Ribbon Fundament Fill Technology

February 2. Foundation Views 1821 Comments To record the technology of filling a belt foundation No

The most popular view of the foundation is the belt. He was largely distributed due to its simplicity. A simple ribbon base is suitable only for low one-storey houses, agricultural buildings. For more cumbersome buildings, the basis of a more complex design, which is a swelled belt foundation. How to fill the ribbon foundation with your own hands, consider further.

Characteristics of belt foundation

Pentax Image.

The ribbon foundation is one-piece monolithic blocks made of reinforced concrete. They are support for the main bearing elements of the construction.

Ribbon foundations are distinguished by the depth of its bookmark. For this sign, they are divided into:

  • betented
  • understanding.

They differ among themselves mostly only the depth of the tired trench. Such a base is sufficiently stable in order to withstand a massive multi-storey house. An increase in the bearing capacity is implemented by increasing the mass of reinforced concrete.

It should be said that not always the use of an in-depth foundation justifies yourself. So, for example, such a reason for the construction of low-rise buildings. It is most relevant when it is necessary to build a building from heavy materials, especially if the construction is built. Such foundation is also suitable for construction on complex soils.

Consider some more details of the dignity and disadvantages of such a foundation. Of the advantages you need to highlight the following:

  1. It has excellent carrier properties, which allows it to use when other types of foundations do not cope with the load.
  2. If there is such a foundation in the already built building, you can make the ground floor, the basement. After all, the plates of the foundation will be used as the walls of this room. In order to build a basement or ground floor, it will be enough to concrete the floor. If you need, the basement is without any problems deepen.

We now turn to disadvantages:

  1. A significant disadvantage is the high consumption of building materials for the fill of the tape base. The price will respectively will be higher than when a device of other types of bases.
  2. In addition, it will be necessary to carry out volumetric land work. Because of this, a lot of time is spent on the construction of the foundation. You can speed up the construction with the help of equipment, but then expenses will even increase.
  3. Of the disadvantages, it is also worth noting the fact that the tapes of such foundations are subject to deformation when the soil is frozen. To avoid this, it is recommended to use the services of a geodesist, which will analyze your site.

The order of the fill of the belt foundation


Marking of belt foundation

An ordinary ribbon foundation is built up to 400 millimeters width. When the perimeter of the future base will be outlined, the reinforcement should be scored in the corners. It will help to check how direct the corners turned out. For measurements, a tilter and laser roulette will still need.

Armature around the perimeter must be fixed with a durable lace or fishing line. Internal marking is done in the same way. Approximate foundation depth - 400 millimeters. It is very important that the bottom of the trench, where the base will be located, was as smaller as possible, especially in relation to the level of water. It is easily checked with a water level.

Pillow of belt foundation

The pillow is needed for mitigation and load balancing. She has arranged after the trench has been dug. The recommended thickness of this layer at least 150 millimeters. It is very important that the surface of the pad and the bottom of the future of the foundation were equal, various defects were absent from them. When sand is filled in the trench, it should drench and compacted.

Formwork strip foundation


As for the formwork, then it can be made from scrap materials. For this purpose, it is recommended to use pieces of boards, plywood, pieces of metal. Possible to erect the formwork directly at the construction site.

Always make sure that the finished formwork above the expected level of concrete. When this is achieved, it is necessary to fix the level with the mark on the outside. Then, on the perimeter of fishing line is pulled again, but a reference to it will already be set by the label.

Reinforcement of belt foundation

For reinforcement device do the following:

  1. Prepare the bottom of the foundation for the installation of steel reinforcement. For this purpose it is necessary to lay bricks.
  2. Then it is necessary to link the valve in a grid with a mesh size of 330 to 350 millimeters. This is done by means of binding wire.
  3. After that, the finished reinforcement should be laid on top of the bricks that were laid before.
  4. In some cases, reinforcing mesh does not fit and is made by welding. This variant has poor flexibility. To fittings in the process of further work was not within the monolith, the mesh on each side of the surface must be indented by about 50 millimeters.

Ventilation strip foundation

For ventilation device taken pipes made of asbestos or plastic. So when pouring concrete in them did not get a solution, they are filled with sand. Similarly, make the necessary conduits for communications. Once they have arranged below ground level. When working with the foundation will be completed, the pipes are opened, the sand is removed. Then, the necessary communications and water are conducted.

Waterproofing strip foundation


Waterproofing should be made before casting is performed strip foundation. If this is not done, the ground water will destroy it. Most often, the waterproofing is done as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the pit is laid roofing material.
  2. After filling and drying the foundation, it should also be chosen to rubberoid from all sides. To increase reliability, it can be missed with a hot resin. The main advantages of this method are simplicity and efficiency. But it has one significant disadvantage - a short life, that is, after 2-3 years it will be necessary to lay a new waterproofing.
  3. To avoid such a frequent replacement of waterproofing, it is best to use modern waterproofing materials to which, for example, penetron refers. This mixture allows the surface of concrete waterproof. To create waterproofing, penetron is introduced into the concrete mixture at the stage of filling the ribbon foundation. It is important that after this solution is well mixed. Due to this, the belt foundation will be reliably protected from the destruction of groundwater.

Ribbon Fundament Fill Technology


  1. For this, the concrete of the 400 brand is used. It is important that it will be covered at a time. Pouring a ribbon foundation of parts is not recommended. Otherwise, after frozen, the formation of cavities that are called cold seams is possible. They can enter moisture, which will destroy act on the foundation. Then no waterproofing will help prevent it.
  2. According to the rules of fillings of the belt foundation, before starting work, it is recommended to check the maintenance of the machine. It should pour the mixture from any angle of formwork. To check the unit, you can make a trial tray.
  3. In addition, before the start of work, check the consistency of the solution. If he managed to dry, then it is possible to add some water to give the desired viscosity into it, after which it is pretty stirring.
  4. So that in the foundation did not form air pockets, in the process of filling, the solution is required to constantly ram. This can be done both by any suitable remedies and with a depth vibrator. The acquisition of special tools obviously increases the overall cost of filling the tape basement.
  5. When the fill of the ribbon foundation under the house will be completed, you should carefully align the surface. This can be done with the help of a construction shop. In addition to the mixture, excess air can go out, it is necessary to pierce it in several places with dipstick or reinforcement. In addition, you need to catch up with the outside of the Cyonya.

In no case cannot leave the process of drying the foundation on samoneck. Be sure to take care of it all this time. To do this, it suffices to follow some simple rules:

  1. So, if it is raining, the foundation must be stolen. It is better to do it always for the night regardless of precipitation.
  2. With bright sun and high temperature during the daytime it is necessary to water it with water. This will avoid cracks.
  3. The formwork can be removed only a month after the proper fill of the belt foundation, not earlier. Although it is often done in a week.

If the foundation is needed to build a garage, then in this case the pile-belt option is suitable. In this case, throughout the perimeter of the garage area under carriers of lags at a distance of 1-2 meters from each other, piles are placed, which are pipes from asbestos cement with a diameter of 200 millimeters.

Filling of a belt foundation: video

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