Coating roof slate

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Despite the fact that the range of roofing materials is constantly updated and expanded, slate from asbestoscent is in constant demand. This material is great for the arrangement of any type of building.

What happens slate

Slate release form:

  • flat
  • wavy. shifer_Volnovoj.

How to choose?

When choosing, consider the following criteria:

  • Sheet thickness (from 5.5 to 10 mm)
  • Number of waves (from 5 to 8 pieces)
  • Length of sheets (120-330 cm)
  • Width (from 68.6 to 122 cm)
  • Wave height (2.8-13.5 cm)
  • Weight (9-98 kg)
  • Wave step (11.5-25 cm).


Note that all sizes are governed by GOST 30340-95 standards. But, keep in mind the tendency of some manufacturers to improve the material, because of which the number of species is even more expanding. Pay attention to the parameters of the directly selected company.

How to overlap the roof of the slate?

Before starting all the work, pay attention to the photo coating of the roof with slate and the scheme to clearly imagine the design in the process of creating and the estimated end result.


1 - Stropil
2 - insulation
3 - anti-condensate film
4 - Controlling
5 - Obesetka
6 - slate.


The whole process consists of several types of work, whose sequence is clearly defined:

  1. Preparatory work:
    • preparation of equipment
    • preparation of the rafter system
    • choosing a way of laying
    • calculation of the number of roofing material
    • sawing materials
  2. Installation and fastening of slate. Olympus Digital Camera.

How to make roof coverage with your own hands?

The technology is very simple and does not require vocational training. But, despite this, the study of all the conditions of the process must necessarily, otherwise the result will not correspond to the specified parameters of strength and durability. 1385725971_izgotovlenie-Srubov-Domov

How much does the roof cost from slate?

Note that the cost of covering the roof with slate is fully regulated by the design area and the quality of the material. The recommended type of leaf to arrange a conventional reliable web - 8-wave profile material with the following parameters:

  • length - 175 cm
  • weight - 26.1 kg
  • width - 113 cm
  • wave height - 4 cm
  • wave step - 15 cm
  • thickness - 5.8 mm. slate sizes

But, make the final choice yourself, given the nuances of the structure. The cost of covering the roof with slate in this case will vary in accordance with preferences, since the range of sizes of all parameters is very wide.

Important! To get acquainted, keep in mind that when ordering a professional slate styling in construction companies, the average price of the service is 150-300 rubles for 1m2.


Preparatory work

In order to properly equip the roof, follow the recommendations below for its creation and perform all types of work neatly and alternately.


Tool preparation

To coat the roof with slate, prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • Slate sheets
  • Bulgarian
  • Knife
  • Spray
  • Drill
  • Knife
  • Roofing selflessness
  • Roofing nails
  • Hammer
  • Measuring tool
  • Slate galvanized nails
  • Cord
  • Saw
  • Lining for crates
  • Screwdriver
  • Acrylic paint
  • Anti-condensate film
  • Screwdriver
  • Antiseptic for wood
  • Stapler with brackets
  • Moisture meter
  • Lumber for crates: 7,5х7,5 cm bars for straight profile, 6.8x12 cm for wavy
  • Boards for the crate of complex places of the roof of 60x60 mm. Preimushhestva-Prokata-Stroitelnogo-Instrumenta1

Installation of the rafter system

The main condition of this process is the design of the correct design of the crate, given the characteristics of the material.


  1. Check the level of moisture of wood materials before starting work.

    Important! Indicators within the norm - no more than 15%.

  2. Use moisture meter for this.
  3. See all the bars if the indicators are overestimated.

    Important! Mount the roof frame exclusively from high quality materials to ensure the proper level of strength.

  4. Treat all boards by antiseptic.
  5. Wait for drying.
  6. Create a layer of waterproofing using an anti-condensate film.
  7. Win it horizontally along the rafters, the lanes of the brass in such a way that each subsequent row overlap the previous one in the direction to the scene or vertically if the design and dimensions of the roof are allowed. gi2.

    Important! Such technology will exclude moisture inwards.

  8. The distance overhangs to withstand within 10-15 cm.
  9. Secure the waterproofing film at extreme rafters of brackets using a stapler with a distance between 15-20 cm mounts.

    Important! Do optional further fixation along the rafter using small bars.

  10. Make the shaft step on the end rafters along the entire slope.

    Important! The size of the gaps between the bars is regulated by the category and parameters of the material. The standard value for slate with a wave-like profile is 70-80 cm, with direct - 40-50 cm.

  11. Mount all the elements of the crate in the direction from the sink to the skit, sticking to the specified step. installation_Bexture

    Important! It is recommended to use a timber to the bottom overhang slightly larger than the other timber constructions. Typically, the difference is up to 15 mm in cross section.

  12. Each second beam toward the ridge to be higher than the previous (the difference between the odd and even elements - 3 cm).

    Important! Install special blank-pads to comply with this requirement.

  13. Secure sequentially with nails, the cap pushing it into the thickness of the material, with screws.
  14. Check the level of consistency of the parameters at the end of the work.
  15. Create a crate of tightly packed boards of smaller section in all difficult places (horse, skylights, valleys).

The choice of stacking technology

There are two methods:

Important! The first is perfect for short-lived spans along the sink, but with a wide skate from the skate to the eaves.The second apply if the roof is characterized by large length parameters, but low scap.

Calculation of slate sheets

Rehend to the process of miscalculation very carefully, the economic profitability of slate application completely depends on this.

Important! When calculating, consider not only the parameters specified in the design plan. For the correct calculation, measure the roof frame itself directly. At the same time, increase the length of the slope, given the technology of resetting water from the roof: 20-25 cm in the presence of drainage grooves and 50 cm in their absence.



  1. The resulting magnitude of the span length along the sink is divided into the size of the sheet width.
  2. Add 13% of the standard overrun to this amount.
  3. The height of the skate is divided into the size of the length of the sheet.
  4. Add to the result of 10%.
  5. Multiply both values \u200b\u200bto find out the amount of material for one side of the roof.
  6. Calculate the amount of consumable material for the rest of the roof.
  7. Fold all the figures received.
  8. Example of calculation: harakteristiki_shifera.

Sawing materials

Perform this job with any tool convenient to you:

  • Knife
  • Corner Schlifmashina
  • Electrolovsky

Perform a cutting in accordance with the selected installation technology:

  1. When shifting joints, prepare the desired number of sheets, half the width, based on the number of rows at the height of the skate.
  2. Curlee, taking into account the styling of each even series using half the sheet at the beginning and end.
  3. When trimming angles, calculate the number of sheets in which the trimming will be required only one-sided slice.
  4. The number of such parts will correspond to a double number of rows in the skate (each first and last sheet of the row - with one integer edge). shifer-Cvetnoj-Volnovoj

Store the following recommendations in the process:

  1. Use a protective respiratory mask to avoid getting harmful asbestos dust into the respiratory tract.
  2. Wash pre-water from the cutting space pulverizer.
  3. Carefully contact the material, slate - durable, but fragile.
  4. Save the length at which the strength of the sheet will not be lost - minimum 60 cm.
  5. Treat all sections of acrylic paint.

Video sawing video sifer

Slafer Roof Coating Technology

Each technology has its own nuances, but the general principles of actions are identical.


Instructions for laying slate

  1. Prepare all materials.
  2. Remove the protective film from the slate material.

    Important! If they decided to pre-paint asbestos sheets, start all installation work only after complete drying.

  3. Tension the cord along the cornice line.
  4. Make holes for fasteners in all slate sheets.

    Important! Note that the mounting place for slate laying is fundamentally:

    • for 7-wave - 2 and 5 protrusions
    • for 8-wave - 2 and 6 protrusions. P9070014.
  5. To withstand the gaps between the holes in length at 10 cm.
  6. Drill diameter Take 2-3 mm larger diameter of nails.
  7. Mount the first row along the sink line from any convenient end.
  8. Each subsequent sheet should "range" to the previous one wave.

    Important! Strictly adhere to one direction of the allen sheets towards the most frequent wind direction. napravlenie-Kladki-Shifera

  9. Fasten with slate nails with special plastic or rubber linings. pic_3
  10. Do not drive the nails too tight.

    Important! Do not use for this purpose, ordinary nails, otherwise - it is likely crumbling slate, which not only provide the flooring strength, but do not allow to perform installation at the appropriate level. In addition, it leads to a significant waste of material.

  11. Second row and all subsequent even-numbered rows start in half a sheet if applied technologies with Extension joints.

    Important! Each subsequent series of ramp width overlap by 15-20 cm in the direction down to the eaves. 1330502168_krovlya12

  12. When using the method with cut corners, leave a gap between slices 2-4 mm. vezm14-33
  13. Each of the first and the last leaf from the end of the whole party to attach the eaves.
  14. Paint spray roof if desired to give greater attractiveness of the building.

Video painting slate

Recommendations for the design of complex scenes

  1. Everything for the ridge to make a separate cutting slate of individual waves or use special metal profiles.
  2. Mount on both sides of the ridge to the wood batten.
  3. Make an iron apron around the ventilation, firefighters, chimney pipes. grandline_dymohod.
  4. Laying slate Make over the iron ring.
  5. All gaps treat mastic.

Roof cover with slate video

On the applied video, the entire process of arranging slate roof is set out.

Technology layout and fastening slate clearly visible on the following video


Be careful when the roof is arranged. Not only the strength of the roof itself, but the whole building, is completely dependent on the quality of the work performed. In addition, the "roofing pie" properly performed will allow you to easily control the microclimate of the room in any season.


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