fencing, be sure to evaluate the quality of the plastic before buying. The cheapest and low-quality material is fragile, quickly burns under the sun, will turn the breakdown. In addition, low-quality plastic is often toxic and can harm plants.



Original methods of formation of flower beds

Make a fence for a flower garden can be from ordinary empty bottles, both plastic and glass. The main thing is that the container was one form and size. To give a bottle of stability, they need to fill with sand or other bulk material. Then, tightening the lids, keep the bottles of necks down about half of their height. Plastic container for greater decorative can be covered with paint. In this way, you can make a flat or wavy fence, alternate bottles of different colors.

A sufficiently strong fence for flowerbeds can be made with their own hands from slate if unnecessary trimming are in the farm. To make a fence, dig around the flower bed perimeter Trench, install in it at an equal distance durable pegs and using slate fragments separate the borders of the flower beds. Free space fill in the ground and thoroughly misst. Similarly, it is possible to make a fence and sheets of professional flooring.

For flower beds, the so-called "live fence" of ornamental plants is fully suitable. For such a goal, appropriate cultures are selected. As a rule, these are low shrubs with a dense crown and good branching, painlessly carrying trimming, opposing weed plants. The fence from living plants is obtained natural and very attractive.

Fences for flower beds do it yourself, photo:







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