Growing Way: Step-by-step instructions

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Walkers are considered the most popular kind of mushrooms for growing in artificial conditions. Their beautiful taste, the rapid growth rates and the efficiency of the whole process make it possible to receive stable yields even on a limited area (on a plot or in the apartment). In addition, cultivation will be very exciting occupations, to take part in which even children can. In this article, you will learn how to organize your mushroom garden and get large yields will be asked every year.

Types for growing at home

There are many types of varieties depending on the place of growth and the ripening period. For cultivation in an artificial environment, only two of them are suitable: summer and winter. Winter is the greatest popularity, since they do not require large areas and financial costs.


Summer woven can also be raised for home use or on an industrial scale, but in this case you will need a separate and specially adapted room: cellar, boxing or hangar. In this room it is important to create optimal climatic conditions at which the rate of harvest growth will accelerate. Mushrooms are divorced by summer whale on stumps, massive branches or wood waste (extruded or ordinary chips).

Breeding to Stump

If you have a small area where birch or spruce stumps remained, it can be used for cultivation. But for this not any hemps are suitable - wood should be dense, not spoiled by the borders and not drowning from old age. Stumps must be wet. It is possible to determine the permissible level of humidity in the saturated dark color of the cut and the release of the liquid from a small swollen piece. Moreover, it is important that the stump is moistened to the core itself, and not only outside.

To independently moisten the stump, abundantly water it 1-2 days before sowing the mushrooms of the Openka. Leite cold water buckets or water from the hose with small portions so that water so much has done to absorb them into the wood.


Sowing fruit bodies

Sowing material, that is, the mushrooms of the Openka itself, ordered on the Internet or find yourself in the forest. You can take the fruit bodies yourself, as well as small pieces of wood affected by mycelium.

How to plant mushrooms if you use the fruit body of the Opel:

  1. Pick exclusively overwhelmed caps of the diameter from 8 to 12 cm. The bottom side of the caps should be dark brown.
  2. Select 10-20 hats and place them in a bucket with natural naked water. Water water or water from quarries or other standing sources is not suitable in this case.
  3. Leave mushrooms in water for a day.
  4. Get off the hats with your hands without removing from the water to get a casheaking mass.
  5. Carefully stir the resulting solution and profile it through several layers of gauze.
  6. So you will get a bolt from the dispute, which you need to pour prepared stumps. To increase the area of \u200b\u200binfection, on the vertical surfaces of the stumps, make small recesses and also pour in the infusion there. Receptions are best done in a chess order so that mushrooms do not interfere with each other freely grow. In one small stump, it is enough to make up to 10 such recesses.
  7. Get out the deepening with wet wood sawdresses or moss collected in the forest. Thus, you will ensure maximum moisture preservation. Hemp eights should be left open.

On average, an average of an average of up to 1 liter of the controversy bolt. The disputes will be "sissing" slowly, and the first harvest will appear no earlier than 1.5- 2 years after sowing. Fruit such widespread on the stump for 5 years. During this time, the stump is usually completely destroyed, after which the fruit bodies move to Earth and are attached to the large roots of the nearest trees.


This method can be grown by any species, however, if you are going to cultivate a summer grade, it is best to select hemp hardwood (birch, aspen, poplar). On the coniferous, the mushroom develops much slower. You can land mushrooms from May to August.

Useful advice: In order to quickly and easily fill all the deepening by the dispute in Nasty, use the usual enema or fringe. The minimum diameter of the hemp or the trunk of the deceased tree, which you will infect, should be at least 15 cm.

Sowing mushrooms

Most of the professional mushrooms prefer to infect wood with particles of mushrooms. Unlike sowing disputes, they grow much faster, and the first harvest can be collected for the next year.

You can find the mushroom in the forest massif on almost rotten stumps. If you caught the place where it grows a lot again, choose the most pronounced area of \u200b\u200bthe development of mushrooms - it can be determined by the abundance of light cream yarns and a saturated mushroom fragrance.


How to grow sick of mushrooms:

  1. Find a fungntic in the forest and separate a piece from Stump. Divide it into several small parts of about 1x1 cm or 2x2 cm.
  2. In the hemp, intended for growing mushrooms, make outbreaks on the sides - a couple of pieces on the ends and up to 7 pieces on the vertical sides. Delete the size of the recesses in accordance with the pieces of wood brought from the forest.
  3. Drink pieces of vaccination wood in the holes and close their sawdust or moss. To easily push the sawdust in the deepening, pour them onto the sheet, bring to the punchy and confuse with a stick or ruler.
  4. The end part of the stumps cover the thick polyethylene with a segment and presate the stone so that it does not blown to the wind. The film will retain due level of moisture inside the stump.
  5. With the onset of cold weather, cover the contaminated hemp with a spruce noodle.
  6. In the spring, when the snow starts to melt, make sure that melting water can easily fall on the ends of the hemp. It can dramatically change the acidity of the medium inside the stump and harvest the developing mushrooms. If the water in excess falls inside, fruiting will be delayed for a month or longer. Therefore, with the onset of spring, it is better to immediately shook the snow from the facothy.
  7. Clean fir branches should be removed before fruiting: in early June - for summer summer, and at the end of July - for autumn.

IMPORTANT: Some of them are known for their pronounced parasitic characteristics, so it is important to ensure safety measures when growing them on the site. Otherwise, mushrooms can infect fruitful cultures. Drop the trench with a depth of 30 cm and 10 cm width at a distance of 2 m around the infected stump.

Growing in Teplice

Walked (photo) Great not only in the outdoors, but also in the greenhouse. At the same time, the mushrooms receive consistently large crops, because in greenhouses is always supported by the optimal level of humidity for the growth of mushrooms.


How to grow whatever in a greenhouse:

  1. Choose a little climbing logs and fold them into a bunch in the corner of the greenhouse. Also fit the usual trimming logs in bags.
  2. Pour the wood with a bolt with disputes themselves and leave until germination.
  3. Periodically you can irrigate the logs with rain or river water. The optimal option is sprinkling for 5 minutes every hour from 12:00 to 17:00.
  4. The first harvest will appear in mid-June and will not come down until September.

Interesting: Summer woven has a more pronounced taste and aroma than winter. They are perfectly suitable for the preparation of fragrant sauces, warm salads and Zhulienov.

Growing in banks

If you don't have your own country area, but I really want to grow very much, you can grow them directly on the windowsill in the apartment of a high-rise building. Put the jar with a mushroom to the window and take care of it, as the most ordinary room plant. However, this method of cultivation is suitable only for winter.

Winter ished - the only kind of mushrooms capable of growing fully and developing on the windowsill in the apartment. This is partly due to its small size - the maximum diameter of the hat is 5 cm. Mushrooms grow on long thin legs and can become not only fragrant ingredient dinner, but also an original interior decoration.


How to grow whatever in the jar:

  1. Prepare a substrate, mixing bran and wood sawdust in a 1: 3 ratio. It is recommended to take sawdust from deciduous trees. Also, sawdust can be mixed with buckwheat husk, sunflower husk or expensed maize corn. In fact, the cobs and seeds can be used even without sawdust as an independent substrate.
  2. Soak the sawdust in the water for a day, press and put it into the cans with a volume of 3 liters, filled them on ½.
  3. With the help of a long stick with a diameter of up to 2 cm, do in the substrate recess until the bottom.
  4. Pasteurize banks as if you did conservation for the winter. This eliminates all pathogenic microorganisms, and will not give to develop mold. Put banks in a saucepan with hot water and boil 60 minutes. On low heat. In the morning, repeat the procedure again.
  5. When the contents of the can be cooled to about 24 ° C, close them with plastic covers with holes with a diameter of up to 2 mm.
  6. Make mycelium through these holes in an amount of approximately 5-7% of the total mass of the foundation. For convenience, you can use a medical syringe.
  7. In order for the fungita sprout, it is necessary to wait about 30 days. All this time, banks must be in a warm place, the air temperature in which should not be descended below 20 ° C (ideally 23-24C).
  8. When the first primitives appeared, banks should be transferred to the windowsill, located on the north side - the shadow "love" mushrooms, and a large amount of sunlight can harm them. In winter, the banks can be reached on the balcony if the temperature is not lowered there below 13c.
  9. As soon as the way is stretched to the neck of the jars, the cover should be removed and wrap the neck with a wide bandboard strip, building a kind of "collar". When the mushrooms rise beyond the banks, they will grow within the boundaries of this strip. Periodically splash the hats of mushrooms, trying to maintain optimal humidity at 85-90%.
  10. Winter yields from cans can be assembled after 2 weeks after germination of the mushrooms. You can cut them as ordinary garden flowers, and the remaining legs just pull out. After a couple of weeks, a new game of mushrooms will grow.

At home, you will spend at home at home. In one bank, 3 liters can be raised to 1.5 kg.

Buy Mycelium Winter Opel can be in specialized crop stores or order via the Internet. Finally, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the useful video about widespread and growing mushrooms in an artificially created environment:

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