Snow removal

January 28. Instruments, Plot. Views 3416. Comments to recording snow removal machine No

Snowmobile equipment is intended to clean the site before the cottage, house, around the trade or industrial structure. Today, models manufactured by MTD, Husqvarna, Patriot, Champion, Huter, as well as other manufacturers are most popular.

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All snow cleaning devices are divided into:


  • self-propelled snow removal machines;
  • Non-intended snow removal machines.


Device of this species

Snowmobile machines whose price may vary depending on the manufacturer and the volume of work performed, are quite easy to operate.


  • tracked chassis or wheel;
  • device for emissions and snow fence;
  • engine;
  • Depending on the model, the engine can be equipped with a motor from 3 hp.

Thanks to the engine, a screw is driven - a rod having inclined blades or screw walls. When the snowplow moves along the site, the snow is captured by a special auger device and is fed into the bunker, which is equipped with a powerful impeller. Next, the snow is spread or exported to another place.

Depending on the model, equipment for the cleaning of snow can be equipped with additional devices that make it easier to operate and increasing the possibilities of technology.

In addition, the electric or gasoline snow removal can have a variety of capturing mechanism parameters - the velocity of the territory and the amount of retractable snow depends on it. Many models are equipped with a special turning box, which provides a change in emission directions.

Also, a snow removal cunning or rotary machine may have a device for separate control wheels, which makes it easier for its turn in the snow. Some models are equipped with a special brush that allows you to clear the pavement tracks.

According to the snow cleaning method, snow removal equipment is divided into:

  • two-step (in addition to the screw is used by the rotor);
  • Single-stage (main working mechanism - auger).

Types of movement of snow removal techniques:


  • wheeled method (optimal choice for flat terrain, but it is a little more difficult to manage);
  • A tracked method (has a good clutch with a surface, but is not very maneuverable).


Types of snow-fitting equipment:

Self-propelled snow removal machine

This type of device is able to eliminate drifts, thanks to excellent maneuvering. Special self-propelled mechanism does not imply special physical efforts, so any person can do snow cleaning. By weight, they practically do not differ from other non-intended structures, but in this case you save not only time, but also enjoy the cleaning process.


  • mobile;
  • the premium for switching speeds;
  • Easy to work, thanks to the presence of jackets management;
  • light;
  • Cleaning snow of different density.



  • considerable fuel costs for large amounts of work;
  • When cleaning or decorative coatings, the teeth scratch their surface.

Noncommose snow removal machinery

In its design there is no wheel drive, respectively, it should be moved independently, applying some effort.


  • there is an electric motor;
  • Gasoline two or four-stroke engine.

In this case, the motors have a very small capacity - from 3.5-5 hp

This type has a dedicated single stage snowthrower snow trapping mechanism, which is scattered in the part of about 500 cm. Augers positioned rubber pads to facilitate movement of the device.


  • throw snow at 300-500 cm;
  • if small areas there is a significant savings of manpower and resources;
  • rapid and easy cleaning;
  • special coating rubber does not damage the surface.


  • Estimated costs a lot of effort, especially on uneven ground;
  • the inability to harvest the frozen and packed snow.

Electric snowblower


The main advantage of this type of technology - light weight tool.


  • constant dependent on the length of the wire;
  • a short circuit may occur due to contact with the snow;
  • It has voltage stability (instead of 220 gives 170 V or 250 V)

Petrol snowblower



  • It has a high maneuverability;
  • cleans large areas;
  • fully autonomous.

This type of snow thrower is selected solely by professionals.

A small overview of well-known manufacturers of snowplows:

Snowblower Mtd


It is a high quality and reliable equipment, which is designed for cleaning okolodomovoy territory. This brand snowplow equipped with an engine on 3,5-7,6 hp and manufactured in Europe, the US and Canada. The company exclusively uses innovative technology and skilled professionals who are responsible for the excellent work equipment. Domestic snow-plow of the firm are of several types:

  • MTD M61 (propelled);
  • MTD M56 (propelled);
  • MTD M53 (self-propelled).

Husqvarna snowblower


This type of technology is presented in the form of a communal garden equipment. Different environmental friendliness, reliability and excellent quality. Husqvarna snow machines are produced in different parts of the world, but the company's main office is located in Sweden. Representatives of this technology are:

  • model Husqvarna 5524ST (designed for cleaning heavy layers of snow over large areas);
  • model ST 121E (suitable for cleaning small layers of fresh snow).

Snowblower Patriot


Designed for cleaning medium and small areas. Can be of several types:

  • self-propelled;
  • track;
  • wheel;
  • combined type;
  • manual;
  • electrical, etc.

It is easy to cope with the cleaning and the folk of packed snow.

Snow machines Champion


This type of snowplows mark connoisseurs of comfort and quality of life. Depending on the model, there may be 1-2 rear speeds and up to five front speeds. Engine power from 6.5-13 hp, screw width - 1140 mm.

Huter snow blower


HUTER is one of the German leaders specializing in electrical equipment. HUTER snow removal equipment is designed to clean snow in medium sections, differs in high quality durability. Excellent copes with wet, closed, zabeled and dense snow.

How snow removal machine works:

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