How to make a cesspool with your own hands

August 7. Repair and construction work Views 2132. 1 comment to record how to make a cesspool with your own hands

The cesspool is an integral component of a comfortable stay at the cottage or in a private house. If there is no possibility to connect to the urban sewer system, you should take care of an alternative solution. Make a cesspool with your own hands - the task is not simple. But if you want to fully enjoy the pastime at the cottage at any time of the year, you will have to work a little. In this article we will describe in detail about all the ways to arrange a cesspool.

Types of cesspools

In the city, the issue of disposal of household wastewater and waste is solved quite simply - this is engaged in a communal economy, and to make the sewer, you just need to call the masters. In the case of the organization of such a system in the private sector, everything is more complicated.

Cell whales are different, and the choice depends not so much from financial capabilities as from the specifics of the use and volume of wastewater. For a large house where 3-5 people constantly live, a roomy septic tank is needed or a local cleaning station. For more modest country houses, there is enough simple cesspool.

Speaking of the most simple structures, it is impossible not to mention the predecessor of all modern systems for wastewater disposal. We are talking about a simple pit in the ground, the walls of which are cooled by clay and are strengthened by boards. Wooden barrels, which have drunk in soil, metal tanks, containers and any other suitable containers came to replace this design. Today, this method is also actively used, but spacious plastic tanks came to shift the barrels. They can be installed in the event that the daily volume of the drain does not exceed 1 m³.


You can make the most ordinary cesspool for the toilet, but in some cases their arrangement contradicts sanitary and epidemiological norms, and to use them, to put it mildly, not quite convenient. This and nothing - many inexpensive and practical options are invented today.

It is clear that each owner of the country house wants to save as much money on the cesspool's device. Below we will consider in detail the most actual ways, among which you will definitely find the right one.

Depending on the design features, cesspools are absorbing and hermetic. Septics are also designed to collect and filter wastewater, but they are more complex from a technical point of view.

The absorbing waste pits do not have the bottom, so the drains falling into them are grossly cleaning with a layer of sand, crushed stone, bits of bricks or other bulk material, capable of performing a filter function. This option is the most economical, and and make it with your own hands will not be much difficulty. Partial infiltration allows you to reduce the frequency of the challenge of the associates to a minimum. One such pits can only be built if the volume of wastewater is small, and there is no water technique (washing machines, jacuzzi, etc.). Otherwise, the Earth will not be able to absorb so much fluid.


Sealed cesspools are waterproof tanks made of concrete, brick, plastic or other materials. As they fill them, they must be emptied by causing an assessing machine. The tightness of the structure makes it possible to avoid the spread of unpleasant odors in the site, but after the pit it is necessary to constantly monitor that it does not overflow. If a lot of water is consumed in the house, resort to this method is impractical, because the container will be quickly filled, and the services of the surveyors will "fall into a penny".


The fastest and easy way to make a hermetic cesspool is the purchase of a roomy plastic container. It is buried in the ground, and on top set the hatch to pump outlets.

Preparatory work

Despite the fact that technologies are developing with a breathtaking speed, and human civilization is in full bloom, some aspects of life it did not touch. To carry out centralized sewage to the village or the village is very difficult, so many are still forced to do cesspools.

Choosing a location

Whatever the design you choose, it is very important to find the right place for her, otherwise all efforts will go as shock. There is a special SNiP for this, in which the requirements and standards of the cesspool for a residential building are described in detail.

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If briefly, the pit must be at least 12 meters from the house, but as close as possible to the fence or access road, so that the assessing agents can freely do their work. If you make a bottomless plums with a rough filtration system, you should take care to take care to the distance from the cesspool to sources of drinking water (well, wells) was the maximum possible. Consider the constant direction of the wind so that unpleasant smells do not interfere with you or neighbors.

Calculation of cesspool

When you were determined with the location of the future cesspool, you can proceed to the calculation of its size. It should be repeated from the number of people permanently residing in the house. If an adult middleweight consumes about 180 liters of water, then a family of 3 per month will produce 12 cubic meters of wastewater. Since the volume is better to take with a reserve, then the cesspool of such a family should accommodate at least 18 cubic meters.


The second one to pay attention to, the presence of in the house of equipment working with water - washing and dishwashers, jacuzzi, etc. Mechanical composition of the soil also plays an important role and affects the dimensions of the future pit. If your plot is on a light soil, for example, with Mergele, then water will be well seen, and can be taken for the volume of cesspool 40% of the drain per month. If the house is on clay or solid soil, which misses moisture, then the volume will be required with a margin exceeding the monthly rate.

The depth of the cesspool should be no more than 3 m, while the distance between the surface and the hatch should be about a meter so that the drains do not break out.

Construction of cesspool

If there is no opportunity to use the benefits of central sewage, why not make a maximum in order to feel comfortable in your own country house? We invite you to consider a few simple but effective ways, how to make a cesspool.

Brick Yama

The most difficult thing in the construction of any cesspool is to pull the pit. Without large specialized equipment, get rid of several dozen cubic meters of land will not be easy. Therefore, if you do not have familiar excavators, take a shovel and bring patience. The best option will dig a drain pit during the construction of the foundation.


For the construction of a brick cesspool, only a red burned brick is better to use, since it is better to withstand the impact of moisture and has greater durability compared to other species.

The scheme of the construction of a cesspool is quite simple:

  1. Make marking on Earth in accordance with the dimensions of the future pit.
  2. Remove the fertile layer of the soil and distribute it on the site.
  3. Drop the pit with smooth vertical walls. The lands will turn out a lot, so it needs to take it somewhere, leaving only a 1.5 cubic meter to create a mound over hatch.
  4. If you do a hermetic design, the bottom of the pit is better to concrete. After filling and aligning the cement-sand mixture, leave it to dry it for 10 days.
  5. Now you can upload walls. This is an excellent opportunity for newcomers to practice in brickwork, because its external look here does not matter. Place bricks with a staggered shift on a cement-lining of the corners.
  6. The second responsible stage of the work is the installation of the hole overlap. To do this, on the perimeter, remove the soil layer with a thickness of 20 cm to form an additional support for the reinforced concrete plate.
  7. Use professional flooring to create formwork. Route it all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future plate and around the perimeter of the hatch.
  8. Place the rear of the reinforcement with a step of 10-15 cm, and the intersections tie a rigid wire.
  9. Fill overlap by cement-sandy solution in proportions 1: 3. Cement Use no less than M400.
  10. After the fill, advise the coating in several places so as not to allow the formation of air emptiness (they reduce the strength of the overlap).
  11. Leave the concrete to stick a couple of days, periodically splashing it with water to prevent too fast evaporation of moisture and cracking. When the surface is slightly grabbed above, moisten it and cover with a polyethylene film. Leave in this state for 3-4 weeks until complete drying.
  12. After the specified period, remove the formwork and lay the walls with bricks.
  13. Shuffle them from the outside and wake the bitumen.
  14. Floating the surface over the hatch and scatter.

Bottomless pit

The design is similar to the previous one, except that the bottom is missing. In some cases, not only the metal grid is laid in order to delay major particles of uncleanness. Walls are also laid by brick, but by the method in Pollockich. It turns out a less stable design, but it will be better to divert wastewater, and the cost is very low.

To save even more, use the firm and used materials. For example, instead of an ordinary slag block, use inexpensive semi-blocks. Instead of bitumen mastic for waterproofing walls from within, dear their fat natural clay.


Such a pit will serve you about 20 years when operating. After it may take point repair, but not more. It does not have to pump out too often, because due to the lack of bottom, water is moving into the ground, and only large fractions remain in the pit.

Of the minuses, you can allocate the fact that the pit over time will overcome the sludge, so after pumping it is recommended to additionally clean and disinfect.

Concrete Yama

Make a cesspool from concrete is much more expensive than from the brick, and the time it goes down much more, but the result will benefit every effort. There are two varieties of such structures: a cesspool of concrete rings and a solid one.

In the first case, the bottom of the pit is poured with a concrete tie, and the concrete rings of the corresponding diameter are placed on it. You can build such a pit very quickly, but work will require the participation of large construction equipment and several people. This design refers to hermetic type, so consider that the assessing agents will have to be called quite often.

We offer to watch a video about a cesspool from concrete rings, built on a plot with a high level of groundwater surrounding:

It is more difficult to make a solid pit, because not only the bottom, but it is necessary to rein it, and then pour concrete. With horizontal surfaces of difficulties, even a newbie will not arise, but it will not be easy to make a smooth and durable pocket walls in a few meters. The principle of work resembles the construction of the foundation, when they make formwork, put into it the arm of the reinforcement and poured with cement-sandy solution. After the walls harde (3-4 weeks), they should be covered with waterproofing material. With this task, bitumen mastic or liquid rubber will perfectly cope.


A solid lies in durability "surpasses" any other. Moreover, she can serve longer at home. It is also environmentally friendly, since it is completely isolated and does not produce sewage to the ground. It does not clog it, therefore, over time, the volume will not decrease. Unfortunately, pumping off wastewater from such a pit will have no less often than from brick or plastic, and the price is several times higher.

Pit from tires

What is common between cesspool and old tires? The response to this question will be the common "Lifehak", which invented resourceful dacms to save money, forces and precious time.

To build such a design, cut the recovery of the required depth and a diameter of a little more than the diameter of the automotive tire. Then fold the tires with a stack before filling the pit, install the elementary overlap from the waterproof material and the hatch.


How to make a cesspool, without spending a penny? Contact your nearest tireage - perhaps, there you will be given old unnecessary tires completely free. The durability of such a design is impressive - the pit will serve 20-25 years without repair. Tires are better to use from passenger cars. They are strong, waterproof and durable.

Disadvantages of the "covered" pit are also present. First, a strong bandwidth (water is seeping between the tires and through the bottom) can adversely affect the soil state. Secondly, the pit is strongly stuck, so it must often be cleaned. Thirdly, the tires can start grew if you do not pump out unclean.

We described the most common ways to make a cesspool in a private house so that you can appreciate all their advantages, shortcomings and choose the most suitable option. It reminds that before this, the calculation of the required volume should be calculated - the nature of the design and the scale of the upcoming work will depend on it.

Cellava: photo

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One answer to how to make a cesspool with your own hands

  1. Michael:

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